Why do you still have no children, Sup Forums?

Why do you still have no children, Sup Forums?

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Tragically enough my waifu cannot give birth.

find a new one

fuck her she just wants my money!


haven't yet graduated. oh, and i don't want them anyway.

bc i can't compete with bbc

I come from a family if intellectually disadvantaged , ultra violent psychopathic addicts, I figured it best not to burden the world with my progeny.

Because look at your pic OP.

I'd molest the fuck out of her.

>Why do you still have no children, Sup Forums?
Because I don't want Podesta to rape them.

No waifu no money no job

it gives the government too much control over my life, and an avenue to fuck with me

what a sweetie
i still wouldn't sit through some stupid kid's movie to placate her childishness tho

oh wait, since this is /pol:

i wonder (((who))) could be behind this

I refuse to produce a Horrible child older generations have ruined the life of

Could never afford it, plus suitable breeding partner never attained. Now I'm just too old.

Why don't people adopt a white child

read your bible some moore, roy

can't get a cumrag pregnant yet

too expensive, plus they are annoying

having children in a city putting them in public schools when land is cheap in the county and have have more control over what your children is expose to why the fuck would anyone stay in the cancer if they can leave


middle class

when you're middle class you're stuck in a position where children are literally leeches whom you bring into this world to suffer and make your life miserable.

leave the city

because nobody likes me

I'm a low-t soyboy beta male manlet


The time for arguments has passed.

Waiting till I finish school. Trying to do the nursing school thing but failing that any degree and out in 2 years once I have a paying whitecollar job making above 30k the wife and I will start popping them out. 2 biological and 1 adopted is the plan.

i have 5

I have 4. All from the same woman, all conceived after marriage, and I'm happily still married to their mother.

They are rare for adoptions: everyone wants them.

Because I want the best of both worlds, so I'll become a father at around 40. I'll be at the peak of my career and earning, and will be able to attract a 25 qt.

It's virtually impossible to find quality women around me. How I'm supposed to have a family if 99.9% of the women here are sluts and/or out right commies?

White's still biggest racial group in America in 2060. Europoors btfo.

>Why do you still have no children, Sup Forums?
I'm unable to bear children, because don't have a womb.

Can't find a girl worth marrying and I don't want to risk my bakery


Have you forgotten what website you're on

us a sperm donor. like a math professor.

Mistakes in the past. Lived as a liberal (didn't want kids), and generally took women & companionship for granted. Always looking for the upgrade.

I focused on my career over finding a wife. I am quite successful, but my social skills have suffered. Also I'm here, so that means my views don't mesh up with a lot of folks.
I really want kids though. 3-4 to help save the white race's dying demographics.

Because right now I'm broke as a motherfucker and I'm not a completely irresponsible cunt.

Because of this shit.

Marry an Abo. You'd be rich to her.

Not with that fat gut and neckbeard. Dream on.

I have 5 Children. Allah the greatest praised me!

go to poland, belarus, one of the baltic states, ukraine, or argentina and grab a bride there if you cant find a decent women nearby.

Lmao. Nah, I'm happy with my girl, we were planning a family but I copped an unexpected redundancy just as we were about to pull the goalkeeper. Thank fuck we didn't, I'd be in a world of hurt right now.


In fairness that was right after very heavy weight training

I have one. Working on a second.

Nip nap? No, SNIP SNAP!

artificial wombs aren't a thing just yet

one waifu
one laifu

That's what you get for going 2D.


Because I'm an introvert and I don't have friends to set me up with girls

2 here queer

Well that went from cute to lewd at 17secs

Because that would require interacting with 3D women.

i cant provide yet for a good life to my kids, but i want to have in the future

I would like to know how the fuck single parent. ex-homeless student college drop out stuck on entry level job to bear any children.
Thanks to my shitty life, i didn't have gf ever, never had kiss, never had sex, and I'm naturally hated by woman. Fuck you OP!

I don't think highly enough of this world to recommend it to anyone else.

I have 8 children.
Viva la raza!


1. I will probably start hunting for a wife when I turn ~28, if successful then a kid will come soon after.
2. I'm scared as SHIT that I will get a girl, the sexual harassments, the rapes, the abuse. Fuck no.
Honestly, bringing up a girl in today's world and especially Sweden would just be cruel to the child.
3. I need to find a good area with a private school, since I refuse to put my future kids in a public school.

Kidnap doesn't count you nonce

I don't want to get cucked into child support payments

But I do. Got a few little sextoys and some sons and going to have more. My wife hasn't been not pregnant for more than a couple months at a time since when we got married.

I know what you mean, OP.

/x/ is the reason plebbit is autistic so no more children

Western women are trash, overpopulation, cost of living rising.

I can't fucking afford them whilst saving for a house and pension

>I'm not cold, I'm just shivering
Still such a hot video.

Because I am 19 and not a nigger OP

My wife actually just have birth to my son yesterday. Sitting in the hospital now waiting to be released. Save your race, make white babies.

Yes, this.

And this

>not doing home births
Why? It's much better for mother and child


Court order.

Am I crazy or is this girl actually super cute? Wish I had a daughter or gf like her.

because i had a vasectomy

Yes, Anna a cute.

I agree, but she was insistent on the hospital. It's free, since I'm military but still. She did it all natural still though. No drugs at all.



Is there something wrong with your eyes? She's beautiful.

Can't find a woman who isn't a whore

girls are sluts also i have no job and live at parents house

You hypergamous slut you

ur fault

if by whore u mean will fuck chad, that isnt a problem if u r chad, girls dont fuck down. get them young, make them yours by dicking them daily and treating them right. nothing will happen.

girls WANT to be chads private whore and baby maker, pls learn

Are you an actual roastie or how could a man get this fucked up? Cute girls are cute.

ugly kid 2bh

>make them yours by dicking them daily

lol you don't know shit

ITT pedo larping as dads


might have a genetic problem that causes children to have a partial chromosonal deletion of sorts. not quite downsy but close enough

>or gf

because I can't stand women

stay mad that the most successful, and most powerful country on earth is mudblood

I'm selfish and hedonistic and gay and my experience with my younger siblings shows me I would be a bad dad

You're supposed to marry a girl and make her a good woman, moron.