SOROS is behind these nigger shit threads

These niggers will literally come out of nowhere raiding Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

No its just soy boys

Both need to GTFO


These niggers are spamming with the black bull bullshit

$18bil behind it.

No coincidence, this shit started after he injected money into the foundations

6$ per post and counting muttboiz

Jews would never do something like that. The love peace and harmony, not division and turmoil.

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Get over it, subhuman.

He realized that the ANTIFAS are demoralized and now he is betting everything on BLM

This thread is made by jews to racebait you into posting shit and wasting time bitching about niggers when the problem is the jews who brought them here and the jews that brought the muslims here.

When you see these threads that jews make as a distraction make one pointing out how jews brought slaves here, or jews bring muslims here, or jews hate america or everyone who is white.

DONT FALL FOR JEWISH RACE BAITING, jews bought blm to trick blacks into hating whites same way jews run neonazi sites and always steer conversation into black v white instead of against the jews.

is the bbc legit or is it just a meme

Correct, mostly...
But we can convert them.
Quick boys, hit these libs with your redpills!!!



The jews dont contro..

A truck load of thermite was used to take down the towers

Basement of wtc after clean up... molten rock, what?!

Stop using that flag you cuckservative paranoid faggot

>literally Geology 101
>Manhattan = Island
You should have paid more attention in school. Not saying 9/11 wasn't riggity-riggity-rigged, but be less retarded plox.

Here's what they're sliding:
Above all else, they want to paralyze us from applying our memeing ability to a senate race.