This board should be taken down

As a strong and independent woman fighting for equal rights and equal pay, I think this board deserves to be taken down. It undermines my self confidence as a woman living in a country that does not respect women's rights.

I read "This broad needs to be taken down" but then was disappointed

mmmmmm bagina arm


Tits or gtfo you hippo


prove to us why you deserve rights

bruh this has to be fake

I agree. This board needs to be destroyed.

her armpit has an armpit

>Wants respect
>Goes on this website

We only give rights to people with IQs higher than 20, sorry

When your pits have their own pit.


Weak Bait

Shoo ya big fat cow

with a bit of oil, i believe, this can be made to work


Shill thread. 1 post by the ID. SAGE.
Damn, you guys are so gullible.

Nice try, kid. This troll failed, but you've got promise. Takes guts. Here - never say Uncle Mickey never gave you anything

So who is this strong independent sow that cannot take a little banter?

show us your fuckin 56% pussy

That’s a huge bitch.

its taking literally everything she's got to keep that fupa up

feminism is just ugly fat women hating on pretty women and men because they want pretty women and not fat ugly women. that's just scientific fact


still waiting on those pics of that fat moist cunt slot

Don't care.
>would facefuck
Don't care.
>would facefuck

The best part about this is how true to life it is.

Show your back tits or GTFO

If your confidence is so easily undermined, then why should you be considered an equal? And you want to be paid the same?

>1 post by this ID


nice try gay retard

No one is paid to shitpost on this board

your narrative has fallen apart

>respect women's rights
I stopped reading there.