How do we get millenial girls to opt-in to society

how do we get millenial girls to opt-in to society

Start raising them right
Behind every shitty woman is a man that failed in his duty to lead her

girls belong in the kitchen, kiwi. their "participation" is how we got into this fucking mess in the first place.

My fucking roommate watches broad city. he is quite literally the most emasculated "man" I've ever seen

1. Restrict funding to public universities and public schools that have extensive Marxist social sciences programs
2. Use that extra funding and put it towards extra curricular programs like home economics, woodworking, shop, archery, marksmanship, etc. Anything that encourages traditional roles in both sexes.

They already have. They are just waiting for guys who arent loser pieces of shit. Ive been to 3 millenial wedding this year already. Cute couples bright futures. One gal She did running start and got her bachelor's at 22 years old. Besides debt very upwardly mobile. The grooms men carried dothraki curved swords.

Sour grapes. Someone cant seal the deal. How is the no friend zone treating you.

Hahahaha, I am glad you wont be breeding.

No matter how well you raise a girl, the internet, social media etc will eventually take control of their easily malleable mind.

Strip them of their rights and beat them into submission.

roastie detected

It will only get worse

My school had a huge boost in funding from the charest government (qc) and what my school did with the money? Build 3 new pools and 5 gyms, no new class rooms like wtf

I was in the "special" class cause i kept trolling teachers, my teacher said to me, if you cant learn then learn to work, so in school i was doing woodworking while others was doing exams i was welding trailers while others were circle jerking in sports class, now i got full time job while the others circle jerk for weed,

Just shows how much the education system functions.

Pics or gtfo

>The grooms men carried dothraki curved swords.

Yeah that sounds like some fucking retarded LARP shit, way to go

>game of thrones

pic related

Good shit leaf.


>i was in the special class cause i kept trolling my teachers
>nono i was just pretending to be stupid

The problem with trying to restrict funding from universities social science departments is that social science only requires very little funding. Compare a chemestry lab or an engineering factory to a social science classroom. One has million dollar equipment, the other has a bunch of 10 dollar chairs and tables, along with study material consisting of some .pdf files on a server.

Funding from social science has already been restricted. It did not help much.

Get rid of the Jews that brainwashed them. Why do you think women have abandoned things like starting families? Postmodernist gender deconstruction and media of course. Who is behind these things?

See even if you restrict or outright ban their access they'll turn into degenerates.

Jew crap

It's logic:

1. Women gravitate to Chad. Follow Chads habits. Seek Chad.
2. Therefore Chad is the leader of society. If Chad uses FB, Instagram, goes to College, watches Netflix, Stacey does too.
3. The onus is on Chad to reject these social constructs.
4. Once rejected, Stacey follows Chads new path.

not true. give her a good cervix popping deep dicking and force fuck her to explosive orgasm, and she will be your willing slave forever.

That's true, better majors have more costs involved but funding for specific departments also extends to salaries and pensions for faculty, support staff, and any space and amenities devoted to those departments. These are not small costs by any means. Keeping the lights on during the year alone is a huge burden on the taxpayer.

Give the social sci dept. access to a shared air conditioned portable and maybe a portable toilet.

Please stop using the term roastie, the length of a woman's labia should not be the judge of how much sex she has had. For example: my mom's vagina is still puffy with little to no labia length despite having sex semi regularly. My sister on the other hand has a 'roastie' vagina but is still a virgin

you need to back up this claim with proof

How do you undo shitty parenting for an entire generation?

Canada, everyone.

remove them from the equation


>t. Virgin who has never seen a vagina

respectful girls mind their own business and sometimes even avoid society. there are virgins out there in their late 20s just waiting for the right man
not very many of these

men who don't want roasties are normally very cautious around women

so now we have a problem. good people are highly suspicious and slow to trust anyone

to be honest if I met the perfect girl there is a good chance I would totally ignore her and she would assume that if I gave her any attention I only want to put my dick in her and nothing more

what do we do about that???

My thought was always to create the polar opposite of tinder.

>muh virgin
it's the only fall back you roasties have

>Infidel calls me a roastie
I noticed your numbers, better praise your false God

nice LARP, you type like a women

One upped and slammed again gross vagoo roastie.
>pic related would have made you happy but now you're all used up

And you type like a Jew, hope you can Dodge my shoe


nope. that isnt enough. lots of guys can make her cum.

>im part german


A social network for the express purpose of bringing together men and women who want to form productive, healthy marriages, with controls in place to remove those looking just for hookups.


i feel bad for girls that were born pretty. they never had a chance to develop into anything remotely close to human beings because of the beta hoards always groveling at their feet. best girls to date i've found are ex-fatties or late bloomers

so a dating website/app?
we have a few of those already and they're not great, simply because the majority of people who use them are either desperate or don't value themselves
And even if there are genuine people on them, the connotation with dating sites is that they're for desperate people, which has a huge negative connotation

Yeah but you'll just find girls wanting beta bucks. I suppose some real ones would slip through.

The emphasis is on marriage. A dating site is for 'dating'. Even if its just semantics, it colors people's expectations.

>the connotation with dating sites is that they're for desperate people
Last I checked that is not the consensus when it comes to tinder, despite it being little more than a dating site on stimulants.

>I suppose some real ones would slip through
Better than none.

The main purpose is the (I beleive) untapped market of people who

A) Want to get married
B) Don't want to just hook up with a dozen random strangers each year
C) Aren't socially involved enough to find each-other unaided.

As far as I know, no existing platform caters to this sort of person.

Women aged 18-23 only

I'd widen that range slightly, but that's not a bad idea.

By 25 they've been through so many cock carousels.

>2013: This 1 is the real thing!
>2014: I just need to fuck to get over my ex
>2015: This 1 is the real thing!
>2016: I just need to fuck to get over my exes

I agree that women are easily manipulated. If you're not smart enough to keep your broad away from modern degeneracy it's your problem, not society's.

Literally same story in my liberal hometown. I was put in special education and encouraged to learn a trade in my high schools vocational program. I make more than most of my classmates that went to school with no debt and got a job straight out of school thru my teacher.

I don't disagree, and the semantics is a good point. It would just be hard to get off the ground with the other "competition" even if there is a difference.
>Last I checked that is not the consensus when it comes to tinder, despite it being little more than a dating site on stimulants.
People know it's a hookup app. As opposed to sites like okcupid or plentyoffish and what have you. Some people do think Tinder is also for desperate people, but it certainly is less common. Perhaps due to the rising degeneracy in the world, but that's just my opinion.

The problem there is hookup culture, not age. This would exclude women who are just socially inept.

>It would just be hard to get off the ground with the other "competition" even if there is a difference.
The mistake here is trying to "compete", this wouldn't be a commercial venture, it would be a humanitarian effort, in a sense.

Good begets good, the issue is that there isn't a critical mass of healthy marriages producing healthy children which go on to have healthy marriages, the purpose of this would be a last-ditch attempt to get that critical mass in order to reverse the trends of the last half-century.

>The problem there is hookup culture, not age. This would exclude women who are just socially inept.

Come on lad by 24 if no man has swooped in and taken a virtuous woman it's not because of men. They don't exist.

A man will lock down a good woman as soon as he finds her.

keep them out
least we need is millennials to fucking breed

Not all good women let themselves "be found".

>How do you undo shitty parenting for an entire generation?
We all know the answer, but don't dare say it.

It's like adopting someone elses dog and retraining it.

Much better to adopt a trained dog.