Why do white men rape so much?

Why do white men rape so much?

Exactly how many of those guys are jews?

>hurry bring in sand niggers to rape my ass
what about that gook george takei

Someone needs to get a pic of the average Detroit jail roster for rape convicts and respond to her with that.


Those, Spacey, and the guy on the bottom right, Richard Gere? are the only ones I recognize. At least three Jews. I think Dryfuss has been accused along with two others.

They still claim men. Just like anti-gun fags never touch race.


some of those are jews
Not white
this is what (((They))) want

Why do kikes constantly defame and libel white men? What is it in their evil little spirit that makes them compelled to relentlessly lash out at us?

Without knowing for sure, I think I could hazard a guess.
>All of them.

What does it matter what their religion is?

>Please don't mention Bill Cosby, Herman Cain or any rappers

It's the rapey shitskin DNA

You mean they all vote the same political party?

White - race
Jew- religion

Hohoho very slick there but everyone knows they are an ethnic group first

Can't spell rapper without raper

>poltard trying desperately to distract from the flameout of Roy Moore for the seventh time this week
Have a (you)

The one at the bottom.

I don't know, why do black people rape so much?

>Your religion can show up on your 23 and me
Your bait isn't very well made

Let me guess, she's blaming white men right?

instead of posting this shit here why not reply to the dumb cunt?


mostly jews

>they all distinctly look jewish
huh weird

I know, they're all Jewish. Truly /ourgal/.



typical normie let him be
all of my normie friends think Judaism is only a religion

like 3 or 4

Literally nobody that knows me thinks that
Mostly because it's the only red pill I'll say to family/friends
Literally all it takes

Because a lot of white men are democrats ?

Literally three quarters of those men are Jews. Jews aren't white.

>that pic
o i am laffin!

>Why do white men rape so much?
Don't you mean?
Why do liberal Democrats rape so much?
She forgot to put Clinton in that lineup, and Barney Fag. I would say Anthony (CarlosDanger) Weiner but he only sent penis pics to underage girls. Though that could count as rape as well under the new everything is rape definition of feminism.

Oh my god, Becky, she looks like one of those rape guys "girlfriends".

They forgot to add Bill Clinton

Theyre all fake Jews who are nearly 100% European genetically

>Someone needs to get a pic of the average Detroit jail roster for rape convicts and respond to her with that.
>Someone should cherry pick a specific city to deflect the overall rape demographic being predominantly white

Niggers create more crime EVERYWHERE they concentrate on earth.

This is why it's either our survival, or the niggers.

>white men
I think you mean Jews

all these white fags scape goating jews when theres only one ethnic genetic jew in the pic

They're all Jewish.

That disgusting jew raped Emma, and programmed her into hating white males ;_;

no theyre not

bottom right is dustin hoffman

What they all have in common is that none of them ever raped a nigger. They stayed with their own species.

about half

what i find common in them is that theyre liberals and have power. like bill clinton.

all of those guys still don't come close to COsby's #s tho

80% are jew.

true. but 100 percent are liberals. most of these liberals that are brainwahing the population through the media are jews but not all,look at obama and bill clinton for example. if you guys focused on the fact that theyre all liberals you would actually get people on your side because the normies are just gonna bring up the point i brought that its not all jews.

It's either rape or a mass shooting. Your choice liberal.

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers bitch... niggers and Jews rape more than whites

Rape. Mass shootings usually have deaths. Death is forever, rape lasts a few minutes.

>Why do white men rape so much?
Because they don't have their black slaves available anymore.

>White people
>Most of them are Jews
Can you pick one plz? Plz, desu? You call us Nazis and yet you hate us for trying to disown the (((whites))) in this picture...

Also if Africa, the middle East and south America we're as tedious about reporting rape and molestation charges as white countries, the numbers would be so much different. Remember: in Africa and the middle east, you can be lit on fire or stoned for admitting you were raped... The police will kek I'd you try to mention it or file a report.


Lol if she included Cosby he alone would over represent black males.

Compared to say, Muslim men? I highly doubt that.

Someone reply calling her an antisemite please

Lol but when it comes to looking at the color of inmates or crime stats suddenly every liberal is blind.

Cause they make the news a lot easier. /Phildo.

It's honestly 50% the womens fault.

ah yes

white when wrong
jewish when right

If she doesn't realize that the name Weinstein automatically has echoes, she's a dumb goy.