>rooting for the wrong man

I didn't think Sup Forums was this stupid

Other urls found in this thread:


Trudeau has been in freefall in the polls ever since he cucked us over refugees. Canadian Ethnic Nationalism is on fucking rockets lately, it's awesome.

Over on r*ddit the canadian board is filled with people whining about how right wing the board is now, and crying that it must be Russian bots, but the truth is the country at large is even further right.


So are you telling me there is still a chance that Canada would be a place I could travel, work and live in? I lost hope after the replicated my country with the immigration.


Travel to*

Maybe that was the plan all along.

Actually, the truth is that the Canadian rebbit board gets spammed with anti-Trudeau threads every single day by a few posters. It's ALWAYS the same couple guys who are obvious Sup Forumsdays. And the Reddit admins banned a few of them a while back because one guy was spamming the board with multiple accounts.

Trudeau is on record saying that Canada has no culture of its own. Now something that doesn't exist needs to be protected?

I can't wait to go to Canada so I can eat as much animal pussy and dick as I want. I can't wait to go to Canada so I can get arrested for telling a chick to fuck off and she identified as a dude. I can't wait for my kids to get taken away because they were being stupid and pretending to be the opposite gender for a few moments and I wouldn't play along. I can't wait to live in a country whose entire population will be replaced by immigrants in 40 years. Man, sounds like paradise.

link plox?

I dont into plebbit so i don no it.

>Trudeau is on record saying that Canada has no culture of its own.

No, he didn't. He said there was no mainstream identity, as a nation of different cultures, but we all have shared values, such as respect, working hard, being there for each other. Maybe you don't share those values, which is why you take such offence to it. Shall we take single quotes out of context and nail politicians to the cross with them? Your favourite politician is just as guilty of that.

>I can't wait to go to Canada so I can eat as much animal pussy and dick as I want.

You can do that in many of your states, which have fully legalized bestiality. Good to see you care so much about us.

You have a better chance of getting into Canada if you walk across the US border than if you apply legally. Something like 60% of these guys get accepted.

>Justin Trudeau Prime minister of Canada and recreational cannabis user

Now I know the quote is false, you had me hopeful for a second there. It was good for a laugh though, thanks buddy.

Fuck Trudeau. Impeach that faggot ass kike sucker.

>Something like 60% of these guys get accepted.

That was from less than 6% of the refugees being processed.


>Now I know the quote is false, you had me hopeful for a second there. It was good for a laugh though, thanks buddy.

Except that was actually one of the disagreements he has with the TPP, and this has been literally government policy for years (decades, even).

The walk across the boarder and pretend the U.S. isn't the first safe country you came to loophole needs to be closed immediately.

We should be processing zero percent of those fucking people and it should cost us exactly zero fucking dollars to do it. I'm not without compassion, though, they should be given one free fuck off to help them on their walk back.

>Extreme cuck leftist PM cucks so hard he cucks out of being leftist
Well guys, he’s on the fritz. With any luck that means he’ll go dormant until we can get the right-wing revolution going next election.
Maybe he just got an actual good glimpse at what he’s up against.

Canada is pretty based user, just stay out of the major cities. Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal- everywhere else is fine and +90% white.

Canada's ideal if you are looking to live an active lifestyle outdoors. Fishing hunting, hiking, sking, boating, camping etc. If you want your life to revolve around a career and luxury items Canada probably isnt for you.

Most of the people that bitch about Canada on this board are city dwellers so I cant fault them for complaining because the cities here suck.

This guy can't leave office soon enough.

The only reason its not illegal in some states is because people never thought that people would fuck animals so there's no law on the books. Its actually a felony in my state. Your SUPREME COURT took a look at fucking animals and said "Yeah that's fine" Think about that you maple syrup covered donkey fucker.

He's getting replaced with Jagmeet Singh. We're going full-retard turbo-leftist in a couple years.

> can't wait to live in a country whose entire population will be replaced by immigrants in 40 years

Just stay home then, le 52% faggot. Say hello to Pablo and Juan for me fat ass.

>The walk across the boarder and pretend the U.S. isn't the first safe country you came to loophole needs to be closed immediately.

That will probably involve negotiating with the US, since it's a bilateral deal. I haven't heard Trump mention anything about the agreement, though.

What you fail to mention is
1) They are crossing the border illegally from Champlain NY to Lacolle NY at Roxham road (many of them, mostly Haitian)
2) Tens of thousands of them have done this in 2017. They are "arrested" and then set free in Canada. Almost $2,000 a person for clothes/food essentials, $900/month/person for rent, a bus pass, plus other social benefits, paid for by the Canadian government.
3) Hearings for refugee status that should be happening by law in 60 days are taking 6 months or more. During this time they are on social benefits. Then they have the right to appeal over and over again. Different judges have different approval rates some as high as 96%. General approval rates on initial hearings are above 50%. During all this time their legal representation is paid by the Canadian government.

It's worse than Trudeau's government is letting on and when Temporary Protected Status ends for 300,000 people in early 2018 a LOT of them are going to head north and make it even worse when they flood CIC/IRCC and the claims become backlogged on initial hearings from months to years.

>giving a single fuck about leafers

I applied for a visa work permit in canada and couldnt get it. I have a master's degree in engineering

w-what timeline is this?

The judge deemed that the law was ambiguous regarding non-penetrative sex with animals. In Canada, bestiality is virtually unheard of, so new legislation is not really something the government is rushing to pass.

Seriously. Even in Ontario once you get 30 mins north of Major Mac it starts to turn White, Right wing and Rural

>can't even stop shit posting long enough to say vows at his own gay wedding

You've been waiting years for this. You can come back to shit post later.

By the way, before the leaf defense force says most get deported:
>Nevertheless, some of these migrants could find hope, since Canada’s acceptance rate is considerably high. Recent data from the Immigration and Refugee Board, released this week, found that almost 70 percent of refugees who move to Canada are granted asylum, up from 63 percent in 2016.

Work permits in Canada are a bitch unless you're a US Citizen under a NAFTA job category (engineering would generally qualify for a T23 NAFTA professional work permit). Fill out an application, take it to the border, in and out in 20 minutes with a work permit of up to 3 years for $155 CAD.

Nah he won't win because of vote splitting

That worked for a while, but the last election has shown it is far from a guarantee. Sheer isn't any more electable than Harper.

Nah, we're a good place to live still. Just stay out of Toronto and you're good.

Except they vote fucking NDP for the gibs. Atlantic Canada is also right wing ideologically, but cant stop voting Liberal.

Jutting your jaw out like that is not a smart move when its made of glass.

In all honesty, I can't tell sometimes if the Canadians on this board are LARPing or just ignorant of their own country's immigration laws. It is very, very hard to immigrate to Canada and become a citizen. Sure, immigrants get "taken in" (as in, physically taken into the country) but then months later they get booted the fuck out because the govt. is smart enough to know unskilled immigrants are just going to be a drain on the system and all things natural born Canadians hold dear (Iike the already over-burdened healthcare system). My girlfriend is Canadian (from Quebec, not Quebecoise, assholes) and she doesn't understand why so many people think Canada just "lets in" all these people bc they don't. Quebec, however, does suck the cock of any immigrant who parle français.......

we turned him with proof he's castro's kid

The Maritimes is a reactionary with no long term memory. They put up with someone for a while and then vote them out to put the guy they forgot they hate back in power. They at least traditional in that they won't elect the NDP at least.

Your right. People eating dog cunt isn't as important as making it illegal to disagree with your child's gender choices. Or other people's gender choices. Or disagreeing with "Islamapohia"

Spoke to my Canadian anglo cousin recently. He sympathised with cascadians and brexit and seemed to think immigration was really strict there and that refugees were indeed not welcome and being sent back in droves. (But was also aware that gooks are taking over the west coast.) Not sure what to think.

Months of living comfortably off tax payer money.

And the "Syrian" Refugees one year federal support payments are running out. Most of them cannot speak English well enough to work and their credentials are not recognized here so the statistics are about to look quite bad. Now they all move to an ethnic enclave in some major city and create no-go zones.

Not even worth a (You) for this pathetic bait.

None of those things are fucking important enough to waste tax payer money on training and enforcement and all the rest.

I don't want a dog-fucker enforcement squad any more than I want an Islamic hurt feelings brigade.

Muslims can cry and dog fuckers can go do their thing far from anything else and we get on with out lives without paying half our fucking income in taxes to stop people from doing stupid things that don't matter.

The problem is though that roughly 75% of the nations entire population lives in those major cities, so we are drastically outnumbered by liberal lefty cuck faggots. Hate to compare us to the US but down there the population is much more distributed between cities, small towns, and rural so the right wingers have more of a presence. Up here the far right could never influence an election, we just dont have the numbers. I'l


Yes xir, better get that right or you'll get fined or imprisoned.

>Months of living comfortably off tax payer money.

Not denying that that is bullshit. It does help you guys "look good" to the rest of the world but I'm sure once your Syrian refugees are revealed to be drains you're going to boot them out too. Question: would you rather have slightly more aboriginals, or more Syrian refugees, lol?

You can take your pronouns and hurt feelings and fuck off too.

Never understood the Atlantic canada voting liberal thing. I guess cause theres less jobs out there ? It seemed very conservative when I was out there

Aboriginals. Crooked band councils are the main problem. The reserves with decent band councils are more or like anywhere else.

the UK, even europe is still whiter than Canada even with the mass immigration. Canada has been culturally enrinched since the 70's and is practically a chinese/indian colony. When i go outside the people walking the streets and the businesses are mainly chinese or middle eastern, white people are the minority living out in the suburbs on welfare. not to mention the women are horribly ugly, and what remains of white culture is slob culture imported from america. do yourself a favor and read 'Tragedy and Hope' to get a better perspective of what is really going on. Canada will be replaced faster than any european country.

This is true and Trudeau isnt a dictator. He can be as faggy as he wants to be and send out stupid tweets but at the end of the day he isnt the one deciding who gets to immigrate. We have many laws already on the books to make that determination. Just look at Trumps RAISE Act that he described as mirroring Canada's, it was labeled by the US (((MSM))) as 'racist'

Good point I think Canada's on a teetering point right now, we could either fall into pure leftism or come out pretty right wing maybe I'm biased cause i live here but I really dont think were sweden levels yet

Hard working fishermen are on the dole half the year and pay family to sit on their ass and pretend they work for them. Harper tried to fuck with it. That was the end of him.

JUSTin's tax scheme may yield similar results.

Lets hope so

hundreds is the key word here

he lets in thousands each year

and they are a meager 30 million population


Except it's not.. Justin will win with ease next election.

reminder to scale every canadian stat up 10x to compare with US stats.

Yeah, It really seems that way. Indians (dot not feather) in my area are off the fucking charts. And they always use nepotism and shit like that to get other poos (with no English language skills) to manage restaurants and other chains chains in my area. I always hear them speaking Hindi and never speaking a word of English or french, basically same goes for the Chinese and the Arabs here too.
These people aren't Canadians.

Some guy complaining about the sub being ""taken over"" but yeah the board has become more hostile to Lib policies and PC in general

see >almost 70% of refugees who move to Canada are granted asylum

The entire Canadian immigration system is super tough for legal immigration and easy for illegal immigration.

>dont think were Sweden levels yet

Not even close. Sweden was a country of 8 million that brought in 1 million refugees. Thats an increase of like 12% in 1 year. Total suicide. Canada's 350,000 (1%) is much more manageable.

I heard with all the numbers added up canada's intake is around 1mil already.


We've taken in 200,000+ every year since 1990 except maybe two. And those two years were still more than 150,000. The past few years have all been 250,000+.

Immigrants also breed like rabbits. It's going to be a real problem in the future.

You're confusing "asylum" with permanent residency.

People who get asylum granted are allowed to apply for permanent residence, which they are basically guaranteed to be approved for (they're fingerprinted against US and Canadian data sources when they enter canada to apply for refugee status, and those who pop up on the criminal record search get immediately deported).

Not to be a dick, but I don't know where you're getting that it's a "guarantee." They have to go through a hearing after months of waiting and then have to cross a pretty high threshold to even be considered to be allowed to START the process of becoming a permanent resident. That's not easy, especially if you're an unskilled worker. You can still obtain asylum but be denied permanent residency.

This is total fucking bullshit, he sees the reddit discussions and just virtue signaling, that all he does.


maybe you are talking out of your fucking ass.

hundreds? Out of tens of thousands?

Do you guys think trudeau is becoming red pilled somehow? Maybe he browsed pol and is goign through the transformation.

>deported "hundreds"
>thousands of Haitians alone crossed into Quebec just this summer

If immigration is so hard then the whole Canadian plan makes no sense, they've explicitly stated that the reason they're accepting migrants and "refugees" is to close the gap of aging and retiring boomers. If it's so hard to get in they won't be able to close that gap in time. Sorry user but they other goys make more sense.

Legal weed my bros, gonna be awesome

Fuck no, he sees the polls, he sees the facebook/reddit/chan discussions and he virtue signals cause he thinks he's fucked and people are turning on him.


Do you have a source for Sweden bringing in 1 million. I know Germany did, but I thought Sweden's numbers were like 200,000.

No he's pulling a merkel. He's trying to make it look like he can change before the next election, so more people vote liberal.

My whole point wasn't that they aren't letting people in. My point is that they're letting in higher quality immigrants than we are in the USA. I pray to god RAISE gets passed here (with no DREAMer bullshit swept in with it)

Why can’t you all just accept it as a positive thing? Maybe he was redpilled by coming here? Maybe Trudeau had his own awwoovment?

I voted Harper again, and bernier in the leadership. I just cant see Scheer winning though i can not see it at all. i feel like Trudeau will weather the storm and re elect on a wave of dude weed lmao. At the very minimum im glad he backed down on his business tax raise, and is sort of ralizing he better try and compete with the US or his commie bullshit is going to sink us as they boom.

Yeah I guess, although I think that the difference in quality isn't that large. Hope you guys in the states the best, shits bad everywhere it seems.

>My point is that they're letting in higher quality immigrants than we are in the USA


>deported hundreds
>accepted tens of thousands

Try putting down your gun and freedom fries long enough to take your turnip wagon out of Hicksville you ignorant turd.
Reading three websites does not make you an expert in Canadian law or culture.
You're just repeating the same things any lobotomized Chimpanzee could. Go back to eating your crayons you tiresome hick. Come back when you have something, ANYTHING intelligent to offer.

It's bad, but people are finally waking up to it. Have faith, Canadabro. By the way, of all the provinces in Canada, Quebec seems pretty redpilled (despite their affinity for French speaking immigrants). Am I mistaken?

I just got permanently banned from r/canada for using ((( ))), they said it was a hate symbol. I just thought was being funny.

"Millennials are having major depression issues as well. a lot of men and women around 30 having a lot of trouble in society. I feel it is indicative of major societal (((issues))) causing increased anxiety and depression among the populations of western civilization."

Mod named velvetjew
"I've removed the comment because the triple parenthesis is generally used as an antisemitic hate symbol.
However its use here doesn't seem to follow logical sense. Why did you surround that word in particular with the triple parentheses?"

"How does it not make logical sense, These issues didn't materialize by themselves and there is an extreme amount nepotism involving elites in media and politics that are shaping and pushing certain agendas and the future of western civilization and i guess calling attention to (((them))) is grounds for censorship of opinion without debate by logic and reason, would it be better for me to just say Jewish Zionist elites. what doesn't follow logical sense more, what i'm saying or calling brackets a hate symbol? Do my opinions have to be popular in order to be open for discussion?



VelvetJew response:

i guess calling attention to (((them))) is grounds for censorship of opinion without debate by logic and reason, would it be better for me to just say jewish zionist elites.
"We don't tolerate antisemitism or other forms of racism and/or religious intolerance here. Permanent ban."

The problem with the points system for immigration is that what it really means by points, is money. If you have enough money you can easily immigrate here, i believe 250000 in liquid cash is the minimum number you need for easy access to our country. It is good on the one hand because you get a better quality of people coming over, but bad on the other hand because the people coming over are starting with buckets of cash (see the chinks) and are able to buy up everything, thus putting native born people at a dissadvantage since most arent starting out with hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Only about 10% are refugees that come most are these "economic immigrants" which really means rich foreigners.


>Go back to eating your crayons you tiresome hick.


Jesus. Where do you live? It sounds awful and nothing like where I live.

>local drama teacher discovers his pair of bells and bucks the globalists


>>thousands of Haitians alone crossed into Quebec just this summer
Apparently a good portion of them are 'missing'
They just didn't report to whatever agency they had to and fucked off to dick around in Canada