Did Both Hillary and John McCain Break Their Feet?!!!

Did Both Hillary and John McCain Break Their Feet?!!!

NOTICE the GPS ankle bracelets being hidden by orthopedic boots on the right legs of Hillary Clinton and John McCain in custody right now!!!

Maybe it has something to do with all of the sealed indictments going on lately, hmmmm........

Other urls found in this thread:


to be fair... they were both having seizures

Same exact boots

Well considering they are two sides of the same Jewish coin of course they answer to the same people.

Shouldn't the cane be on the same side as the "injury"?


Have you ever seen a more pathetic looking man?
Tumor McRotten needs to waddle home on his retard crutches and fucking die

>Shouldn't the cane be on the same side as the "injury"?

That is a smoking great observation!!!

If you search for people wearing the anklets, they seem to be able to go on both feet. Also, most of them look too big to be hidden under an orthopedic boot like you suggest.

You forgot Chelsea

When you're walking, sure.
When you're just standing there, putting more weight on your good leg is better.

McCain looks like he wears one. for a partial heel fracture u woulndt wear such an aircast walker.

Doesn't he have nerve damage in his right hand from being POW? That's why he always held a pen when he was running for election for president. Would make it hard to grip a cane.

yeah, but those are anklets they give to random felon niggers who live in crack houses and shit. i'm sure they have better equipment available to Senators and what not. you don't want your anklet to be worth more than the nigger it's attached to. the economics of murder is a dark science.

I will try to find the smallest one.

another reason for them to be so visible is for police officers to spot them more easily when these ppl actually leave their designated premisses

Ankle monitor by the FBI

why let someone on "observation" leave the country?

Hospital had a special get brain surgery get 50% off planters wart removal.

I just searched and even the smallest one I could find was about as thick as a pack of smokes. Those boots don't really have a lot of room in them.
t. guy who hurt his foot once

>when you spend your whole life setting up a checkers board just so you can become president, some guy decides he wants to be president one day, he moves one piece on what was actually a chess board, beats you, and you end up crippled trying to push an expensive paperweight in a Costco warehouse.


I need a follow the white rabbit post urgently have much info


not just them

Thread is now a leg transplant thread


>expecting custom walking boots

i know this is pol and looking for conspiracies, but jesus christ, its a fucking boot. i had one of these. i didnt get brain wiped by the fucking cia.

nice quicky chop

Big if true

Well this user pretty much summed it all up. Obama wasn't born in Kenya, he was born in Canada. The U.S. government is actually run largely by Canadian citizens trying to create a soft annexation of the United States by slowly embracing leaf tier politics over long periods of time.

If they take the air packets out they can easily fit in there.

more like

>start game of checkers with 40 year head start
>think you're about to win the game
>opponent makes first move
>it's actually chess
>all you've done with your life is keep your pieces only on black spaces
>opponents white queen and bishop fire right through all of your defenses for a quick checkmate
>i-it was my t-turn!

You have zero credibility as a leaf