/leftymemegeneral2/ memelectric boogaloo

Hey guys, had a great lefty meme session last night, hoping to turn this into a nightly or bi-nightly ritual
(Previous thread here)
Lets see if we can get some more good ones going tonight

Other urls found in this thread:


Gotcha covered





Nice guys keep these up some of these are way better than last night


Why is the left so horrible at memes?


are these terrible on purpose?

DO you think if Hillary won Trump would be in Sams Club selling books?


He would probably be protesting shit saying the election was hacked, fucking ironic

> having memes this terrible

>Being this jelly that the right is losing the meme war

At least liberal fuckmouths are finally admitting he won.

>thinking this sorta ammo wins wars

wew lad

Whatever “lad”

best one here.


my god that font

Obama made it clear I think


Golden Trash

A bad meme for a 12 year old in 2011.



Makes me laugh everytime.

are these the new cringe threads?

Classic, people on the left are just in general like wittier in average conversation, I would assume there’s a correlation with higher education for sure

Why is Drumpf is the best hacker in the world?

Everyone knows he used Russia to hack into the election but he still got away with it

>someone /leftymeme/ this post plz

I’m on it brother give me two seconds what kind of background do you want like a classic meme or a custom pic

How’s this?

Oh fuck I fucked that one up lmao mybad

Great, but can I get a watermark from a shitty meme-generating website added to it?

SeeI fixed the wording but didn’t crop out the watermark all the way lol

Really, really? Is shitty 2011 memes all you can come up with?

I almost missed that, I like it.


Yeah I know these sure are shitty memes eh?

Also In an effort to keep the thread bumped I know that a lot of leftists aren’t computer savvy because they have better things to be doing (like actually being out there making a difference cough cough) so if anybody has some requests of leftymemes that they’d like to see made lemme know and I’ll gladly do my best to make them for you

What do you mean?

This one made me LOL

Someone make a template for a re-work of this that's "Drumpf or Hillary"

Nice lol fight club is also a great movie about how violence is never the answer and when you force people to repress their multiple personalities (IE like transgenders) it causes destruction whereas if you allow them to embrace them then they can find an equilibrium and it’s healthier for them

The left and higher education -

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

yet these fucktards think they are superior in knowledge on science

Trump is getting impeached!


I see that even in memes the Democrats are still the party of slavery. Glorious.

Maybe if 77% of people think it then it’s probably right, no?

>ITT Colon cancer

Well 95%+ of all MSM outlets said Hillary would win yes? So it must be true LMAO

>joking about a serious affliction
Real cool dude, and you wonder why we call Frump voters racist sexist massaginists

And she did, just because dingledump pulled that racist electoral college bullshit out of his asshole doesn’t make her any less of a winner

I am glad Colon Kittencock won Citizen of the Year.

"I do feel bad for JJ Watt though, he raised 37 million for hurricane victims, when he should have been kneeling in silence to be a better citizen (and he may have given better bj's)"


Never forget

Yeah - maybe if that bitch didn't have a campaign manager who was too busy torturing and raping children they would have understood the electoral college and campaigned to win.


I wonder if Hillary fixing the criminal system to disproportionately give blacks unfavorable sentences earlier in her career would have gotten her the black vote?

Why can;t the Left meme>? Because they are so superior intellectually LMAO

You think the left can't meme?

Check this out you republicunt:


I want to personally chop his fucking dick off and cook it in a pizza and serve it to him.

The left can't meme

This isn't tea Kermit. REEEEEEE


They can and they do end of discussion, It makes me really sad that this thread is dying out but there’s tons of other threads about garbage going on, if it dies just a shout out to my lefty brothers sisters and other genders I’ll be back nightly to try and get at least one leftymeme thread jumpin and bumpin we deserve it

This is the best I can do f'am

hello leftypol teenagers