What the FUCK is there problem?????

What the FUCK is there problem?????

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Imminent domain laws changed some years ago, their land will be seized and they will be lightly comped

I'm not afraid of Mexicans. I just outright don't like them and I realize that if their numbers hit a critical mass America will start to become Mexico.


Their solution to wasting tax dollars is to find a way to waste EVEN more tax dollars. That game is terrible and completely cringe.

Do people think this is cool or something? Do these retards not hear themselves?

Yes they think they're sticking it to some big dictator

>yfw CAH is owned by jews

I got tacos for dinner today and damn did they bring the spice


So the spics will get funneled to that one spot? Make BP's job a little easier.

>property rights

They might suddenly realize they want a smaller government.

Makes me wanna throw a molotov into their headquarters. Stupid fucking cunts aren’t living with mexicans but they sure can tell you how great they are. They smell worse then niggers for fuck sake!

nice waste of ressources


> Buy all the land around that area
> Build wall with gate around it
> solved nothing

what the fuck is cards against humanity anyway?


trump will just build around whatever their property is. it wont stop the wall at all. just makes it not straight for a few acres thats all


>A monster to jews

Apples to apples but with E D G E

A card game, basically you get a random set of cards with the most random shit on it and try and play the funniest card to respond to the drawn card

It's fun drunk

Pretty Crafty Cia Niggers.

Not fallin for that trick again!

So build the wall around that piece of land with them on the other side. It would still technically be American soil but they'd be locked on the other side with the Mexicans.

>wont accomplish anything.
>feels the need to purchase land?

What? Are people really this retarded?

Yeah, it's not like Trump doesn't have experience with ED

Mad Libs for edgy millennials.

yup, and Trump loves imminent domain

so they buy a strech of land which has no wall.
idiot mexicans funnel through.
would kind of make them easier to catch, wouldn't it? you'd know exactly where they're crossing.

Reddit wins again :^)

CAH is just another redditor, bearded nu-mail, bugman, collector item.

>'that WE ALL KNOW will do nothing'

let's ask israel how well theirs works, commie fucks.

What an ugly piece of shit. Good thing they built that beautiful road around it

Easy solution
>build wall around piece of land
>their property is backed up to a wall
>leave their land exposed to Mexico


so we wall their property out so it's on the mexicant side

what's the problem

They are making sure he doesn't become one, kek


Can you link the source of this meme? I know that's paddocks brother but I never saw the specific interview

>what is Eminent domain



The wall won't be built anyway because it will cost billions of taxpayer dollars.

But they have 5 lovely wall "prototypes" lol

Trumptards like to think Trump wasn't lieing to them to get votes.

Is hillary in prison? What happend to "lock her up"?

Ted Cruz's campaign sent this to voters in South Carolina during the primary

Trump won SC by 10 points

Why don't we just build the wall with their land on the outside of it?

Read the story again. The golem is a literal Jewish puppet untill they use it for greed, then it gains free will

Damn, so all someone had to do to stop Hitler was buy some random patch of land out in the middle of nowhere?

Fuckin hindsight, man... baka

What is eminent domain for $500 Alex

This. Just build the wall around their property with no way to access except through the mexican side.

>afraid of being invaded
Oh dear heavens! What an insane idea.


So... fucking... boring...

I know what I'm buying for Christmas gifts for my extended family, get this trending on twitter and CAH can afford to buy more patches of land kek


>implying walls don't work
>implying you need to sabotage a thing that doesn't work so it can't prove you wrong

It's fun for like 2 games tops. There's only so many LOL XD combinations with "Anne Frank" and "Michael Jackson's Missing Penis" you can make before the humor is lost.

If CAH bought the Austrian art school and let his salty ass in, we could have stopped the problem before it even started

oh no the wall will have to include or exclude that propery now


If "it won't accomplish nothing" then why do they take extreme measures?

build around it

Get the lawyers to make the argument of negligence against the U.S. govt, sue for damages if that happens lol

>30 minutes

what time?

>it will accomplish nothing
>so lets also accomplish nothing but hinder it even more at the cost of the taxpayer
Exactly what is the point they are trying to make?

>Wtf, I hate private property now.

they are dumb aren't they.

they've blatantly announced their agenda behind purchasing the property.

they've already failed. they have no argument of defence.

The federal government has a Constitutional responsibility to defend the borders of our nation. This likely will never enter a court because they have no argument.

Is actively facilitating illegal immigration illegal? Kinda seems like that's exactly what they're doing here.

No problem
>eminent domain

But they are just humble kek farmers, tending to their cards... and you are right, they will have the responsibility to defend the U.S. borders, which the land is on. Guess they can't lock the land outside of the fence, then! lmfao

No country for perky nips.

their agenda is to virtue signal.

The "pissing away money because I'm a rich elitist"-brand of virtue signalling is so much more retweet-worthy than the normal generic whining about Drumpf.

Wouldn't there be an easement still? This sounds retarded.


Eminent Domain*

building the wall to the north and around. Wall these cucks off.

Trump will eminent domain their headquarters and turn it into a deportation holding cells.

>i think the government wastes money so i want to make them waste more

>This is are land
Please tell me this is some kind of joke

It says it right there in name, Against Humanity, what's there to understand

what the fuck is that anyway

so stop the wall at their doorstep and charge them with people smuggling for every mexican that passes through

>bush literally bulldozed grave yards and split golf courses for his fence
>somehow a privately owned peice of land is ganna stop the feds
Plus do they not know there is an easement on the border the government owns

...what problem?

>building the wall will achieve nothing
>to prove this I'm going to waste my own time and invest in something to make this impossible achievement take longer


Build wall around it, leave their part on the Mexican side.

They're going to build the wall there anyways, you don't own land in the US if the land is needed. They're going to tell them to fuck off and write them a small check, and I hope the fucking realtor realized how much they wanted it and charged them 300% over market value.

Eminent domain.

Fuckin' comped

>literally "If I could have just talked to Hitler, the war would have never happened!"

I don't care if this is bait, unironically kys

The problem the self hating Jew that Adolf Hitler became

Liberal faggots don't know what eminent domain is.



Do those cucks know that's national property?

>you don't own land in the US if the land is needed
Wow how great is capitalism and strong property rights!

just look what leddit says
