Who are the 3 greatest white men in history

in your opinion

and why

bernie sanders, jeremy corbyn and the other doesn't matter.

Ferdinad of Aragon, Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler

That's my background

Julius Caesar,Aristotle,Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Cincinnatus, patton, Hitler

patrician choice

numbers don't lie.

>white men

you mean celts?

alexander, newton, hitler

Napoleon, hitler, and trump

Aristotle, Cicero, Andrew Jackson.

the father, the son, and my nigga jamal


George Washington, fought the monarchy
Andrew Jackson, fought the banks
Donald Trump, fights the interdimensional reptilian pedophile cabal


Not sure but they're definitely all American.

Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Augustus

Aristotle, Descartes, and Shakespeare.
hon. mention - Donaldus Magnus.

Sam Hyde
Gustav II Adolf

By Sup Forums standards, only a few hundred men in the history of the world ever qualified as white. None of them ever amounted to anything.

Plato , Hitler and third one is a secret

Donald Trump

Adolf Hitler

Michael Jackson.

you didn't have to say white men because women and niggers did nothing anyways

Alexander, Caesar and Hitler.

Diogenes, Shakespeare, Cicero.
Hon. Mention: Andrew Jackson


Steven Gerrard
Steven Gerrard
Steven Gerrard
In that order




1. A Wyatt Mann
2. Moonman
3. Zyklon Ben
this is objectively unarguable

Scouse twat

Michael Jackson was once black.

>people here saying plato and aristotle

Have you ever actually read what they wrote on politics? It's extremely cringeworthy by modern standards. Almost what a child would write. They didn't think things through at all and their argumentation is shallow.

Yeah but he was so fucking redpilled he had to go white.

Hitler, Schopenhauer, Beethoven


Plato homer hitler

What are you talking about they are very sensible, from what i remember they shit on democracy, praise aristocracy and warn against tyranny.

fair play Patton wasn't a shitskin mongrel Patton was pure what a great man


>Almost what a child would write. They didn't think things through at all and their argumentation is shallow.

Doesnt stop pol from larping national socialism and mein kampf

Issac newton
William pierce

Also Napoleon, napoleonnis who created modern nationalist Socialist Europe


j'ai choisi Plato en place d'Hitler

King Charlemagne of the Franks, Saint Jacques Cathelineau, & le Roi Soleli Louis XIV.

>Scouse twat
Don't be like that mate it's not our fault we are great is it

Issac Newton wasn't a jew w-was he???

re you 15? 16? You need to be 18 on this board, Nordcuck.

gabe newell, whoever invented taco bell, and whoever invented mt dew

Charles Martel

Only someone with a GOP flag would make a post this cringy.

my 56%er

Julius Caesar
>uncucked Rome from democracy while being senile and having strokes. Plus fucked Cleopatra
Johann Sebastian Bach
>reached perfection in music
>reached perfection in both sculpture and painting

George Washington, Hitler, Napoleon

1. Jesus Christ
2. Alexander the Great
3. Aristotle

Augustus Caesar
And Hitler

Aristotle is extremely overrated. Half the faggots including him here haven’t even read any of his works, they just think he’s a Sup Forums-approved choice

It was great that time he slipped over a banana peel and handed the title to Chelsea. Also apparently he shagged some 14yr old girl and paid her family a shitload of money to not take him to court.

Vlad Tepes
Bernard Goetz
George Zimmerman

Brainlet here, what did Aristotle do that has everyone picking him?

for me it's a toss up of Charles Martel, Julius Caesar, Jesus, Napoleon and hitler. Also maybe Ferdinand.

We can all slip mate at any moment and bloody hell for someone who doesn't like slippy you seem to know his life story? You fancy him dont you ey? On the sly

Uncle Adolf

The first one laid the foundation for a stable german empire, the second one smashed it and the last one built something beautiful from the ashes

He used to frequent the town im from a lot for the nightlife (fuck knows why). He had one famous incident with a DJ in a club here several years back.

Henry the VIII, John A Macdonald, Charles Darwin

Mostly because non-Anglos don't count as white

Cato the Younger, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Sigmund Freud

>that flag
please, get out of my country

Lmao Darwin

maybe alexander fleming

Gaius Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great
King Edward 1 (BTFO kikes)

>last one built something beautiful from the ashes
in other words, he destroyed Germany, made the way for Socialism to destroy Europe, and destroyed any chance of White Solidarity for 100 years?
Does your nigger father still beat your whore mother over how stupid you are?

he was obviously trolling, this is Sup Forums dumbass

>discovered the true power of triangles. founder of illuminati
da vinci
>self explanatory
king solomon
>taught us about the 72 demons and how to command them

> was excited for a great thread
> barely anyone bothers to explain their choices, as required by OP
this is stupid. I don't know my choices, because science isn't my strong point (arts guy) but was looking to see Isaac Newton, maybe astrologists like Copernicusor something, explained and justified.

Jesus Christ, Alexander the great, and Adolf Hitler



Cincinatus for giving up power, Washington for following in his foot steps when far more was on the line, and a toss up between george Lincoln Rockwell and Adolf for third, both would've saved the world if the jews grip hadn't been as tight.

I guess my choice would be:

> Caesar Augustus
Consolidated the full might of the roman Empire after Julius' civil war, arguably the mot dominant civilization at any given time on Earth

> George Washington
Successfully led (loosely) one of the most important civil wars in the history of the Planet, consolidated competing interests, gives birth to greatest state ever known

> 3?
Some scientist who did something big?

perhaps newton would be a good choice for your third.


>implying one of the greatest thinkers in the ancient world was a shitskin and not white

Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan.

wagner because his influence extends into the deepest aspects of white culture and is so engrained that, for example, when we think of music, we think of it in ways established by him

dostoyevsky because his writing directly touches on the heart of humanity in a real way, with sometimes astonishing insight, he and wagner together are like the mind and soul of whiteness

alexander fleming because nobody wants to die of dick rot or whatever. i didnt really think about the third one very much. do i really want to say adolf hitler and suggest that he represents the heart of whiteness? this is a difficult question

well explain why. I suspect that's probably the best answer but I don't really the impact

I appreciate the answers,but I find it hard to believe a musician and a fiction writer are in the top three of all time. I understand both are much more than that, but music and literature surely aren't as important as major scientific discoveries, influential political/economic leaders or theoriests or so on, right? This is top 3 of ALL TIME

>someone who hasn't taken the Bartok redpill
Bartok accomplished more in a 60 minute opera with two characters than Wagner could in a dozen operas featuring hundreds of characters.

Plus Wagner learned everything about composition from (((Meyerbeer))).


Traditional Western logic user. He and Cicero were absolutely foundational to so much of what is exceptional, unique and brilliant about the west.

>dems r tha real racists

Adolf Hitler, Julius Caesar and Alexander The Great

The Amazing Athiest
Ricky Gervais
Sportacus from lazy town

my reasoning is based more on greatness of vision, for lack of a better term, than on greatness of deeds or accomplishments
which i realize isnt very good reasoning at all, but in wagners case in particular, he expressed feelings and ideals that are quintessentially european (white, more or less) and while im not saying nobody else has ever done that, i think the extent of his influence is a clear sign of his greatness
again, this is just a cats view of kings, i'm not credible enough that anyone should believe what i say BUT i think theres something uniquely great about the work of those two

Jesus (assuming he's white)
Neil Armstrong - nigga landed on the fucking moon, like, yo, people spent their whole lives 70+ years studying the moon from poorly made telescopes in the BCs, Ads. He. Stepped. On. It.
And it was wack?

Socrates, Hitler, and Goethe

Euler, Beethoven, Thomas Jefferson

Excellent taste sir

Adam, Abraham and Jesus.

if only you knew the truth

It was you guys who destroyed Germany not Hitler.
All to the benefit of (((them))).

Eugene Stoner, Samuel Colt, Gustav Glock

Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Bonham. John Paul Jones is next if you want a fourth...