Soros Love Thread

When did Sup Forums become /x/?

All I see in threads is blaming Soros for being Soros, no links, and no proof. If he was a threat dont ya think that Russia, China, or the US or hell even Israel would have wetworked him by now? What is with all the crazy conspiracy theories about the worlds greatest philanthropist who literally works to give his money away.

Prove to me and all those lurking this thread that Soros is some kind of bad guy or threat to anyone or worked against any nation.
>protip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:

He is a great guy - he went after the Jews and CNN covered for him



as a good investor, he gives money to that organizations who can promote a social change that will benefit him economically


> that will benefit him economically
there is no existing evidence of that my friend.


stop posting pictures get outta my thread.

I just need a bogeyman to hate, nothing personal.

your a faggot

Thank you for sharing the love for the great George Soros, known as the giver to many, and a real messiah to others.

He is a Jew

>Loots entire countries
>Spends their money on projects undermining their very existence

Thats a nice post you have there user, be a shame if someone said
>its unsourced
>lacks citations
>is vague generalities
>is utterly bollocks.

Nu-pol is garbage.
Not one of us has the soros infographics.
We are trash, residing is the dessicated remains of what was once a great place.

>Nu-pol is garbage.
It is time then to begin praising Soros you see as the generous giver he is known to be. Many call him the man who gives birth to dreams.

Yeah, ill just leave this here.
I appreciate what you are doing btw, Sup Forums needs to be pushed to actually pursue information, these days we are mostly just a bunch of lazy shitposters.
Im sure I can find more damning evidence if I try, this was a simple 1 minute yourube search.
The man fancies himself some kind of god, his is part of the elite satanic cabal, he is evil, that is a fact.
Looking for the source of the quote where he plainly states that he hates America, and everyone in it.

Vive la Soros!!!!!!!!!

Sup Forums influenced by fake news that Soros is a bad guy when in reality he is the savior to many.

He looks better with makeup


This video looks pretty promising
Its not like Soros wrongdoing isnt documented. You cant just expect some nu-pol shitposters to pull quality information out of their asses.

pretty sure Sup Forums loves soros

they fight to cut his taxes

Interesting research user.

I see no fact trail to wrong doing, no proof of anything corrupt.

All hair the great beloved George Soros the father of many and loved by all.

And destroyer to many others. He admits this freely. He plays god, destroying lives, and uplifting others on a personal whim. This is evil.
He does not have the best interest of my nation in mind. That makes him my enemy.

>Open Society isn't about destroying nations (for better or worse, I'll grant you)
Low effort. Soros fucks with world currency all the time now.

>He does not have the best interest of my nation in mind. That makes him my enemy.
Yet you have no proof, no evidence, not quotes nothing to support your wild claim.

Soros is love

Soros is life

Let soros into your heart.

I posted a 15 minute video that cites official documents.
You posted your reply 3 minutes later.
Nice try.

He freely admits to destroying economies for his personal agenda.
Its not some conspiracy, he says so openly.
Look up the open society foundation. They openly state their objectives. If youre not some communist, its obvious they are the enemy.
Its not a cover up, its right there out in the open. People are just too demoralized to care.

>I posted a 15 minute video that cites official documents.
I didnt actually watch it user...
What documents? where? Whose?

>Open Society
Never heard of it but if their open then nothing bad can happen there, they are clearly the birthplace of liberty for the next generation.

> People are just too demoralized to care.
Maybe their too full of love for George Soros savior of humanity and representative of the true people.

Paid Shareblue shill does PR work for his master.

I just linked you two videos with a wealth of information.
You want me to pull quotes out my ass? I have to go look this shit up like anyone else. Its not hard to find the information, but I dont keep a folder of soros docs on my computer. What do you actually expect from people here?
How about you post evidence of Soros actually helping the people of America? I mean hes such a great philanthropist, that information shouldnt be hard to come by.
You want me to do work? Fine, you can do work too.

Hes a deepcover nazi trying to provoke the west into going far right

>You want me to pull quotes out my ass? I have to go look this shit up like anyone else.
Why bother? Soros is great, Soros is love, there is nothing showing he is a bad person or has ever done anything wrong.

>How about you post evidence of Soros actually helping the people of America?
Does Soros not contribute to the economy? Hasnt he proven the American Dream by working hard making Soros a true patriot and comrade of the people?

>You want me to do work? Fine, you can do work too.
Im working hard at spreading the good word of George Soros and his love of the people.

Naw, this is just some bored Sup Forums tard fishing for Soros infographics.
Someones gotta keep us on our game.

>Paid Shareblue shill does PR work for his master.
Everyone is getting in on the love train, though I challenge you to show that this group is honorable enough to pay tribute to the great George Soros the hero of the people!

The fact people will read these posts and think you are being serious, just points to the sad state Sup Forums is in.
If one more person comes in here and unironically calls you a shill, I swear to god im going to go murder a trashcan, and set it on fire.

>The fact people will read these posts and think you are being serious, just points to the sad state Sup Forums is in.
Im working hard to cheer everyone up by proclaiming the greatness of the man the, the myth, the legend of our times George Soros xDDD

>If one more person comes in here and unironically calls you a shill, I swear to god im going to go murder a trashcan, and set it on fire.
You should do that while yelling about how much you love George Soros, loving George Soros makes everything in life better.


A truck of love my friend, dont you want to fall asleep in those dimples?

jew goblin king

>jew goblin king
How can you say such a thing, implying he is jewish with no lineage or heritage proven. Your reaching user, and you should be reaching for a hug from George Soros, known for his kindness and love of the people.

>jew goblin king
How can you say such a thing, implying he is jewish with no lineage or heritage proven. Your reaching user, and you should be reaching for a hug from George Soros, known for his kindness and love of the people.

meant for

bumping for people to share their stories about how much they love George Soros!

Dont be ashamed of your feelings.

russia dreamed about killing him once and they woke up with their economy in shambles the next morning. He has so much indirect control over money its ridiculous

Sounds like they faced the soros curse of those who go against such a great man.

I find it hard to believe the people of Russia who love Soros as all people do everywhere would allow this to happen.

soros is code word for jews

A word for love?

in your sick world yes

I knew it because everyone loves George Soros, he is a man whom can not be hated.

>unironically shilling for Soros

let's all watch the 60 minutes interview where he fondly recalls being a literal Nazi

I am not gay,
but my goal in life is to fuck this dude in the ass and then make him squeal,
like the little pig he is,
like in Deliverance!

There is so much evidence I would rather just laugh at you. It is not even a conspiracy .... it is literally laid out in his own writing. OP is a monumental faggots. OPs only angle is to say something so absurd that no one even bothers.

>let's all watch the 60 minutes interview where he fondly recalls being a literal Nazi

That is propaganda. How could you do that to the man of our times, a pioneer of industry!

hes just a spokesperson for them. a storefront. you dont think the super rich want to waste their time in the public eye do you?

George Soros is an international terrorist

he says it himself you utter moron. click the link. fuck you shills are brain damaged

things just cant even be true nowadays

>he says it himself
So you admit the press twists the words of this dare I say it /ourguy/


somewhere in youtube you can find his interview where he admits for some of his crimes.

he is just delusional


Even China cant deny their love for our dear leader George Soros.

I think its time we start calling him

Ukraine u fucking retard

Is that why that cunt breaks foreign country's banks and put people into misery

Carrying that commie flag, you worship and defend LITERAL CAPITALIST.
He fucks up other countrie's currencies and backs extremists that tear nations apart for his OWN GAINS.

You need to rewire your brain

>Ukraine u fucking retard
Well of course we cant leave Ukraine out of he lovefest. Every ukranian is a card carrying member of the I love George Soros Movement!!!

readshit sources wrote concisely for you morons to understand

Stay delusional. Many hate him except leftists of north America.

He doesn't give a shit about you or your propaganda. He just makes money. That's all he cares. You are nothing more than his pawn.
shareblues dont even try anymore

But all that shows is he saved the english by increasing the value of their silver, which lets face it is useless.

/ourgeorge/ strikes again making the world a better place!

you read the first paragraph
Brits were listed first
Fucking read the entire shit and come back
Stop your bullshit. He did not make world better place. Brits call it Black Wednesday get a sense of grip.
Funding economic crisis and fucking up currencies both financially and politically mess nations and their neighbors. Fuck your bs.

You are a hypocrite. You shouldn't even larp with that flag. It is way too illogical.

But again, when did commies ever made any kind of sense?

notice "made"
hope you get it

>Brits call it Black Wednesday get a sense of grip.
Think of all the good he did with that money so the british will work harder to give more money to the bank of england the true bank of the people!!!!!!!

He's part of the Arctic Nazi faction. Uses hegelian dialectic tactics to redpill the masses. Pretty smart desu

I am calling for the assassination of George Soros.

>I am calling for the assassination of George Soros.
But everyone in the UK loves George Soros for what he did to make the Bank of England which all native brits adore even stronger than before.

Truly he is /ourGeorge/

ournige calling him out today


This George Soros... he's a real jerkl!

makeapp on him please

Implying fucking news is a conspiracy theory

The fact that you made this thread proves our points about him, assuming this isn't just bait. I honestly can't tell anymore because I dig through so much trash on a daily basis here.

>makeapp on him please
Make Soros Great Again!

>honestly can't tell anymore because I dig through so much trash on a daily basis here.
The lies and filth spewed forth towards our great Leader George Soros.

We should be following his work supporting him, and getting those biker gangs to protect him just like they do other Patriots like Trump.

stop focusing on brits
you clearly didnt read the rest
At least make it interesting shill.
Why do you shareblues so bad at shilling that I quickly get bored with you fucktards.
Make me entertained. Stop wasting my precious time with boring rhetoric and go wild!
Make me bait harder and harder Faster and FAster ARRRRRRRRR

>stop focusing on brits
How can you say that when all George has done is show love to the brits who like all people love their bank of england, without it England would sink into the sea, even Nigel agrees with that showing he loves George Soros.

>our great Leader George Soros
I'd shoot him for sport.

at least he aint no soyboy ya know

He is 100% /ourGeorge/ share the love, show the love, let George into your heart user.

>If he was a threat dont ya think that Russia, China, or the US or hell even Israel would have wetworked him by now?
What kind of lazy logic is this? Fuck off.

>he aint no soyboy
He betrayed his own people rather than dying with honor. He is the lowest of the low, fit only for an open burn pit in which is body will be dumped after execution.

>He betrayed his own people rather than dying with honor.
He lived on to tell the tale, to be the hero that we need but didnt ask for.

How can you deny /ourgeorge/ his place in history?

>How can you deny /ourgeorge/ his place in history?
With an oven.

>With an oven.
Well hes not jewish so good luck with that!

Your funny user see I laughed!

Russia put a bounty on his head. Why do you think he avoids it?

>Why do you think he avoids it?
Probably too many fans in Russia of George for him to visit, lets be honest he would be swamped if he went there with the love and adoration of the people!





no such thing, but thanks for wasting your digits on a lie.