Listen up fuckers.
I wasnt to create a unanimous online group of people that will create beautiful artworks overnight, mind you it's not graffiti but INFORMATIVE graphics about the truth about race and nationalism.
I'll draw up some examples, as I'm an artist myself, but what i really need is some good, simple and INFORMATIVE ideas for easy stencils/paintings. (pic related-ish)

Some ideas:
>black man %100 homosapien, white man %2.6 neanderthal
>a map of the world accurate to 70,000 ago, showing neanderthals in europe and homo sapiens emigrating africa, showing that whites have been in europe even before homosapiens left africa
>IOTBW of course


goddamn thats good OC

OP I made this OC a long time ago and drop it around here on occasion

Why are they wearing diapers?

Do you have a version without the diapers? For research purposes.

Why are you against abortions? Most women who get them are not suitable parents. Heres an example: Tamika is a crack addict. She prostitutes to support her habit. Then she gets pregnant. What does she do? She isn't fit to be a parent. If she raises that child it will be all sorts of fucked up, and probably spend its life in prison. And that costs money. A lot more than an abortion.


You should either think it is a life, and thus should be 100% against all abortions, or you should think it is isn't a life, and thus you can do anything with it.

Any other distinction is inane to even consider.

Because they'll be forever children, ripping men off and only thinking for themselves if they dont have something dependent on them. Besides, inconvenience is not a good enough reason for killing another human being, they need to have consequences for their slutty actions.

yoi betray an astonishing naivete. so bad you sound like a teenager who just took his first Philosophy class, or decided Church Was Cool And Edgy, or something. Astonishingly naive, or stupid.

>hur dur your just dumb
Nice one, I'm so burned. ow. mommy.

Have a bump

k i should probably draw something now then eh

If you believe in free speech that means you support radical muslims, pedophiles, KKK members and radical feminist having their say.

Tamicka should be aborted. Problem solved.


Why are Nazifags so obsessed with insignia and symbols? It's like they way blacks like shiny things. Must be a low-IQ thing

yea sure. as long as i get to speak too, because at the moment i dont.

>kekistani flag
Its symbolism.

It's nice that the mods get vacation time.


I had to choose a flair. I don't go around spamming flags like a retarded faggot

no you dont.
you can just keep it geographic if you dont wanna look like a retard. Kekistani is the lowest teir of nationalism that it's anti-nationalism

>Reading this much into pictures

Tell me again how this is different from niggers liking rims or guidos and gaudy gold chains

Because each symbol is something that emulated and signifies a SPECIFIC ideology/event/concept.
something a dirty nigger like yourself dont understand because you just love the shinies because they are shiny, bot because it actually stands for something.

Ok i admit this was rushed. but at least its OC

Why do you love niggers