Why are millennial women uninterested in having children?

Why are millennial women uninterested in having children?

Mass importing immigrants is not the solution to labor shortages which will be automated in a few decades.

Because they're "strong" "independant" women "who need no man" they're caught up in trying to be more like men instead of like women, meanwhile soyboy betas are becoming more like women. Feminism has also taken a toll on families and the chances that someone wants to settle down and have a baby because they're "too young" for that, so instead they fuck a ton of guys, become used up whores, realize theyre worthless and then when they finally want to settle down and have a kid its all too late. A lot of women have killed themselves because of this

Largely the economy. And there's a problem where too many men are poor or unemployed and women generally only marry up in status so there's a shortage of high status men. And a lot of women think they'll have children when they're older (like the boomers tell them they wish they would have done so that they could have had more fun for longer) but it often ends up not happening for many reasons. And there's a general lack of pro-family values in society. Some women straight up believe that they're revolting against the patriarchy or the establishment or whatever by not having a family.

The (((media))) tells them lies such as the world as overpopulated and purposely neglects to mention that whites are only 8% of the world population. The real overpopulation problem is in Africa. (((They))) also, like to say shit like it will ruin their lives to have children.

You are talking to the wrong millenial women

feminism wasn't about freeing women from oppression, it was about making women into good little worker bees like men are, forced to work for capitalists and have no real autonomy or agency. remember that capitalists treat the nation like a company whose members are totally expendable and merely "passing through". it's in the interests of the capitalists to destroy national identity in every industrialized country so they can rule without question. think about it.

to destroy postmodernism and save the west is to destroy capitalism.

Makeapp her

Because modern men is weak
Why would any women breed with soyboy nu-male faggot?

>Why are millennial women uninterested in having children?
Sup Forums just blames "men these days" and goes on and on and on about how millennial women are victims.
Once upon a time it fucking enraged me because I know how spoiled millennial women are, but I'm used to it now. This is just the way people think, most people think women are victims in western society.

feminism was just women chimping out, capitalists found a way to profit from it, like they do with everything

mods can we start banning thot posting? there is no dicussion to be had. OP is just trying to bait people and using this cunt

Except it IS overpopulated. Fuck, waaaay too many people on earth.

Women do whatever the fuck is in vogue. Very few think for themselves. All this focus on degenerate roasties on Sup Forums and looking at White birthrates overall hides the fact that Conservative Whites are still having kids. It's still popular on the Right.

As right wing populism and White identity become more popular, not just accepted, but popular, Woman from all over the political spectrum will accept family and traditionalism as the new in vogue thing. Or Leftist Whites will breed themselves out of existence. Either way its a win.



Someone do the makeapp on this bitch

Why women don't want children so much now?

cus "it sucks to be pregnant for 9 mos, hurt like hell to give birth, sore breasts & stretchmarks."

This is the norm to become a mother for ages.

They aren't uninterested, they just don't want to have kids with white males anymore.

not even close, we can easily support 3 times as many people, just not in already densely populated cities.

why is meme flag uninterested in showing their country, as they pasta this thread for the 999'th time?
sage sage sage

Its not just women.

In short, I think the issue is that when you make a society sick, the people in it lose interest in the sacrifice to perpetuate it.

This society was destroyed on many fronts. People abandon roles and just worry about their own life. You cant have a central government planning society to have 5 races, 10 religions and 20 languages and expect there to be a sense of community. Lets not forget the Republicans were the first to weaponize a population in the 19th century by taking the bureacraticaly easy route of pronouncing 4 million Africans as citizens.

Liberal progressivism is, as I define it, the practice of a generation with a decade of experience as adults looking at the methods that got humanity to where it was and then decide they have the superior intelligence to deliberately popularize the opposite and expect the same success.

we don't have labor shortages you fuckign retard we massive unemployment and homelessness.

redpill 1/2

>As right wing populism and White identity become more popular, not just accepted, but popular, Woman from all over the political spectrum will accept family and traditionalism as the new in vogue thing.

The genie is not going back in the bottle. the degeneracy has been not only unleashed but made into the standard in western societies. If we leave our nationalist and traditionalist echo chamber on this site we realize that our beliefs are so strongly villified by the rest of society. i've taken the blackpill on this. the west is alread dead.

>Or Leftist Whites will breed themselves out of existence. Either way its a win.

"leftists" vote and they will import tons of foreigners to do the breeding in their place and they do it much more efficiently. they are the 5th column subverting the nation from the inside out. they are not leftists either, they are the lackeys of the ruling capitalist class. they are liberals and support capital. why else do all the big companies support mass immigration and "diversity"? because if everyone is fighting in a country with no unifying racial, religious, or cultural bond, the rich and powerful can do whatever they want and divide the people so easily. just look at america which had such a system from its conception with the blacks and whites being sicced on each other whenever a threat presented itself to the ruling order. this is why we need national socialism.

*even though imho europe will be gone before they realize their mistake. imho the middle eastern caucasian countries like iran and turkey will wake up and defend their lands so whitedom will survive in some capacity, although the west may fall to the asian and black hordes.

when looking at pic related make sure to remember that USA will be a minority white country in 50 years or less due to immigration.

redpill 2/2

>USA will be a minority white country

Must this be fate if we are aware of it though.

I notice that everyone knows we need more kids but everyone expects everyone else to make the sacrifice. Having kids is indeed costly and people have no money, nor do they get the social esteem reward they used to for doing it. Moreover, our gender roles are gone, which is the most intimate of identity foundations for a healthy society, the family division of labor and how it integrates with community.

I am reminded of how 'overpopulation' was always something limited to the Jewish controlled white echo chamber. No one ever tell blacks or hispanics to have less kids or abandon gender roles.

I said this verbatim to a girl and she agreed but the feminothing pill is too embedded by 20 to be rejected

It requires that they lose all their friends and change their behaviour

None can do this, they need the right upbringing. It's too late by the time they're of child bearing age.

my girlfriend and I were both against having children until we met each other.
We both valued having lives, doing whatever we wanted, having spare money, and not having to worry if our parenting would be good enough to turn an 18 year investment in our children into decent, hard working people.

Those feelings just sort of fell apart after we were together for awhile.

>If we leave our nationalist and traditionalist echo chamber on this site we realize that our beliefs are so strongly villified by the rest of society.

This is the truth.

millennial women are very interested in having children but they are pressured by an enormous force from the mass media and hollywood not to

Oh look, it's this thread again.