Creator of the makeapp makeup remover app is /ourguy/

Look at the replies to his tweets, this is fucking hilarious.
Ugly women are super triggered.

Other urls found in this thread:

">r/incels deleted >makeup remover app comes out a week later be careful what you wish for, roasties"

He's here right now

>some Russian guy

Not sure if this thread is 4D shareblue fuckery or not...

thanks for this app mah nigga, you are doing god's work

Day of the roast

>The female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thot, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But take off her makeup and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
This shit is pretty good

Because you can’t like russians because it would fit into a retarded narrative? Shut up you leaf before I blow you away faggot








basically all the libtard cliches are covered there, good stuff aruba

This app is probably pretty accurate considering how fucking mad they are

this is really fucking great, I have to say

>Living united

wasn't a shooting enough for these fags to grow out of this melting pot delusion?

Activated my almonds

>love Commies
>originated in Russia

Your move.

i actually like her better without it

The real developer is looking to sue Business Insider.

Pic related. The woman who wrote the article.
>It's racys, sexist. Muhsoggyknees!

He needs to make one that untrannies trannies, or detects them on dating sites.

thats really the creator of the app saying that? wow.

this thing will be banned for sure once the SJW mafia brands him a nazi.

>But the "real me" has nothing to do with what I, or anyone else, looks like.

Dat cognitive dissonance is oh so sweet. Like candy, muah!


No that's not the creator.

I'm not a faggot from /r9k/ so I don't give a shit shot of a whore feels bad. But I won't pretend I want betas from Reddit in this board.

You guys are Scum, even more worthless than a random whore.

>This makes roasties on /soc/ and /cgl/ leave

Doing God's work.


my hero

Forum post by author

Someone please do Jilf Stein.

>Not all women! lmao!!

/r/ing this in app.

pretty sure shit like this gets posted here for marketing, it probably won't be banned

Code it man!

but this guy says he's not the developer
i don't know who's makeuping who anymore but the roasties are still on suicide watch


He really is /ourguy/, unironically



muh fawkeen beeah iz evereewheah, ya cocksuckah, muthfawkah!!!!!!

Tried it on myself
t. don't wear makeup bc im a dude
It just makes you ugly/uglier.

link to the app?

thats some funny shit right there

nice try faggot


What a hysterical fucking cunt. Jesus, she's hyperventilating through text.

more of this girl pelase

>the value of a person has nothing to do with what they look like
Then why does this bother people?

Stop watching CNN

that pic is the type where the hs admins sperg out and suspend you over.

They're so pissed off over this

This is great


I thought women only wear make up for themselves. Why are they angry that people can see what they possibly look like without it

>the app is terrible because it doesnt work
>and why should it work that's cruel to women
>and it wouldn't matter anyways bc me and my friend look hott w.o makeup
12dimensional underwater mental gymnastics
truth is genuinely shocking

This dude really hit them where it hurts. This is actually WORSE than Revenge Porn. Well done.

excellent usage of guinea fowl

Well I know for a fact that it doesn't work on me
t. guy and I don't wear makeup bc not fag
Still changes your picture to make you ugly even you aren't wearing any makeup unless it's just poorly optimized for men.

This re-tweet pretty much locks it. /ourguy/ indeed.


>But I won't pretend I want betas from Reddit in this board

Nigger, do you know where you are?

Best be trolling.

>He's here right now

How else did you expect it got shilled this hard.

>unless it's just poorly optimized for men.
Chances are it isn't optimized, suitable that is, for men at all. It was trained on female faces with and without makeup and expects a female face with makeup as an input.

Not that bad desu


>The female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thot, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But take off her makeup and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

does he have some sort of patreon?

He retweets MDE too lol

The people who look nice without makeup are what I wanted to see. Very good stuff.

my sides are going to be sore for a week, i cant take this

I also tried it on an ex-gf's picture and it looks nothing like her w/o makeup

download it from apkdownloader and compare the md5 checksum

absolutely based, genius

run more kike witches through it
how has been posting these images for three weeks? also, 133tn followers and no retweets, wierd

Your glorious socialism is Russian, faggot.

Bruce in disguise





more interesting man in the world desu

This is fucking based as fuck.

Roasties just lost a lot of pussy power.

Next time you think about giving up your free time and money to date a roastie, take a look at her true form.


>damage control









I'm not going to post pics if that's what you're trying to bait me into doing because I respect her too much for that.



The app we are talking about is Makeapp, not Faceapp. And he is the developer of Makeapp, not Faceapp.

i wonder if the 90/10 rule would still exist if everyone realized how ugly these sloots truly are

can some one do hilldawg pls

why is she so goddamn perfect?

good fucking god