1. Stating the obvious right now. Any of you faggots who keep claiming this announcement would be about China trade are shills and you will rot in fucking burning hell for your transgressions. If it was about China trade he would have made an announcement on the plane.

2. It will be a live broadcasted presidential address. This is why a time and date must be set. Legally Trump can take over the airwaves but he has to give them a time and date so they can set it up.

I don't know what it will be about, but it will be yuge. The "oh it's probably something small" crowd are literal cuckolds here wishing out loud.

Other urls found in this thread:

Following the arrest/guillotine of Clinton, Podestas, Soros, Rothschilds etc., full disclosure will commence.

Please, life must have more meaning than what we know now

he has AIDs... calling it now

>Legally Trump can take over the airwaves but he has to give them a time and date so they can set it up.
You can't fucking believe that's what actually might happen.

Conjecture and speculation is fine. But sometimes you fucks just turn this into wish fulfillment. We're all craving a big happening. I get it. But at least try to be somewhat rational.

People are going to be ripe for misinformation and manipulation in the chaos that follows.

The MSM is already shilling grounds to blame this as an attempted coup/dictatorship in order to push tptb's plans for civil war. They are desperate. Be vigilant.


Read your post backwards word for word, then forwards again.

Only one person here sounds lacking of any intellect.

all Trump has to do is come out against the sexualization of the children before the majority of America thinks it's OK

>Any of you faggots who keep claiming this announcement would be about China trade are shills and you will rot in fucking burning hell for your transgressions.

It's about China trade

It is trade you nigger

I knew some of you would say this anyways so I prepared a second statement to enlighten you:

You're a shill.

>My fellow Americans. Tonight, I am proud to announce that this past Saturday, several high ranking government officials were arrested. This group includes Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, John McCain, and others. They have been charged with ______

Get fills in the blank.

You're a shill

Mueller has 1100+ Indictments.

Mueller bout to fuck some shit up.

Concurrently, trump is going to announce the PEACEFULL denuclearization of North korea.

1000:1 Japanese Jesus Theory confirmed?


>>My fellow Americans. Tonight, I am proud to announce that this past Saturday, several high ranking government officials were arrested. This group includes Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, John McCain, and others. They have been charged with ______

nigger love

But a god dammed handsome one

so... you don't think he has AIDs?

I hope to hell it's this formal Presidential Address and he rips the band-aid off the corrupt bleeding swamp on live television...

but it's probably "hey look at all the awesome trade deals I just made, china is going to respect us from now on, and lil' kim is going to talk with us about peace"

Fudge Packing


No it's not and you're a shill

>I insist I'm right about everything
>if you disagree then you are a shill and you know it
>if you still disagree then that is just 100% proof you're a shill
>don't you dare keep disagreeing with me

It could be middle East related, North Korea, trade, tax cuts, obamacare, etc.

It doesn't HAVE TO be any of the happenings we've been waiting forever for

Not receiving oral from dogs

Dog u right. we had tick tock for weeks an weeks and nothing. he gonna say some bs about trade. anyone thinking clintons or anyone else bigger than loser pedestas who get hand slap getin arrested is wishful thinking

Q here with the transcript
>I really liked my Asia trip. Feeding the fish with my friend Abe was fun! I like Asians because they have small hands like me! :^)
>t. Drumpf

being normies


I'd give my life for President Donald J Trump, I love the man as if he was family.

He'd be more careful than to announce it himself.

top kek




>literal cuckolds here wishing out loud.

Hello Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle! You're both dumb niggers.

could this be related?

it's nothing, fellow Americans

Meh I think you are trying to get our hopes up too high on purpose.



Conspiracy and racketeering


>this announcement would be about China trade
It will be about the great new tax plan.

When is this announcement? Tomorrow?


Treason against the United States of America



why does no one ever care about what i write?

>President Trump Hires Duerte to fight the war on drugs

What would Sup Forums's reaction be?

Were gonna invade Zimbabwe and reinstall a Rhodesian government

Who is insidenk and why should I care about what he has to say?


proof that he has 1100+ indictments?

I am afraid you may be setting yourself up for a big let down

a reliable news source about north korea

Except Trump has played the "big announcement" card before when really it wasn't shit.

If something was happening, the Clinton's would be in a place that doesn't allow for extradition.

another vietnam, another defeat, hue hue hue

keep dreaming. nothing good happens here.

You're Jewish. Pray to Satan you survive the purge kike. It's over.

it's a signal from deep space, 100+ light years away, and they're broadcasting pic related. digits will confirm.



It'll be nothing, admit it, your president is shit amerimutt.

thanks leaf, many lols were had

Day of the Rope, I hope.

>Read your post backwards word for word, then forwards again.



Seriously... am I dense or how the fuck did POTUS already get back to the WHITEHOUSE...

A tweet from DAn Scavoino has video of him walking into the WH tongiht..

I thought it was a 22hr flight and he wasn't due back till tomorrow afternoon?

The Las Vegas shootings were a Saudi coup gone bad.

This post was AIDS, checked.


Air Force 1 is a jet my man.

he's been in the U.S the entire time. they have alien tech so the "flight" takes seconds not hours.

so are most commercial airliners


Mass Pedophilia

Shill thread building expectations.
Fuckoff shareblue

He'll announce that Kim is indeed short and fat.

>reality TV host hired to read lines to brainlet mongrels

It'll be nothing

trump's cucked by the establishment now

if there's any meat to uranium one etc it'll be small time arrests and quickly buried and forgotten

the deep state will continue plotting and killing unabated

Rumours floating that NK will be attacked tonight using 4 carriers (korea time) - Trump will address the nation 5 min in.


It's more likely a speech about working out and resolving the political crisis in korea and de-nuclearizing north korea without conflict

trump wouldnt attack nk if the chinese send a special envoy to nk on friday.

If it is about China's trade are you gonna come back and apologize?

I bet is something minor like "China has agreed to buy our ____" or "China will put a factory in ___". It won't be anything about trade war or getting Hillary hahaha indicted hahaha oh I can't complete the phrase hahaha.

uhh user.... it will be china v usa in the end. You think the Philippines PM said it would be the end of humanity - if it was just a NK glassing by USA?

What time is the announcement guys? Praise kek

Human trafficking and treason

china is doing this so they have an excuse to attack usa


sounds unlikely.
again, what is your source to these rumours?
that article you linked is not related to that.

He's going to announce that he's just made a stupendous deal, a really, really great deal with some of the finest extra terrestrial entities; some truly great beings let me tell you, and this deal is going to bring back jobs and make America truly great again. In exchange for approximately one third of the remaining uranium and about a of quarter of US gold mining, these fine earthly visitors will take all of the discontented African Americans to their home planet to exist peacefully and honorably away from the scourge of White privilege and ever present racism.

He's just announcing that he reluctantly had to tell jared Kushner: 'Your Fired'... Barron will be appointed Senior Advisor.

Mate let me just explain something to you:
The amount of shills that have come onto Sup Forums pushing this "HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN LITERALLY TOMORROW" was too great and now that narrative is played out.
I honestly don't give a fuck if Trump plans to pull Clinton up on stage with him and tie the noose around her neck right fucking then and there. If it happens then it'll happen right when it happens and I'll witness it live. I don't care what anyone says they know or what they hint at. Nothing happens until it happens.
Anyone on here worried or talking about this is just wasting time and sliding other threads.

In summary:
Who gives a fuck
Let things happen on their own
Quit trying to use meme magic
It doesn't work anymore thanks to the shills
we have to invent something better or lay low
Anyone who disagrees isn't smart enough to understand what is going on.


Let me guess, MEGA Q told you it would be about exposing the swamp?

shill detected