Can we please get rid of the FDA?

Can we please get rid of the FDA?
Im tired of them regulating crap and trying to criminalize plants as if they are heroin. They have no business banning a plant that doesn't even get you high except for their own ulterior motives in big pharma.

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oh boy cant wait to go back to eating radiated chemicals like they did in the good old days

If kratom didn't have withdrawal symptoms it would be a wonder drug for many people either with depression or addiction.

You're thinking small.

I'm looking forward to the old-style taste of meat that's kept in a dirty un-refrigerated warehouse for a few weeks before being sold to the grocery store.

bumping for the love of kratom

It rarely has withdrawal symptoms though

Kratom is a retarded drug. Look at were it comes from. Take suboxone if you are too much of a fag to handle withdrawl

>"look where it comes from"
>hides your flag behind a kekistan one

i do

you know, heroin is just a derivative of opium, which is just sap from a poppy. Its all plants.

Turtles, all the way down.

Yea no shit. What's your point?
Kratom doesn't fuck you up nearly as much as heroin, morphine, or codeine.

The point, you mong, was that you were making a comparison between things that are just plants and heroin, when really heroin is derived from a plant, so your comparison is meaningless and you're retarded.

Also, put down the crack pipe. Someone's gonna have to lie on their 4473...

If not for the FDA, you could have competing certification companies to whom it actually mattered if they did a good job, since they would actually lose money if they did a bad job. The FDA regularly falls down on the job and yet here are today with them still boasting about being the valiant protectors of public health. It's garbage.

they don't ban poppy seeds
just the scoring of the buds and the subsequent refining and purifying

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your statement, but of all the examples you could bring up, and this is what you choose? You can go on Amazon right now and buy unwashed poppy seeds, put them in a jug of water, shake the jug, and extract the morphine and codeine which resides on the surface of the poppy seeds. It's called poppy seed tea.

Even so, what authority does anyone have to ban such a thing? Why is it moral at all? Sure, it's degenerate to get addicted to, but isn't that up to the person?

you could do that, but if you extract opioids from the poppy, you've just made a schedule 1 drug and you get to go to jail.

Its like being 17 and buying some apple juice and yeast. Totally legal. but ferment it and you've made hard cider and you go to jail.

codeine's about as addictive as pot and barely even gets you high lol

I had a gf that got hooked on this.

She ended up losing everything, being comatose for 12 hours a day, blaming my weed for her obvious addiction, and sucking dicks for drug money when i kicked her the fuck out and she moved in with her daddy and without me paying for her living expenses her "art" jobs didn't pay enough.

Degeneracy is degeneracy.

You realize how dumb that is though right?

These attempts to address root causes of crime don't work. Crime is caused by bad people. Born bad, or raised bad.

you eat radiated chemicals now, fellow American

ezkratom and other AKA members have had record success in signing petitions and keeping kratom legal

Why isn't anyone taking Zofran for opiod withdrawal?

actually my argument was that people should be able to have plants just not refine them. even though I personally wouldn't care if they did

it just seems like an easy place to draw the line

Best stuff for poppy tea I've had is from wegotnuts, sincerelynuts. 5lbs for $30 usually in Amazon

You misspelled DEA boyo.

And Sessions ain't going to do it.

I've taken it pretty much nonstop for about 4 years. Three times a day. I was on pain meds for back pain ( and depression honestly).
Full agonist opioids or opiates can turn you into a degenerate if your supply is irregular. They can also kill you. Partial agonists have withdrawal symptoms but it's much milder and cannot kill you unless you have a rare metabolic disorder or intentionally ingest a large amount of an extract.

Mytrigenine is a novel drug, and the plant creates a unique buffer system that prevents overuse. It sounds like your GF would have been a Duster head or a drunk if it wasn't kratom.

I'm sorry that happened to her, but the only appropriate regulation for kratom is USDA and GMP oversight.


Kratom acts as an opiate on the brain, and has the same side effects. constipation, flu, insomnia, and worse of all a drop in testosterone levels.

And frankly, iĺl just switch to Akuama seeds or some other novel alkaloid. I don't believe in the drug war, but I won't be a victim of it either. You are just shilling for the prison Jew if You think the drug war is worth it.

Oh I'm assuming you know from personal experience? No?
I do.. I have never experienced withdrawals from it, and more people don't than do. It's completely subjective. I'm sure you left that out in your research. Also the testosterone levels ha so my been found in some individuals as well.

no that user doesnt realize how absurd it is to criminalize plants

it makes zero sense to not allow someone to ingest something inside their home while they bother no one

it is all about money, criminalizing it allows medical companies to create synthetics and sell them and big gov continues its massive war on drugs

its a giant circle jerk and boomers like that user cant understand it because of their low iq

>unironically shows the one and only infamous bodybuilder post talking about the lowering of testosterone from kratom while also going on cycles.

Something like that. I just think it's low information or intelligence that makes people think that way. I'm conservative but also believe we should have the maximum liberty possible. I don't see the need to cage people over kratom. It's a pretty orderly and straightforward market at the moment. I'm sure some niggers are killing each other over it, but us normal people just work and buy it wholesale from reputable distributors and everything is above board. You want people to die? Make it a black market

Damn, did a reasonable discussion kill this thread ? I thought so , you nigger faggots

The FDA is the most corrupt organization in America. Fuck the FDA, they just want to protect big pharma

It's nu/pol/. That's how threads die here.

Still on the top of the catalogue and already a new thread is up. Fucking newfriends

Bump,the FDA is retarded

yeah this is really just the gov playing lapdog to big pharma after the DEA rescheduling failed due to backlash
>can't sell expensive methadone treatment and suboxone for decades while someone 'recovers' if they can use a cheap natural plant instead

ah actually poppy straw itself is schedule 2 which includes all parts of the plant. in fact since so many people grew poppies without even knowing what the fuck they were the early did a massive campaign getting people to stop and it worked very well although mad people still grow peony poppies to this day

you realize that is in no way scientific and the guy was using UEI which is ultra extract which is exactly what it sounds like super powerful extract of kratom not regular ground leaf

Exactly, heroin is derived from a plant but it isn't a plant, however kratom is literally just ground up plant .

The withdrawal symptoms I've had were 3 days of a runny nose.

Sounds alot like cannabis

The FDA was founded because back then, assholes were selling arsenic/mercury pills and radioactive water as a cure-all.

You want them gone because... they make it hard for you to get high.


Except nowadays it's corrupt as fuck and the only way drugs, or anything sees the light of day is with a ton of money behind it

It's more like coffee.

I use kratom in decent amounts 2x a day. Chronic back pain from a nasty rugby hit. It allows me to continue working a physical job, while also still playing club rugby. Yeah I have to eat some nasty plant dust, but I’m not a slave to the pharma opiate Jew. I’ve been down that path, and it’s sucks. If it gets banned I’ll just have to deal with it somehow, but not all use is degenerate

Recreational drugs are extremely degenerate, get raped druggies.

You should probably knock off the Rugby you fucking spastic.

rofl depression is so fake, idk how you blue-pilled fucks even found this website