Why did Generation X fail?

The numbers are grim - Gen-X (people born 1965 to 1981 or so) is doing MUCH worse than the Baby Boomers were doing at the same age, in 1997. Gen-X'ers are often still involved in "youth" dysfunction like crime and drug abuse despite aging into their 50's. Many have chosen homelessness and addiction over financial success and stability. Where and why did Gen-X go wrong, Sup Forums?

The baby boomers fucked them over and were shitty parents.

Not only did they ship manufacturing jobs out of the US so they could save a few cents on toilet paper, they also made sure Gen X would be paying for their medicare once they got too old to change their own adult diapers.

X is 65 to 79 you absolute putz.

That's too short to be a generation, which is usually close to 20 years. If anything, many people argue that Gen-X extends to 1985 or so.

Boomers were selfish, but how does Boomers being selfish mean that Gen-X'ers decide to take suicidal quantities of heroin and meth? At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own decisions in life.

Gen X checking in; doin just fine
>get up early
>lift, eat breakfast with senpai, go to work
>eight hours of bullshit for a decent wage and bennies
>regular hours allows for side hustle
>max out 403b and other pre-tax benes
>buy rentals
>wife and kids doin fine
Not seeing what there is to complain about here; maybe go outside?

Some people say Millenials are 1985-2001. There's no real objective standard for generational cohorts because they all blend together at the edges. I do agree with you, though. Half of my siblings are Gen Xers, half are millenials. It's really night and day in a lot of ways. The older ones are all more successful, but have very vapid lives outside of their kids. One regularly hobknobs with with dozens of international corporate CEOs as part of his job, but his political views are pretty simplistic past reacting to headlines with jokes.

gen x is the comfiest gen tbqhf

>I am doing better than the median therefore the median does not exist

Well good for you. Not so good for most of your generational cohort.


42 here, doing fine. Jesus saves!

>Boomers being selfish mean that Gen-X'ers decide to take suicidal quantities of heroin and meth? At some point, you have to take responsibility for your own decisions

Here's the thing, user, and again I know from personal experience. Most people with hard drug problems end up in rehab of some kind at some point. Maybe it's a fancy facility, maybe it's court ordered, maybe it's narcanon.

I'm not quite sure when this started, but ALL rehab pushes this narrative
>You're an addict because you were BORN an addict
>You've got an addicts brain
>You can't change that
>When you started taking drug's your brain growth stopped
>The drugs stunted your emotional maturity
>You can never get past that
>You have to be cold turkey or you'll be full on addicted again

I think Gen X's lingering drug problems can largely be explained by this perverse rehab ideology that tries to replace personal responsibility with peer policing, because the former is hard and the latter is easy to implement. Relapsing is just part of the process, because self-control is not.

Personally, I had a drinking problem when I was younger. I drank a fifth a night for almost two years. Quit cold turkey, no rehab. All my friends tried to peer pressure me into not quitting, but I decided I wanted to be a better person. Had a some short relapses and I won't pretend it was easy. I have a drink rarely because I haven't fetishized addiction and, surprise surprise, I learned self-control. I'm not going to turn into a monster from one drink and I'm not going to have a second unless it's a party, which is not something I do often now that I'm pushing 30.

>eat breakfast with senpai

Gen X fag here, welcome to your future, Sup Forums. Get comfy & enjoy the shitshow

Boomers are cucking us too, millennialbros. We are all praying for Generation Zyklon to save the world. Best we can do from our entrenched positions is hold on and support them.

I thought about this and I've noticed that Gen X:ers are the most failed people I know, on average. They're all socialist and degenerate or have some sick values, they're like inverse boomers.

Oh Boomer are still scum, Gen X are just traumatized children from the invention of divorce and the hippie movement. Boomers are a product of opulence and decadence. Millenials want to imitate the boomer hippies but there's no socioeconomic preconditions that can make such unproductive behavior work.

Life's about choices user:
>Most Gen Xers have higher family incomes than their parents did at the same age, but only one-third have greater family wealth. Three-quarters of Gen Xers have higher family incomes than their parents did, earning
a median of $43,000 annually, after adjusting for family size. However, just 36 percent of Gen Xers have exceeded their parents’ family wealth, and the typical Gen Xer has $5,000 less wealth than their parents did at
the same age.
>Gen Xers’ lower wealth is due in part to their debt totals, which are nearly six times higher than their parents’ were at the same age. Nearly all Gen Xers report holding student loan, medical, credit card, or other debt, with a median of more than $7,000. In contrast, their parents held just over $1,000 in debt at the same point in their lives.

4chin auto corrected me; I posted "f a m" as in family

42, no debt to speak of, technical trade job, make $73k a year, plenty of free time to hang with friends and senpai, enough money to travel and enjoy hobbies. Can't complain.

I'd say I'm doing ok.

but, but,
>muh generational cohort
>muh baby boomers
>muh meth and homelessness

*friends and family

Wtf kind of auto correct was that...

Gen Z will redeem America

I'm with you. Doing fine.
Retired Mil O-5, contracting now, double wages. :)
Father of four, Grandfather of five. Still married to college sweetheart and loving it.
Have faith, peace, decent waist. Lift (today was Dead and Bench); run; train tactically and prep for whatever the future may bring.
Don't currently own a house, but have before and currently own a rental apartment complex.
Just gotta try harder, folks.

Life's about choices; we're gonna make it GenX bro.

Coal and oil barons took over the Republican Party, slashing subsidies for state schools so that everyone had to go into debt for college. Combined with no backbone boomers letting the same barons send our jobs overseas. Also we have a massive Mexican and negroid problem. Also we should take the money from the Jews, kill them, and spend it responsibly on whites.

doubt it 10 years ago the late millennial were saying the same thing and they were whiter than you