So this ... is the vanguard ... of the alt-right

So this ... is the vanguard ... of the alt-right ...

Other urls found in this thread:

A fine group of Aryan patriots right there.

Who would win?


Left to right;

The Professional: Always keeps spare ammo in his backpack. Dresses casually to fit in with a crowd. Carries a list of targets. Thousand yard stare from seeing so much shit.

Shrek Jr.: Can crush a man to death with his nose. A man of few words but the most loyal of the group.

Ivan: Years of military LARPing have left him prepared for the happening. Owns more than 10 nuggets. Always ready for combat.

The Boss: The charismatic frontman of the group. Can make anyone a deal that they cannot refuse. Stays fat to protect from stabbing attacks.

Lookout: Never lets the group get taken by surprise. Can spot an antifa spy just from the way they scratch their nuts. Does not like the cold.

The Infiltrator: No one knows if it is really a boy or a girl. Can fit into any crowd at any time. Master of memetic warfare, can demoralize the enemy with just a few well placed posters.

Flagman: Carries a bulletproof flag. Master of over 100 martial arts and can kill a man with his bare hands. Always wears protection.

This was from the Nov 4th Antifa meetup right?

Soyboys and fat tony? Fine group of young men.


>Autism detected
Go away nu pol

Proof that pic is of alt-right kids? Seems about right.

Dude, that pic's not cool. Just seems like a bunch of dweebs getting together to make friends. It's like making fun of people playing Magic: The Gathering.

good pots user


>oh man the shills are out today

Antifa would have no problem against the "alt-right" if the race war started today

>Shrek Jr.

Fuck you.

Well I’d keep shooting till the war ended.

better than the irish at least

post your real flag nigger

Probably because people that call themselves 'alt-right' are a bunch of highschoolers and a small group of manchildren, while Antifa is a Horde of soyboys LARPing as ninjas. Actually, I think the alt-right would still win. Fucking pathetic.

You mean NERF battle?

I wouldn't doubt it. Alt-right are as big of pussies as antifa.

You can't deny the fat kid is pulling off that look like a boss. You couldn't do it, but there he stands, a god among men. All women within 100 miles of him are spontaneously ovulating.

obamakins on the prowl

this is what 8 years of a nigger president gets you


looks like a white version of my half beaner son

There is nothing boss about getting winded halfway through your cheeseburger.


>Fat Tony

fire up the ovens

is that bubbles?

How can Nazis and Marxists even compete

Fucker is exactly as describes him.


dude in front looks like he could str8 fuck some niggas up tho

>More LARPers

Keep em coming. This thread is gold.

Oh come on, the retarded one in the snow boots can’t even understand what it is she is there for in the first place.

Nazbols look like the only sensible looking people in extremist politics


Nah, these people are actually dedicated, they don't fuck around when it comes to safeguarding the interests of the European proletariat

Nah, this thread is shit.

To be fair, the guy in the camo might be a wildcard

>Ski masks and bandanas

Why do all Eurotrash, Leafs, and Amerilard leftists wear masks when they do their gay little demonstrations? Is it to play pretend as ninjas? At least the alt-right owns up to their deformities like Big Tony in OP's pic.

tfw no nazbol gf

The altright are full of amerimutts tho.
These are actual people

>Nah, these people are actually dedicated

Exactly what Antifa soyboys and alt-right weiners say. You're lack of self-awareness is so extreme that it's comical.


more like ptg

Look into a crowd of antifa and into a crowd of alt right then look at a typical national bolshevik demonstration.

looks like an episode of south park

The alt right is a boogeyman that haunts old ladies.

I thought Nazbol was meme ideology. Wtf does it even mean?

I believe you mean your wife's son, right?

>Belongs to a party made by kikes

Fucking hilarious. How do people as retarded as you exist?

Safeguarding the nations cultural values and traditions while having control over the economy

Breivik does the same salute.
Breivik a nazbol?????

one in them middle is the homie tommy "two tons".

It's almost like the fat blob balances out the skinny fags so that the group as a whole looks normal.

Dugin was no Jew

>Implying the left are going to fuck with Bugsy Malone

>implying it's not the cast of South Park
from left to right

I also want to fuck Kenny

It means that they want a party ran by Jews to fuck them up them up the ass and destroy their culture because they're gay. Remember that revolution in Russia 100 years ago that destroyed the country and left everyone starving? Basically that except ran by ugly LARPers that provide nothing of substance to this world. It's never going to happen, because most people aren't complete losers.

pretty clearly a he-man woman hater's club meet up, my little irish pup

>I want to fuck Kenny

That's a kid.

Good optics

Look at this retard.
Hasn't even read nazbols wiki page let alone read any Dugin.

how do these chads keep the nubile women from raping them

What the fuck do you think this is, reddit?

Get the fuck out, faggot


No thanks, faggot. Also, get a picture with higher resolution, or are you too poor to afford 30 extra KB of storage?

Don't know, bro. Seems like a pretty Leddit tier thread to me. We've even got a handful of communist retards.

>not taking the nazbol pill

Touche. I'll give you that one.

They need to get out

Yeah internationalist commies are the worst

Everyone in this thread is laughing at what a fag you are, dude. Quit LARPing and see a psychiatrist.

don't think you're any better, meme flag son of a bitch.

>He calls it a meme flag
Aaaand confirmed lefty cuck.


t. Jealous non-nazbol

Nazbol is future of europe

Why are 14 year olds balding in the US? What's in their drinking water?

Because he's retarded.


Nazbol is a meme ideology

The kids who OP posted are like 12--These are adults. ADULTS.

God, they're literally South Park. Even have their own Eric Cartman.

What all you fags on Sup Forums actually look like behind the screen while typing, get fit and be alpha!

nice cherry picking potato faggot

lolled so hard at this

I just keep seeing this dyke bitch on every photo... You sure there's more of you?

>potato nigger calling a white man nigger
Really famines the ol’ potatoes


On the bright side I don't see any mongrels unlike HWNDU...

what is it like knowing that no matter how much jealousy, frustration and rage you build up, you’ll _never_ be white? i can only imagine how fucking hopeless it must feel.

Pretty sure this was a libertarian meet up.