Joe Biden thread

Couldn't find a thread on the ex-VP Joe Biden. He sure does loves the kids.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please ignore. bump

Huge bump

Checked. You sound pedophobic user.


He's moving to France where 13 is legal.

Hmm perhaps.

Youll notice however that he raped or molested or sexually abused NONE of them. Just did cutesy affectionate shit, like what a father, uncle, or grandpa might do. You'll also notice that the kids's parents were there the whole time and gave consent for affectionate interactions.

Republicans and you shills could learn a thing or two from Biden. Instead they pretend to be righteous and rail against these realities in public, then go sexually abuse and rape children as soon as the doors are closed. Evil. Shall I post the never ending list?

Democrats >>>>> Republicans.

when do we started putting burning tires around their necks?

>Trumptard rule number one: When you are in trouble and can't explain it away with a conspiracy, simply try to find something similar from the past that democrats did, point to it, and say "See? Look how evil the democrats are!"


His name was Seth Rich

You'll notice that people of good moral character who do the "kiss the baby" bit, don't illicit pure awkward discomfort from the child in question.
These are painful as fuck to watch, it's a pretty clear indication of the type of person Joe Biden is, a creepy old man who creeps kids the fuck out.

See twitter thread--->

He's done in politics.

It just depends on the child. Some are fine with it, some are more shy towards strangers or non-parental figures.

0.02 cents from shareblue, coming this fag's way.

no one cares about the bi-partishit system when all of them are complicit in the biggest human trafficking scandal since never.


Joe Biden wants your children

He didn't fondle anyone's chest area nor did he tell anyone "See you back home. " I didn't read any further because it's obviously just more right wing shill lies and bullshit.


what a fucking pedo freak...


See my first comment and the OP, faggot.


A shill calling someone shareblue. Fucking hilarious.

>no one cares about the bi-partishit system when all of them are complicit in the biggest human trafficking scandal since never.
Well let's bust em. Is that what you'd like to do?

Talking about Biden in these video clips does nothing to accomplish that.

He never fondles any girls's chest area and never says "See you back home, " you twat.

that's very disturbing and makes me think that he is a weirdo sex freak

The audacity to do that in front of their families and cameras.
To me, this is a reason it's all going to come out. They got too brazen.