Hannity exposes Clinton crime web


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He's getting ass raped by other journalists and politicians on social media for this. He also claimed he's "...under surveillance."

Where were you when Hannity went full INFOWARS? You were here on Sup Forums it's all you'll ever be.

Fuck Killary Killton and bill clinton is a rapist infowars dot com

Only God Emperor Donald Trump can save us now

Hannity and Trucker are Angels of God

nice shill tactic (you)'ve got there.
But not as nice as Hannity's powerpoint presentation.

Where do you think you are right now?

>GOP wins Presidential Election
>GOP controls the House
>GOP controls the Sentate
>DNC gets a Special Prosecutor with unlimited funding and no limits on jurisdiction
>GOP gets Sean Hannity and a really big monitor

Oy vey!!

Let it slide!!

right like there is some proper alternative

>no line between PUTIN and HACKED despite them literally being the closest boxes on the board
You have to try to bury a story this hard
>no glasses
>it's not a chalkboard
>no tears
If you're going to rip him off, at least go all the way

yeah putin hacked what again?
pffthahah unreal

Is this from tonight?

>Where were you when Hannity went full INFOWARS? You were here on Sup Forums it's all you'll ever be.

How long has he had this big board? Is this a new thing? Never seen it before.

>Implying the majority of those aren't complete nothing burgers.
>Uranium Deal
>Steele Dossier

The only legit one may be the DNC corruption.
Rest is just typical GOP dangling scaring sounding things in front of people's faces but aren't actually anything rooted in reality, hoping no one asks any questions and just blindly accept what they said.

>other 'journalists'
>political shills

There are no journalists. Only faggots who are told what to write and when to write it.
The fourth estate is dead, it was killed by it's own cancer.

>He also claimed he's "...under surveillance."
He had an ex NSA guy on his show and he said meta data is collected on everyone 24/7. That's why he said that.

My apologies to the others. I should have ended my post with "you turbo cuck". I will try harder next time.

even batshit crazy TYT was reporting that, it was probably meant to be misleading

sadly, I agree.


This is fucking hugeeeeee

This may be the golden ticket to get the special council


bump this shit faggots. get this shit out

its not new its just for normies

Inb4 Stephen Colgate does and UTTERLY HILARIOUS aDDED parody of this


That's the whole fucking point, this shit needed to be made for normies so there would be enough outrage to get her fucking investigated.

The GOP is not conservative. The GOP is Jewish.

I cant wait for Colbert and John Oliver to destroy this faux news nutjob, only rural and suburban retards support Blumpf, Hannity and Fucker Carlson.

>Russian government hacked anything at all

so is the DNC, what do besides ovens and functioning gas chambers?

You'll be waiting a long time for it to be 2008