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Can't buy abortions with food stamps.

Cause niggers thats why. Wanna know something even more obvious? That negress pleaded not-guilty. These things are typical and normal for the average ghetto-nigger lifestyle.

Can't blame her.

I feel sad and angry at the same time. This is the state of black america

She forgot to throw the baby out with the bath water :(




If this bitch was white it would be national news and all you'd see for months on twitter is
>beyonce drinking tea

I recall a black woman calling an unborn child a "womb tumor".

Why does she look like a literal big lip stereotype? Like god damn those lips could suck a giraffe through 50 ft of rubber tubing


Because two niggers are worser then one

That can't be their actual photo. Those nig lips are so blatant it had to come from a ben garrison comic

Eugenics needs to happen and fast. This creature shouldn't have been allowed to see the light of day let alone spawn.


she didndonuffin
she innocent

Thanks swarmfront I nearly stopped hating niggers for a second glad you're here to keep us all on message,

Who fucked him?

Postpartum psychosis, an extreme variant of postpartum depression.

My grandmother got sent to a loony bin briefly for trying this sort of shit on my dad.


>it's real

Bix nood

Tryna teach da lil nigga to be kang of da atlantis n sheit

why not? she should be congratulated for her selfless act by taking responsibility of the nigger she let loose on the world.

that's one big lipped beast


Is this dare I say our nigger

Run her through MakeApp!

thats a women?

as if there's never been cases of white women drowning her kids.

pol is filled with retarded teenagers

Some nig actually fucked that ugly nigress

why would you feel sad? it's not a white baby, dude.

Yes a beautiful Afro American woman

Whats wrong with her lips ?


People pay for lips like that

I want to nominate her for an award. Working white people will not have to pay to support it for it's life now.

We saved a lot of money.


This thing is the same race as you and I.

Looks exactly like a old racist cartoon depiction

White people don't do shit like this so whatever.

This nigress pleaded not guilty.

i'm not going to lie, i'd take a blowjob from her.

couldn;t resist all that delicious salt

She's not a human.

She's black what do you expect

dem raycis whypipo

damn thats a dull panga

Interesting attempt... Keep us posted on how it goes?

she dindu nuffin

imagine how deadly they would be if they were smart enough to know blades need to be sharpened


Jesus Christ her fucking lips


>see this pick dozens of times on the fucking catalog
>dismiss entirely
>just find out its actually a woman


we need a t shirt with the baby's face for the viewing


Surely this is a joke, yes? How is that fucking thing considered a human?

kek have a tip your way

Is that a human?



Fourth trimester abortions should be legal.

If i didn't know they were female from the OP i would say that's a dude. Looks like a younger Kel.

wasn't she latina?

I feel sad that black culture is so fucking horrible and is a drain on society

...this is a problem. We need a Planned Parenthood ever 4 blocks in the hood.

I don't think your message will filter through this particular crowd... Probably true, exacerbated by the extreme.... awww fuck, bitch be ugly as forever. The Debil be throwing up at her face.

Animals sometimes kill their young if they are defective or if they can't provide for them.

she went crazy on the toxins of whatever bit her in the mouth.

no wonder blacks have the highest rate of abortion

if it was not for christcucks making abortion harder, blacks would be only 6 % of USA

those lips are at least 20% it's face

>become defense attorney
>but it generics chart seeing niggers are more costly related to apes
>argue that they are incapable of following the same laws as white people
What would happen?

Jesus, did she get punched in the lips really hard?

Because it would be exceptional.

>being born a living caricature


not even pure african blacks look like that

That is racemixing for you

that doesn't really lessen the fucked-upness of infanticide

That is quite the soup cooler she's got on her face.

>Be a nigger
>commit murder

Next thread please?

I haven't met any white people with lips like that, that's all ooga booga friend

They're like cow lips, I can't stop staring

Does she have candy wax lips on?


Those are some crazy dick sucking lips

>my kid wont be anotha statistics
>imma teach my baby to swim
>kick, my little man
>there you go
>ats rite
>you doin great
>no no, keep on kickin
>you can do it stay strong
>brb phone

I didn't mean mixing with white necessarily. USA blacks are around 25 % indian, and are a combination of quite different african tribes, leading to quite mismatching facial features ("black" is barely a race to begin with, there is far more genetic diverse between african tribes than between whites and asians, for example)

Nignog. Look at her crocodile tears.

because she is a crime fighter

Is that really the mother? Maybe Brietbart made a mistake and posted a picture of the father.

Best news of all: It was a son.

Animals don't kill their young "jus' cuz" or because they can't be bothered.

I understand what you mean, but those butt donuts aren't specifically as a result of racemixing, the pink of her lips is definitely because of mixing, but the sheer size of those things is strictly because she's a nog

There has to be some sort of surgery where they cut out some of the mustache area and lower and sew your lips to it. I mean she cant close her mouth in a resting position.

it is far more frequent than most people think


How does anyone get lips that big?
I doubt sucking on a vacuum hose could create that

Does that lady look white to you?

Jesus Christ, is there a fucking thunderclap every time she smacks her lips?