So how many of you really are russian operatives?

So how many of you really are russian operatives?

Trump and Putin are both ZOG Jews for Israel. They both White Genocide you all.

That would be me
Ignore the flag
I am using a super good vpn to trick all the American dogs into belief my communist lies

Real answer: idk. Probably a few mixed in

half the american flags

140% of the meme flag posters

All of the posters on this board are Russian bots.
One you and I are legitimate.


I'm actually russian lol

There is alot of us in leafland

I am a russian sleeper agent..just comfyposting from my bed

cyka 5s confirm

There is actually no evidence that Russia exists


Red leader standing by

cyka blyat comrade.

Da. It is me Ivan. I am the leader of the west coast Russian shill division. Tsar Putin is my dear leader.


I am the Russian!


I had a Guardian journalist call me a Russian bot because I told a feminist she was pro censorship on Twatter.

Seriously what is it with the left and Russian bots. They’re paranoid as fuck about them. Isn’t it ironic the the most pro communist assholes on the left are so paranoid about Russia?

rush Sup Forums cyka blyat

Yob tveyu mat

All Auscunt shitposters are hired merc shitposters online.
We are the Black Cube of shitposting.

Hey there comrade.

Not OP, but don't tell me what to do with my mother.

йзбти pг дцyэж

I am
Fun fact:
USSR never disbanded
You will bend to the will of mother Russia or you will break


Who ain't is an easier question?


I've been on Sup Forums for 8 years (kill me) and if the Russians really managed as long a game as that then fuck me where are my rubles

I am senpai


I'm an Alaskan so I might be a Russian.

You can usually tell which anons are shills by their flags
If they use meme flags and/or make bait posts, 9 times out of 10 those anons are putin-bots

Its true I saw the Urals from his house


everybody but me and a few pirate flags. the ratio is about 98/2 shitpost/half decent individual and human being


Don't believe him, OP! He's a Russian! I'm a real boy though. You can trust me, comrade.

Baseball! Coca-Cola!

Red October standing by...

All of us.

If you can spot a bot/shill, an I?

You've got this all backwards, OP.

The Russians are Sup Forums operatives.


are you all Ontario folk? actually wana meet some good russian people

I is defs not dedicated Russ operative for Glorious Motherland, CNN sempai. I just post animes pics.

guilty many of us use canadain proxies fyi ever notice how we are always the ones btfo of trump now you know

Liberals truly believe most of Trumps supporters are Russian agents. How insane is that?

You can usually tell which anons are shills by their flags
If they use an american flag and/or make bait posts, 9 times out of 10 those anons are dickheads

I do it for free

I know, right? There was a brief moment following the return of the flags WE could converse over overs, now it's through them.

I don't represent the flag, flag represents what I am willing to back, fund, fight and die for.

I might be, I'm not sure

Not all of us are russian operatives.


Oh stop believing fake news fellow 4chinners
The whole Russia collusion narrative is a nothing burger as they say in our american media haha

t. a simple patriot from Alabama

Why is the left so Russiaphobic and anti-Slavitic?

Why do I have a Russian flag?
fucking kikes I swear

I don't know bros, ain't all Russian went dead instinct?? A нa caмoм дeлe cижy нa дoшикe, вeдь зaплaтy зa тo чтo тyт пoщy yжe нeдeли 2 кaк нe дaют. Жaль!

Hello Boris

I'm not Russian
But to be serious, Putin and Assad did nothing wrong

Russian here
we totally made trump yw

JIDF pls go

i am

I love Trump btw... America first finally

Don't bother we all proud american citizens here.

