What do we do about the homeless?

What do we do about the homeless?

More resources into mental health and substance abuse treatment.

try to improve job prospects
job education doesnt help the currently homeless but it prevents them from existing in the future

gas them.

create a government regulated program where employers are required to have 20% homeless staff. Legislation written by an progressive woman of course.

only person in thread with experience with homeless niggers.

they don't WANT a job, to work, to take their meds or in any way be productive.


>fed gives homeless jobs performing public works
>they receive training and pay

>That's right goy, pay (((rent))) or die

Homeless white veterans and the mentally ill need to be taken care of. Billions to pay Shaniqua for popping out another niglet while white men freeze to death in the streets. Disgusting.


theres so much homeless because we closed the asylums alot of these people are crazy as fuck

I feel bad for a lot of the homeless people, especially here in Canada with our cold weather. I'd rather the government help the homeless rather than giving money to refugees.

>rent or die

I own my house so fuck off nigger.

Have you actually encountered hobos? they don't want a job or a sandwich, they want cash to buy booze and drugs with so they don't have to be in society.

this tbqh

We need to put homeless people in jail.

If all i had in life was to pan handle enough money to get drunk, I'd at least save up enough for a bottle of liquor and make it worthwhile... beer?

woah, nice digits

no, gas them. they don't want to be in society, fine then make it permanent and cost effective.

give businesses some money for hiring homeless people

Most homeless people are either niggers, normal people who got addicted to drugs, or mentally ill. The mentally ill make up the vast majority though and like someone already said, they should be in the asylums which we should still have specifically to care for them. Then just kick the rest out, I don't care where. More places need to make and enforce laws against things like panhandling - plenty of places do but then 1 mile away where a county or city or district line changes it's totally legal so they stand right there on the edge and they're never gone because there's always a place for them. Kick them completely out of anywhere people live, they can go infest government land in the middle of nowhere, I don't care I just don't want them around me.

>hire crazy millennium shrimp homeless nigger
>bites the face off the first customer

you are like child


i wasn't talking about customer service jobs i meant like working in a production line

homeless are the ones that would fall for a chemical bliss society. all they want is drugs and booze. bottom line.

most of these people come from severely broken homes - rape, incest, human trafficking, and any other flavor you can think of.

mental health treatment centers - with focus on spirituality, meditation and options for different worship of God should be implemented.

those that cannot contribute in any positive manner should be locked away in high security mental health prisons where they can live out the rest of their days in a government mandated state of chemical bliss. Revoke their rights to citizenship, voting / firearms /etc.

Provide them basic accommodations in exchange for low skilled labor on government projects like landscaping, trash removal, if they refuse, revoke their citizenship and deport them to Antarctica.

ITT: edgy future serial killers

prison labor.

>hire millennium shrimp nigger
>eats his coworkers face

a small, small child

>What do we do about the homeless?
nothing. they are here to remind majority that you must bend over and respect money. 9 -5 til you die....

Live on farming commune, allow use of weed and mushrooms that they can grow on their own. More insane members locked in asylums.

to be honest with you i don't know what an MSN is but why are you homeless people eating faces? maybe give them free lunch?

what happens to the commune when the homeless fucks you let in drink all the mouthwash the first night and refuse to work?

We already use prison labor in the USA though. the nigger can rot in a cell or work. under the supervision of an armed guard.

Because almost all of our homeless are drug-addled insane pieces of shit, not well to-do people who just lost their way or can't find a job.

they use whatever they have to get high, from fermented shit to bath salts. they don't want to be normal, they want to be worthless burdens on society.

>Hospitalize the severely mentally ill
>Reform drug addicts
>Gibs welfare for work for pre-determined period
>Jail lazy degenerate vagrants

id rather not pay to babysit an invalid for their entire life.


maybe try handing out fermented shit and bath salts to them for "free" if they complete some simple tasks

most in my country are mentally ill and/or drug addicts. i think we can find some money to give them a space far away from impressionable and fragile people to do drugs and a therapist on site to help guide them. we need to sorten our shit up and stop spending money on frivolous shit like other countries and the EU and fix our own shit first.

It's how we enslave the black race again, they can't live in society.

>chimp out
>go to jail
>Become prison labor, ie a slave

Starve to death.

Voluntary manual labor program. Like prison chain gang but you're free to come and go. Those who are willing to have their shit together get a small paycheck, a cot to sleep on and a free shower and shave. Bare minimum. It's a chance for them to get out of the rut they're in.

hello 1980s cia. dont be round about it, just kill them. anyone on the edge of normal will go oh shit they gunna kill me I better get my shit together at the Jesus center.

I live where other cities ship their bums to. It's a fucking mess. Bums shitting all over the streets, sleeping on people's front porches and screaming at the owners. We have an extremely high amount of bike/car theft from tweakers. Shit, I live below a canyon and watch the fucking bums hike in there with their phones. You can see their phones glowing at nigjt from the bushes.

Cops don't do jack shit and they don't want to be helped. Bring back forced institutions for people who refuse to get better.

the whole commune does. now extrapolate that to the nation as a whole.

okay well whatever take the homosexuals too

If Commiefornia wants to secede, I'd say just send all these homeless fuckers there. Cali loves the homeless!

More like methamphetamine

I'm down. anyone else?

Lol are you okay my dude?

The only thing keeping them out of a fair wage and affordable housing is the greed of kikes. Just put them all to work upgrading the nations infrastructure. Gas, electric, railways, waterways, roads, and many other things here in the US desperately need to be modernized.

>people to to work on the upgrades which creates jobs
>put laws in place that make it illegal to buy certain materials from other countries or otherwise export labor
>demand for local materials encourages domestic businesses
>more of that wealth stays in the nation and wages are raised so people can afford to pay more for local materials, goods, and services
>infrastructure is modernized which raises overall living standards and boosts morale of citizens
>upgrades are just being completed after a decade or so
>oh no! it's all outdated! time to upgrade again!
>invest in clean energy and recycle to make the system sustainable
>repeat process

Need to be put into camps or Infantry

This post needs more attention, this is the reason.

In the past it was possible to make a living doing odd jobs, but now the academia complex must be paid to certify everyone with a 4 year degree before they can do menial tasks. People dont do jobs, they have careers, and its ruining everything.

Homeless people are the only truly free people in this country. More people should become homeless in order to escape the tyranny of materialism.

offer free heroin with a 5% chance of containing cyanide.

recreational MCgasing at midnight every Monday?

most homeless people are degenerates, addicts, sex offenders or the mentally ill that don't want jobs or can't perform them.

the ones that can actually hold down a job can get off the street.

Throw water balloons at them, MJ had the right idea.
>Preferably in during the night in winter

see this asshole right here is shitposting in a public library after washing his balls off in the water fountain.

>That's right goy, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a (((house))) so you don't have to pay (((rent)))

Wait until there asleep and build houses around them

>spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a (((house))) so you don't have to pay (((rent)))

Jews do the same thing.....

Two of the most popular new anime this season feature homeless people as the main characters. Makes you think ...

Televised bum-fighting.

Its ironic that although the numbers of mentally ill who are incapable of taking basic care of themselves has risen drastically in the past few decades, the number of mental asylums has dropped.

It might be due to the fact that we have given women and estrogen filled/effeminate men more power. And they think treating those near brain dead individuals like animals is "inhumane". Thats what you get when you make decisions purely on emotion and not on reason/logic.

Nobody wants to live in a homeless shelter with other homeless people. I would rather sleep in my car.


This in conjunction with increased housing supply. If you can pay them to clean up trash or some shit (which lets face it would be done by an overpaid government employee anyways) that'd also be cool.

Stop coddling them. No shelters, no food banks, let them die off.

Why assume anything needs to be done about them at all?

the homeless is who public assistance was meant for in the first place. Not single black women with 50 kids who all have jordans and xboxes.

I had a friend who mentioned, in germany, if you are homeless and lost your job and all that, the govt will give you a place to live. if by X amount of time you haven't found a job, they set you up with a job counselor. If you still dont find a job after x amount of time, you get kicked out because clearly you are the problem

Give them money for beer.

>homeless guy falls asleep piss drunk
>erect a 1 bed, 1 bath house around him
>shave, groom and cloth him in a suit
>park a kia in front of the house and put the house and car keys in his hand
>he has no choice but to get a job now

>2 weeks later, he's sold the house, the car and the clothes for top shelf liquor

Norway doesn't really have that many beggars, in the traditional sense.

What we have are filthy subhuman Gypsies that flood into our country as "EU visitors" (despite us not even being in the EU) to steal and beg on the streets. They purposefully try to be as dirty, disgusting and filthy as possible to get as much pity points as they can.

It's not often you find an actual Norwegian beggar, and when you do, they are all extreme substance abusers.

To the Norwegian ones, give them help. To the fucking Gypsies, throw every single one out of the country and ban their culture entirely from entering.

There's a reason the Norwegian Constitution banned Gypsies, it should never have been removed.

not ALL jobs. to be honest I'd sooner trust a mexican handling fruit and veggie picking than an inmate.

there's a reason they used to be used almost exclusively for manual labor like road building

Feed them, clothe them, then give them a machine gun and have them fight the enemies of Allah.

I've been homeless for 10months. AMA

Recycle them and make better use for them. Harvesting, experimenting, food, fuel, ect.

how do you survive the heat

Library is air conditioned, beach is a free tram ride away.

Help them, provide them donations and shelter, with their own private room.

Why not to san fran? Its already a homeless refuge

for some of these people this would work but many dont want to work or cant and i doubt this could get put into place here

Adelaide fag?
Why don't you apply for jobs instead of shitposting on Sup Forums?

I have no idea how that place can be considered such a great tourist location when half the city is just homeless people walking around screaming about the end of the world or threatening people.

The city is fucking disgusting, definitely the worst city I visited during my road trip.

the only good thing about california is shit like the redwood national park ive never been there but i definatley wouldnt go to any big cities if i did

God speed my man.

Ignore them.

incinerate the homeless

Redwood was a great experience. Also the drive from Utah through Nevada to California was great, going from desert to full on blizzard to tropical beaches in a days time.

Veterans have a lower unemployment rate than non-veterans. Which I think makes more sense than the stereotype.

They'd do it too because they pick up shit tons of cans and go dumpster diving and wash windows.
Why can't ppl on welfare work for welfare not full time but a couple hours a week? Like why can't they put in a couple hours at province funded daycare for other welfare ppl so they can get jobs to get off welfare and do other apprenticeship or entry level type jobs to get a bit of work experience. Maybe they'd want to get some type of better work then instead of doing a job they hated and get off welfare.

Ppl who can't work literally get disability instead.

Send them to mexico. I mean it is a warmer climate and they will fit right in.


The most important thing to know is when not to do anything.

>yes goy, be a degenerate homeless fuck, (((the state))) will take good care of you!

give them homes


>Why don't you apply for jobs instead of shitposting on Sup Forums?
It's a voluntary vacation from life. I spend most of my time reading books, just finished a translation of 'The Devine Comedy'.
I havent used any money in 10 months, get my food, shower, wash my clothes at various charity services.

A huge problem is that if you are on welfare, you get "punished" for getting yourself a job.

Say you manage to find a low paying job, they will then remove your welfare as you are no longer unemployed. Imagine if that job made you only around 10% more than they you while on welfare, but you are now working 64 hours a week when you previously worked none. It's obvious which one you'd pick over the other. You don't have a reason to find a job unless it is sufficiently more than what you'd get for doing nothing.