I don't want to be a fedora tipper anymore pol

i don't want to be a fedora tipper anymore pol

how do i stop, Christianity makes no sense but I want to believe

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Not being a Christian doesn't make you a fedora tipper. Why do you want to believe? It's just another take on the jewish religion.

you makin' sghetti?


You can be an atheist without having to get into arguments about it. Crazy idea, right?

Try a different religion, like Taoism. Once you read the core texts like the Tao Te Ching, or if you want to try Buddhism the Dhammapada or many others, you can read the bible (start with the gospels in this case) and you will be able to see the connections between it and what you've already read, and it will begin to make sense. All have an open mind and try to see hidden symbolism or allegory in the writing. It's not meant to be taken exactly as you may think most of the time.

just become a deist you fat douche

Christfags don't believe it either, they're just afraid to go to hell if it exists.

Just don't be a militant atheist.
Christian values are great for the most part. Having a spiritual system based on those values is a good thing. And a people need a common value system anyway, whatever it is.
Religion has a lot of dumb stuff but that's not the source of people's dumbness. It's a good way to manage the dumbness though. They may end up doing less dumb mistakes than otherwise. They may end up reconsidering those ideas when they're more mature and that's not a bad thing to wait until then.
See, when you have those cliche intolerant creationists spouting their crap, these people most likely would have been dumb fucks anyway. They would have been your SJW retards.

I went through an esoteric phase at like 18-20 after being athiest throughout childhood, then finally moved on to Christianity at 21. The key is to liberate yourself from the false premise of materialist philosophy. Try to read Jung or Plato or some other non-materialist thinkers and you'll see what I mean. Think about what makes up your conciousness beyond biology and neurons, the actual lived experiences (qualia in technical terms) which cannot be reduced to mere matter. Religion is a way of explaining the behavior of these qualitative states much in the way materialist science describes the behavior of matter according to our physical senses. Salvation and the trinity, for example are qualitative paradigms much in the way hydrogen spectra or general relativity are scientific ones.

literally ask the lord, all you have to do is say a prayer, talk to him like you would talk to a person in real life, put your hands togeather, and aim your face to the sky and talk to him, ask him to guide you to a church and he will deliver.

Im going to give you a heads up, things might start happening to you... i mean werid out of the ordinary things, things that will make you say there is a God, hes somewhere, i just cant see him.

That may or maybe the case, i dont know what God has planed for you...

Just remember, blessed is he who belives without seeing.

never read about the conservation of energy in physics, the power of suggestion in psychology, or probability and evolutionary methods in computer science if you want to believe for real

if you lost your faith, nothing will get it back unless you're capable of bullshitting not only yourself but also your subconscious

the true, bitter redpill is acquiescing for cultural kinship while knowing that it's all bullshit

You're a fucking moron. Anyone in upper level science can tell you that things get a lot more vague when you aren't doing kindergarten state school bullshit like that. Science isn't the monolith you think it is.

>See, when you have those cliche intolerant creationists spouting their crap, these people most likely would have been dumb fucks anyway. They would have been your SJW retards.

Holy fucking shit you're right! I'd see them fight each other on campus when I went to college, and they were like two peas in a pod.

See folks? It's not the ideology as much as it's a stupid problem, and we got a BIG stupid problem.

Christianity works on a psychological level as well.

>t. 56-percenter in college debt after flunking out of cooking school because only god can explain the taste of a big mac

You'd be what they call a jew, a baby that needs milk before solid food, a piece of shit that needs rules before becoming naturally good.

Why doesn't it make sense?

List of pro-White atheists and agnostics:
Alex Linder
Ben Klassen
Craig Cobb
Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Dr. William Luther Pierce
Matt Hale
Revilo Oliver
Tom Metzger


Just practice meditation, cuts the bullshit out and puts your own mind at ease

Look into Gnosticism m8

>I wasn't brainwashed into a cult
>pls help me brainwash myself

Try suicide if you're that weak willed.

>Christfag here

It is interesting that you would say that, because even Christians can't make sense of the Bible sometimes. It is fundamentally illogical that one man could die for the sins of many, especially given that He was sinless.

The problem with people saying that the Bible is the word of God is that it isn't. It only becomes the word of God in that it points to Jesus as the ultimate revelation of God.

So for the Bible to be read as the word of God, it must be read as the word of God. If you read it as a history book, then it'll remain a history book (possibly even alternate history). I'd suggest reading the Gospel of Luke and Acts, then the Gospel of John.

Good luck. If you feel really drawn to Christianity, don't be afraid to pray for God to reveal Himself to you, either.

What about Christianity doesn't make sense to you?

Wait, you are a RADICAL ATHEIST?
Well, aren't you on edge-town tonight.
Fucking go start in christian morality, we kind of all live by it and accept that christianity as flawed as it may appear to you is a vanguard to keep people modest and decent even when its in face of eternal damnation

Dont be naive, a human being is naturally evil.

To me at least, Christianity isn't about believing the fanciful stories as told in the Bible. Believing in the stories is not the point... it's the message and ONLY the message they portray that matters. Did Noah really build a big ass ark and haul a bunch of fuckin animals somewhere? Probably not... but who the fuck knows or cares.... the message is that Noah kept faith in God when no one else did. Faith in God. Doing your best to follow Gods commandments , and knowing that Christ died for the times when you fail. That is what matters.

>You can be an atheist without having to get into arguments about it

Yes, but you can't fly that flag without being a faggot

>when you decide to convert to Christianity because of the *tips fedora* memes

Have you tried looking into other faiths? A lot of the really irritating vocal atheists are that way because they think religion is exclusively the domain of bizarre American evangelicalism.

If Christianity isn't your think there's always Baha'i, Islam, Judaism, or a non-Abrahamic religion.

Google Near Death Experience and enjoy falling down the rabbit hole. By the end of it, you will be a believer.

This is for all the white people here that find it difficult to believe in Christianity.

I too was an atheist at one point. Would spend hours watching Dawkins and Hitchens destroy people in debates and I felt like logic and reason was on my side.

I mean the bible is ridiculous right? Jist a bunch if Jewish nonsense to keep the goy in line. A fairy tale for children right? I had read the bible and found it ludicrous.

I then stumbled upon something that changed my perspective forever, and when I read the bible again my eyes were opened in a way that no redpill could ever open them.

I implore you to read this:



If you have struggled to believe, if you have struggled with understanding, if you have doubt. Read that.

I love you all brothers. Good luck.

>Not being Greek Orthodox
Our world was born in divine fire and chaos, we were born in geological war. We are the militant church. We aspire to godliness, though we may not attain it.

It is not hard user. At the end of all the religious noise, when you can hear through it, the gospel is about whose side you are on in the great cosmic conflict between good and evil. Accepting Christ means you are inevitably on the side of objective moral good. This is what it means to abide in Christ, to accept that God, the Lord God of Heaven IS in fact the only one worthy of worship and obedience to. Not a church, or a set of dogmatic beliefs - but Him.

Any time you catch someone adding to salvation, which is simple belief and trust, you can bet they are going to get you messed up.

The thief on the cross just said "Lord, you are guiltless, please forgive me and accept me. And that was it."

Becoming a Christian is easy, living up to the two greatest commandments, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul and Love your neighbor as yourself, is much harder. Loving your neighbor boils down to loving others like God does. It doesn't mean you put up with their bullshit, it means you treat them as God would.

God speed user.

>when you decide to convert to Christianity because of the *tips fedora* memes
God has his ways to convince you.

Which is why God changes your heart, dipshit.

all these boring, censored, modern day christian sects are the religious equivalent of normies. There's a reason it's so unattractive to you— because it really is.
early christianity—before the cunts who turned christianity into a means of controlling populations and legitimizing their rule made up the canonical bible/ censored 'heretics' ruined everything—on the other hand, presents an incredibly diverse and interesting array of beliefs which make much greater sense.
become a cathar