Get out your winter jammies, it's cold weather time!

Get out your winter jammies, it's cold weather time!

Like so many other things in animu, winter IRL sucks.


>love wearing hoodies and being snug af
>live in Florida
>roughly one day a year cold enough for even floridians to wear a jacket

better than ice and snow everywhere, I just want it to be cold without all that bullshit.

But you need frozen ponds to play shinny

I love winter fashion.

irl winter is GREAT tho

>not doing hektik skidz all winter

God damn Aqua is so cute. She's so dame dame I want to tenderly look after her and give her headpats.

It's too bad they focus on making her more lewd than cute

>tons of potential problems with cars
>icy shit can fall off roofs and kill you
yeah, so great.

Fuck you, that's paradise.

You've described a day I'd trade for the entire summer

But that's the best part, user.
Fear of death is what makes winter fun

Pretty sure this is the same case as with incest, people who actually live in cold places don't like winter.

I live in Alaska and I like winter. Well, other than the fact it lasts half a year up here.

It would be nice if it wasn't almost half a year long here. Or if it didn't go down to -40 °C.

it's spring



Nothing better than getting cozy under the blankets on a cold snowy night.

>moved down south for uni
>never snows here
It fucking sucks, winter is best season


but you're wrong. I live in WA where it rains 200 days of the year and I wish it was cold and rained more.

>It's spring here but it's as hot as summer
Kill me, I hate having colds on winter, but it's better than having 40° inside your room.

>temperature below freezing
>a tiny bit of snow
>grandfather makes me drive the tractor out in a field so we can spend the next few hours pulling tons of rusty junk out of some shed while freezing my ass off
This isn't frosty moe at all.

>Pretty sure this is the same case as with incest, people who actually live in cold places don't like winter.
Thats completely false in both cases.
Former is pretty obvious. And about later: as a russian scum i can say that winter is awesome. Autumn is much worse due to never ending dirt and rain, same with Spring. Unfortunately they are the most lengthy here. Up to a fucking november.

I like winter. Without sounding edgy, I find it comfy and with the right clothes, there a few things better than a stroll in the woods or by the sea with a brisk wind and snow/ice rain
>pic not related, Dorkness' winter attire is stupid.

You misspelled fall you dummie

You guys don't know how good you have it outside of spic hell

It was a balmy 55 degrees here last night so I baked a loaf of bread and got my studio up to a cool and comfortable 84 degrees.
inb4 people bitch about me not knowing real cold

I've lived in places that have real winters. Don't bullshit me, I know you hate it. Like says.

How about them Rams?

At least your car starts.

This would be my own personal hell. I am from Scandinavia, and I love our dark and cold winters. It makes home seem so much more comfy.
Plus I can't stand heat.

And then top that off with some cozy blankets and a space heater.

So... anyone watched this?

It's a blessing and a curse

you have a thing for mentally retarded girls?

i wouldnt touch someone with an 80ft pole who touched that with an 80 ft pole

I live in Minnesota and we're due to get another polar vortex. I'm not looking forward to enduring any more days where I have to go outside in -40 degree weather.

It can snow all day if it wants, but fuck that cold.

Ottawa here, have experienced similar -40 temperature.

Open your mouth and instantly all your teeth start hurting and your throat burns.

Every piece of hair on your face also instantly becomes frosted.

Dude, I feel your pain. I had to walk a mile with a high fever and a sore throat in -20f weather. I never knew that breathing could hurt so bad.

what the FUCK kinda hat is megumeme wearing

Megumin isn't very responsible with her winter wear.

>work outsides for 4 hours every morning
>sit inside a truck for the next 4 hours
>go home and sit in my heatless home

Can't wait.

Enjoy it while it lasts user. If you ever have to move out of the countryside you'll miss that shit.
Never thought I'd miss splitting wood with my dad until I didn't have a comfy wood fireplace to come home to.

>Without sounding edgy
>I find it comfy and with the right clothes, there a few things better than a stroll in the woods or by the sea with a brisk wind and snow/ice rain

How is any of that "edgy?" Seems like something I'd see in a normal description of a winter scene.

Get gud.

Guys, how do girls do it in winter?

by do it i mean wear spandex and shorts with a jacket on and go outside. i can barely survive with jeans and leg warmers

Is she sitting with her bare ass in the snow?

Haistappa sieki vittu.
I've been waiting for winter to come back from the bery moment the snow melted. I love winter.

Not true. Moved back to the mountains after having lived in the Nevada desert for a while. I'll take a cold winter over a hot summer any day.
To a certain degree, at least. It will only get so hot but can always get colder. To a proportionate level of suffering there is more you can do against the cold, though.

>see all these threads about winter
>tfw australian
>great meme season which we are famous for is starting
>literally had to wait more than 5 minutes for the shower to start shooting out cold water
>it's only getting hotter

They're called special user, not mentally retarded.

>Live in UK
>No true summers
>No true winters

Just end it all.

>It's not Goro.
Could it be he is retired?

Know that pain man, Brisbane is getting too hot, We got our air conditioner fixed and we pay a flat rate for electricity so we just pump it every day.

Everything i see snow on tv/anime i am jealous

>live in tropical country
>tfw you've never seen a flake of snow in your entire life

Would this BACK protect him from the cold Sup Forums?

>being a clumsy idiot who also doesn't know how to drive

I'm so glad I spent my childhood in a place that routinely got several feet of snow and several inches of ice.

>living in bris
>hits 25 deg
>wears jumper+long pants

But winter is the best season.

It's not even winter yet and it's so fucking cold in the mornings.

> live in Rio
> 70f is fucking colder than 40 in other places because of the high humidity

good thing is the winter generally only lasts a tuesday

This back makes me want to cum. Seriously why is there so much emphasis on his back?

I like winter because then I don't have to shower.


Not quite winter yet.
It's 6°C.