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And? It provides disease resistance and gives us a shared cultural tradition that binds together the men of our relatively young country.
Also the easiest and quickest way to treat phimosis
I just like it.
>shared cultural tradition
Kikes mutilate babies. That is where the tradition comes from. It's Hebrew you fucking retard. And it's disgusting.
That being said I have a big and overly sensitive cock and it's gotten nothing but compliments. Not having a foreskin makes me more sensitive and I get boners all the fucking time
If you have a disgusting sock dick in America people will beat you up in the locker room.
i keep my foreskin in a locket round my neck at all times too not uncommon in the part of ky i'm from
>gives us a shared cultural tradition that binds together the men of our relatively young country.
lol no
Imagine being this brainwashed
How does it feel to know your parents hate you so much they mutilated your dick?
Right on cue
>binding over having mutilated dicks
I had phimosis so I got myself circumcized
>That is where the tradition comes from. It's Hebrew you fucking retard.
not if one trusts that Herodotus writings are factual.
It doesn't prevent diseases.
Unless your incapable of washing yourself more than once a month--so, way to out yourself as a basement dwelling degenerate.
>Millions of people die everyday circumcised or not at roughly the same age
>Circumcision or non-circumcision plays no role in their deaths
y r u guisz arbuiing ober benis's :DDDD
>doesn't actually reduce std transmission
>reduces the amount of pleasure you feel during sex and masturbation
>you have to torture a baby in the process
>but muh trahdishuns
have fun with your dick cheese
You really tried hard with that excuse huh?
jesus fuck that device
you are aware that you can pull the foreskin back to wash right?
My best friend who is uncircumcised says he wishes his parents had circumcised him. I have never come across one person ever who wishes they were uncircumcised. Why would anyone prefer to clean smegma out of their dick with a q tip?
literally no one has to do that
>My best friend who is uncircumcised says he wishes his parents had circumcised him. I have never come across one person ever who wishes they were uncircumcised. Why would anyone prefer to clean smegma out of their dick with a q tip?
>be burger
>too lazy to clean fingernails, cut off fingertips.
>It provides disease resistance
No it doesn't. The study that claimed disease resistance was citing stats from Africa, not the US. In Africa, the uncircumcised are bone through the nose jungle bunnies fucking everything that moves. The circumcised are the mudslimes and while they might be pederasts and goat fuckers, they are at least more likely to wash their disks once a week.
>a shared cultural tradition
Lol, no. I am a white Catholic and we generally do not circumcise. The niggers and spics and Azn's don't circumcise. It's just the heebs and the WASP's (who are being cut by the heebs).
Maybe if you're a beta faggot, surrounded by literal faggots.
>Why would anyone prefer to clean smegma out of their dick with a q tip?
I'm kind of pissed my parents got me circumcised. Even though every girl that has seen my dick compliments or their jaw drops. I have a hard time lasting too, so the sensitivity is definitely there.
If you get circumcised, it's supposed to be on the 8th day, not the first. So that also bothers me. I'm also thinking that my social anxiety might potentially be due to the supposed brain damage. But neither you nor me can prove that.
I find it hilarious how Americans get so defensive about their mutilated dicks.
>South Korea
obligatory. gimme some ideas for descriptors. strawpoll.com
>buyers remorse: the post
Please tell me they don't actually believe this happens
That's a slave saying "look at my chains! They're shiny and beautiful!"
>never being able to feel another man's glans docked comfortably in my skin
They're american. Nuff said.
US influence
So true. I don't get the Sup Forums obsession with uncircumcised cocks, they are fucking disgusting and unclean.
Jews have personally saw to it to carry on the tradition of mutilating babies dick skin for thousands of years. It's a kike thing to force something like that on a newborn. Absolutely disgusting in principle, only necessary for specific cases in truth. It was normalized because of kikes user. No idea what youre talking about
im having a stroke. so beautiful
Tfw I didn't know that I had phimosis, or what it was till the first time I had sex.
y u no steroid creams
Culture. They started butchering their dicks after the Korean War because they saw how big America penises were and thought that circumcision would "unleash their manhood"
I'm not trolling, this is actually what happened
oh yeah debate this with nerd virgins for the 1000th time
why don't you try taking this shit to some normie pregnant bitches instead? might actually save a few dicks from getting mutilated
>Why would anyone prefer to clean smegma out of their dick with a q tip?
What? You realize the foreskin literally pulls back, right?
Ladies like the rocket shape. It's neat and tidy and doesn't pool sweat and bacteria...hence more blowjobs. Also I don't know how you can claim that I don't enjoy sex as much....lol proof???
My mom regrets circumcising me because when I was born it was the normal thing and she didn't realize why it was done or who invented it. She thought it was just "what you did." She wasn't for or against it at the time and it pretty much went like this:
>Doctor asks if she wants me circumcized
>My mom says she doesn't know and isn't sure, asks basic questions like the benefits
>Doctor gives her the STD and dick cheese meme and outright tells her it's the only healthy option
>She agrees and they slice up my dick
too bad pussies are garbage heaps and nobody wants a half dick with a scab on it. they look like assholes when theyre fapping. and they dont even cum properly
i got my breasts amputated to avoic breast cancer.
In my opinion we should do this to every girl. Its the safest way.
>My best friend who is uncircumcised says he wishes his parents had circumcised him. I have never come across one person ever who wishes they were uncircumcised.
The point is, you can in fact become circumcised when you are uncircumcised. By visiting a surgeon for example.
The problem is, many men are not in the position to decide this beause somebody else made the decision for the when they were not men but boys.
>Why would anyone prefer to clean smegma out of their dick with a q tip?
Because it's a small price for having a normal cock as nature intended?
my boyfriend is uncut and I have never seen smegma. I assume you also don't need a q tip, just clean it while you showering
it's mutilation
even modern jews think it's barbaric
>unclean hurr durr
They're just as clean if you wash them like a normal fucking human. Plus they lack the scar tissue that circumcised people get from their mutilation
It's the same ((people)) that'll say queers and trannies were common in Greece, Rome and the rest of Ancient Europe. They'll also say Europeans did human sacrifices and the like. Oddly they went to great lengths to make it clear human sacrifice in Carthage wasn't true. Is it because Carthaginians happened to be Semitic?
uncut american reporting in
what the fuck is wrong with the rest of your parents?
except theyre true and the symbolism on your flag and those of faggots are one in the same
>Not having a foreskin makes me more sensitive
No it doesn't.
You have been raped by Jews.
nobody had internet back then, that's the only thing that makes it somewhat understandable
assuming you're old
I think he was talking about muh feelings
Holy shit the amount of denial ITT
I plan to kill the pedophile Jews and steal their wealth in exchange for my foreskin.
> (You)
Salty. jealous much?
You're not American.
The creator of the universe said to do it.
>cites pacific institute for advanced study
>no actual website or organization named as such
>turns out to only exist as one guys personal corp.
>not even government registered in Canada
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my almonds are trembling
>Also I don't know how you can claim that I don't enjoy sex as much....lol proof???
proof pic related
it also doesn't say you don't enjoy sex. You just have lost the objectively most sensitive part
>the male body is inherently flawed at birth
No thanks
>A birth and the mutilation of the AmeriMutt
are you a norwegian jew then? based intact dicks dont want you in their sauna bro
Who /restoring/ here?
Been doing it for a year, its a slow going process. Fapping has become more comfortable
If he wanted it done, he would have done it himself faggot!
it's inward. His Son said that
Jealous of your kike cattle branded cock? YOU FUCKING LIVESTOCK
that's a funny way of spelling John Kellogg
me! best idea ever! cant wait to upload vids of this when finished
I'm uncut, large and in charge, mate.
Yeah I'm not old but I was born in 91, internet was around but my mom was too poor for it. We didn't get a computer until I was like ten. My Grandpa actually had a PC first and I used to sit in his lap and control the mouse while he played Quake 2.
>i got my breasts amputated to avoic breast cancer.
In my opinion we should do this to every girl. Its the safest way.
Stop playing retarded.
There are no disadvantages to being circumsized, I had phimosis as a child and was treatet with circumcision and would not choose a different method even today, applying some balms or creams or stretching ect.
And on the other point. When you are a child and to young to decide these kind of things, your parents do it for you, that's just the way it is. Same with baptism.
Debatable. I think he punishes those who don't follow his orders by giving them gross sock dicks.
sand glans
>t. skin cream salesman.
kill yourself you filthy kike lover.
your grandpa sounds like a top lad
Seriously, stop doing this to your baby boys. This shit is fucking retarded and barbaric. STOP.
Your grandpa sounds like a ninja master, but its a shame he died before he could pass his skills down to a nigger like you.
Same here. I'm only a few months into it, but I've noticed a huge difference already.
I didn't way I believed the carthaginians didn't practice it. As I see it, if someone in the Ancient world practiced it it would much, MUCH more likely be them than Europeans. They even worshipped Baal. I merely stated the ((scientific community)) tried to dismiss these accusations about Carthage, while on the other hand they seem invested in convincing everyone Europeans were degenerate savages.
And I don't know what's the link between the fascio and your flag. I don't like faggotry.
Take your dick in your hand and beat a bitch about the face until she turns about face and then stick it in her poo loo!