>they thought throwing a bunch of rape accusations would work in Alabama of all places
>the damning statement they showed was a bland "southern politeness", if it's even real
>you had all these senators come out seconds after the initial article to tell Moore to resign
>and then, they threaten to use a power not used since the civil war to depose Moore if the People of Alabama elect him
>and to top this all off, they dropped this a month before and not less than a week before the election

Why is the establishment so retarded guys?

>kiddie-diddling redneck thumper winning in the land of his own people
Color me surprised

i w t k y a m a
fuck marcus stupid white person

Seriously tho, how are they going to react if he wins? The butt hurt may pass never before seen levels. New salt mine about to open

i'd color you black cause you talk like a PoC


>The butt hurt may pass never before seen levels. New salt mine about to open

I want this so bad.



>Dems cannot defeat a child rapist
>Not that there’s anything wrong with alternative love


wtf I love pedos now

Only 13 more to go by election day.

So if Moore ends up winning will the DNC crash and burn?


you have to go back

doesnt matter one bit. go VOOOOOOOOOOOOOTE

Establishment BTFO!!!!

What the fuck did they think was going to happen? They tried the EXACT same thing last year a month before the election, bringing in a bunch of old broads to sling accusations against Trump with no proof and it didn't fucking work.

Do they not realize that it was the same Alabamians that saw that bullshit a year ago and still happily made Alabama go red for Trump? Why did they think we were going to see this new hysteria any differently?

God damn I love this state.

>Why is the establishment so retarded guys?
Because Jews are nepotists NOT a meritocracy. Literally do not hire the best. It's probably why they always lose in the end.

wtf I hate people that don't buy into hit jobs now!

honestly id vote for him just for this

when is the election? i wanna be on pol when it happens

It is 12/12 or something like that

oh wtf why is it talked about that much

They gotta ram it down people's throats as much as possible before it becomes old news, these accusations are coming out so fast right now you can't focus on one man for very long.

They want Alabama blue, but it just isn't gonna happen. These faggots do not understand the people of this state.

They should lose, because honestly these people need to be taught a lesson about trying people in the court of public opinion:
Sometimes, the verdict does not swing in your favor.

>they dropped this a month before and not less than a week before the election
Yeah thats the same i think too. It's almost one month to elections. No-one will talk this anymore on the beginnig of december for example

>What the fuck did they think was going to happen? They tried the EXACT same thing last year a month before the election, bringing in a bunch of old broads to sling accusations against Trump with no proof and it didn't fucking work.

No you see, you racist bigots are just stupid and have to obey your obviously wiser betters from New York and other large cities telling you what to do.

that meme will die out way before the 12th. moore will prob win by 11pts

>trump raped women!
>no way he can win!
>wins national election

>moore also raped women!
>no way he can win ALABAMA!

al user here and i don't know anyone who has changed their mind about voting for him - it's an obvious hit job

Dude, Moore did all that while a Democrat. So it doesn't count. We all know Democrats are immune to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape charges. Just ask former President Bill Clinton.

This has McConnell written all over it, he’s desperate for any victory

roll tide

The MSM should have learned never tell a redneck what to do.

Did you see the ABC news interviewing people in Alabama trying to show how people are turning against Roy Moore? It was a total failure as they could not find one person that believes the CIA funded Wash Post.

Do not change your vote. Youre getting played.

If you absolutely don't want to vote for him, just don't vote.

go judge moore!!! God Bless you!

Every fucking time!!!



the doublethink in Sup Forums gives me fucking whiplash

Bamafag here, they're fucking nuts if they think anyone's going to change their minds over several decade old allegations. If true even, the accuser made the dumb mistake of riding the #metoo tidal wave so we're at the point of people not giving a singular fuck about SEX CRIMES unless you were early on the docket like Weinstein and Spacey

Moore is a daft biblethumping fuck, and he's still more politically adept than the idiots trying to out him with this last minute curveball

we all know how accurate polls are dont we

Southerners are too cynical for Jewish tricks.

Maximum Kek potential

Absolute MADMAN

AL bros are you going to deliver another unforgettable day on Sup Forums?

They're boomers.

Well see...

>Pick a rapist.
>Or pick a rapist liberal.

The tactic has worked literally every time it's ever been used. Then Trump came along and it didn't. They have to try it one more time at least before they can be sure it doesn't work anymore. I wonder if they'll start accusing people of murder now that sexual deviancy, real or slandered, appears to be nullified by entrenched political divisions.

This shit didn't work with Trump, what makes them think it will work with Moore? People will always be skeptical of accusations before elections, and they should be.

>the former is supported by a mountain of interlocking anecdotal evidence and emails, the extent of which leave virtually no room for coincidence or innocence
>the latter's entire series of exhibits were proved fake within minutes of being put on public display
Might want to get out the opera glasses and have another look there, flapjack.

It's the same genius timing we see from the Democrats. Start the Mueller Investigation ASAP and not in Nov. 2018 or 2020.

Hello Mikhail, or is it Artem?

Fine with me. More reason to shill the fuck out of his pedo history to crush you trumpfucks.

If you think he's going to win you are sorely mistaken. No one wants to be associated with a pedophile.

All this will do is make the Alabama rednecks complacent. When Alabama goes blue, so will the rest in midterms.

You can tell us all about it by giving us a speech on this stage.

allegations that are literally fucking nothing too