What is your honest opinion on Mexicans?

What is your honest opinion on Mexicans?

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Stay in Mexico.
Make Mexico Great Again.

Souless, racist, dead eyed trouble-makers who abuse animals as well as our welfare system? It's too bad the Spanish took the blood of the evil serpent worshiping meso-americans into themselves and perpetuated the evil? Pretty normal feeling for somebody who grew up around them.

Very fine people , the best people

Short, ugly annoying and their kids don't know how the fuck to behave. Ok when one on one unbearable in large groups

haven't met enough to tell you. the only bunch of mexicans i see are the seasonal field workers driving around the beat up buses they come here in. they all go to the grocery store and the bank as one big meximob

Great culture, great country, just wish they'd stay there.

Gibs joi gf!

get out of NAFTA

It's funny because if you see NAFTA's ch. XIX resolutions, 99% of your issues are with American imports

were a bunch of autistic sociopathic spergs who need to go back


Hard workers and family oriented. They remind me of white people from the 1950s.

The filthy Spics need to be sent back to Mexico. They are absolutely filthy & ugly bastards.
Build and wall and kick out filth back to mexico.

How do I get a qt hispanic gf like Joi?

yes, it's like that, except were more autistic

we are the most evolved and white ethnicity

mongrel abominations

I don't like their attitudes as a people. It seems like 80% of them have the same opinions and beliefs. My boss calls them locusts, because they move into an area, trash it, then move somewhere else to escape the trash.
I don't even like Mexicans in Mexico. I wish we could detach latin america entirely from our continent and just put an entire ocean between us.

I always feel like Mexicans in general are ignored. Like yeah, build a wall and shit... But in all honesty, we are infintely more worried about niggers and islam.
Also, Mexico is true 52% imo. Atleast northern half, down south is purebreed indian

yep it's true. I'm half southern european half native.

I see my question is getting ignored.

Move to America and be alpha, but also don't do that cus i don't wanna get cucked

you're all just jelly of not being a mexican master race

I think Canada needs to bring Mexican families and require the parents to comit to working for 5 years in nursing homes or organizations that care for the increasing number of elderly people!

Mexico is a joke which only becomes a bigger joke by the time because of its retarded population , and so are all countries other than Chile, Canada and the U.S in the Americas
>t. brazillian leaving his hell hole

If white, you will have much more luck with the darker variation of the Mexicans. Try speaking spanish. If u suck they find it cute. If you good, they find it impressive. Cant lose m80

Not possible with the USA cia nigger working for jews, I mean corperations to undermine and greatness in latin america

I don't give a fuck about them

This, even Juan is smarter than a leaf. Also , Mexico should actually leave. NAFTA is a very bad double edged sword for the mexicans (although I suspect they would probably become Brazil and not better if they left , so I guess it doesn't matter at the end of the day).

just dirtier versions who sometimes likes things that look nice

The confederatos are cool
The rest deserve to be colonized

illegals have to go
Also your people vote wrong

Biggest problem with Mexicans in the U.S. is that they have adopted Their own variation of the ghetto nigger culture. Think about it, we all hate the Mexican thug (cholo)...

You wont get cucked if I date your daughter, sister or cousin. Catch my drift.

Sadly uncompetetive mongrels in a world of universal competition.

I would have respect for mexico if the people would stay in their own country and make it great again.

NAFTA has been horrible to our local food producers. It has nearly destroyed or displaced our corn corps for example, because we cant compete with federally-subsidized US maize

>Go to Mexico
>Be white
>Get laid m8

It's that simple.

I live near El Paso. Mexicans that are rich enough to shop here are insufferable. They are the people that take clothes off the rack and drop them on the floor for other people to pick up. The women have sticks up their asses and all have this vibe of a proud latina.

Old mexican dudes are based. True patriots.
>Mistrust blacks
>Work for beer
>Sing canciones by the fire at night
>Build their own homes
>Want to be left alone

Mexico is nice. It reminds me of a young America. Everyone seems to own their own business and trying to make something for themselves.

Any mexican who is from the upper class is very snobbish and insufferable. They're called dress user. There's also people in the lower classes in Mexico who try to do the same but it's just pitiful to see t.b.h.

Ive been to San Diego and El Paso. Richer Mexicans are annoying. The typical pleb tho is very tolerable. Sort of like a benign tumor. Just there

Like em. Hard workers. Good people.

Damn autocorrect

The Apaches actually tried to ally with the whites before the whites went to war with them.. because they hated the mexicans so much! Apaches have wisdom.

Even Cochise and Geronimo called them back-stabbing liars who would try to get you drunk and kill you in your sleep for your stuff. (They killed Geronimos family)

Bonus: TPTB installed a Hapsburg ruler over them.

Bonus 2: Behind every top level cartel guy is a three letter agency.


our ancestors regularly genocided indians as recently as during the past century (the army would raid indian towns, kill half the people and ship the other half to southern farms as indentured workers)

My gf is from Mexico, so they are alright, I guess.

I think the main problem with NAFTA is that Mexican businessmen went for the easy path of just exporting good to USA, neglecting the rest of the world. We have signed, if I can recall correctly, more than 40 free trade agreements that we simoƱy don't use because, what's easier, to install your facilities 100 meters away from (one) the biggest markets in the world, or to go through the pain in the ass that is the logistics of exporting to a small country such as Israel? Of course, this means our economy depends on USA exportations, which evidently is bad, since no "sovereign" nation should depend that much in another.
That's why the US has repeatedly and unilaterally imposed regulations to Mexican imports (Tuna and Mango). But hey, they're not to blame. They put the rules and we chose to play with them

Anyway, a NAFTAless future isn't the apocalypse. Trump is only bluffing when he says he is going to tax Mexican imports. He simply can't do that because there are international regulations that prevents him doing so, such as the GATT WTO agreements, which, ironically, were enforced/endorsed by USA.

They belong in Mexico.

Immigration should require an IQ test and to be in the top third of the bell curve.
And 100+ to even be eligible for a day trip visa.

Everyone foreigner who illegally immigrated or violates our laws on our soil should be sterilized without exception.

Good work ethic, very traditional. Now if only they can overthrow their corrupt government instead of running to us for help, I'd be happy to call them neighbors.

I don't really understand the hate. The ones that make it this far aren't so bad. Fairly normal people over all.

wrong flag, kek

This. And Gortari finished it when he disbanded CONASUPO.

I still fail to understand why we have never adopted alimentary sovereignity principles.

Do you think China will be a big investor in you country Mexibro? I think your reliance on the U.S is ultimately your country's downfall. You should focus on other markets in order to prosper as a nation. Your country has many beautiful places to visit, your tourism industry should be booming, but nobody wants to visit because of the murders and kidnappings. Get that under control and watch your nation prosper.

Nuke them.

mmhh... a bus full of jail penises

You sure?

Horseshoe theory is bunk

Why do they want to make our country shitty like theirs, and why so much pride in a failed naro-state? Mexico, fucking invaded by the French. Remember Goliad assholes, remember The Alamo.

Generally good hard-working people, they are Pro-Trump republicans because they earned their place here and dislike the scumbags getting in for free just like the next guy. In fact, often those scumbags are the kind of people they were trying to get away from at home to begin with. Hate niggers just as much as whites, mostly christian and have strong family values.

Bought-off democucks that don't care about biting the hands that feed them, cannot trust them at all. Many force their children and grandchildren to be bilingual while they don't even try to learn English. Atheists and other degeneracy. Only value family as long as nobody rats out anyone else.

>DACA children
Spoiled lefty kids that make up the tumblr "latinx" community, are mentally fucked up because their parents abandoned them to leech off of later in life. Some are redpilled but are a vocal minority of a minority.

those are Salvadorians
but i get your point kick em out


Mexicans are the last of the "American Dream" immigrants. They actually think they can come here and make it big. Unlike the rapefugees in Europe that just want to exploit welfare.

> Do you think China will be a big investor in you country Mexibro?
Yes, but I think this will be also true to any country.
> I think your reliance on the U.S is ultimately your country's downfall. You should focus on other markets in order to prosper as a nation.
This in combination of short-sighted politician whose main goal was to fill their pockets as quick as possible.

>Your country has many beautiful places to visit,your tourism industry should be booming, to visit because of the murders
> and kidnappings
It booms, in spite of all the violence. We are still in the top 10 most visited countries, and tourism is our 2nd or 3rd biggest industry. Of course it could go better. Unafortunately crime cance has already begun to spread to tourist havens such as Acapulco, Cancun and Playa del Carmen. Tourist are being warned not to leave the "hotel zones" due this.

>control and watch your nation prosper.
One can only hope! Fortunately (for me) I live in one of those drug crime-free cities here

Remember the fuckin' Alamo. Send 'em back to fuckin' mexico.

the conquistadors worked them to death in silver mines for about 400 years. The result is a hardy race of mole people who are very good at lawn care.

post moar fag!

Legals can stay, illegals and DACA faggots can be deported. And the US should use the cartels as an excuse to annex Northern Mexico and deport the population to shorten the border.

Need their emperor back

Not a fan

Better than muslims and athiests

you leafs have more problem with gringos regarding nafta

Not in Mexico. If you want girls that look like that, literally Spain. Or a Florida Cuban (what Joi is)

Nafta has gutted our local economies beyond measure, my dad is a cattle raiser for example, because of nafta the price of cattle has gone down the drain since we can't compete with big name fuckers that pump meat out of a factory

Either a hard as worker or lazy as fuck, I have literally never seen an in between and I live in California

Mexican living in Mexico here
It depends

I hate those annoying loud people who do scandalous parties at night

I just can't fucking understand why they act so fucking surprised when the cops show up

Some people seriously have such a miniscule IQ or common sense that they cannot think the posibility of making a party somewhere else where it is quite and shit.

Does that shit happens in USA? neighbors with loud mosic and parties at 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM in the morning?

t. spic or huge christ cuck
muslim isnt a nationality. bosnians/albos/turks/iranians are better than mexicans genetically speaking

I hate all the Mexicans that come here, even the "integrated" ones because they are almost always faggot liberals and always vote Democrat. The beaners that barely speak English are almost preferable because they're just stupid and loud, but I hate all of them almost equally.

Mexicans in Mexico I have respect for, especially Mexican nationalists. I talked to one guy who was upper-class Mexican and he sent me a copy of the Culture of Critique that he had annotated with references, cool dude.


>neighbors with loud mosic and parties at 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM in the morning?
Yes, I live in california and you fucking spics have NO morals or common sense, blasting your music all night to the point where I can hear it a block away and cant sleep

mexico es pura caca

jesuschrist, why isn't it legal to murder someone who has music above 90 db?

>Does that shit happens in USA? neighbors with loud mosic and parties at 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM in the morning?

This is exactly what happened last night, they were blasting that circus accordion music at 1am, some neighbor came out and asked them to turn it down politely, they said yes then they started talking mad shit about him as he left, referenced Donald Trump many times, and played the circus music loud again.

meanwhile in real life

It's mostly blacks, though, I'm from Memphis.
At least you guys bring good artery clogging backyard food. Every Sunday, all the Mexican and Honduran streets smell like a Mexican restaurant.

holy fuck this

Mexicans also have this thing where they drive around playing music super fucking loud in their cars. theyre the only people around here that do that

They're my brothers.

Moderate country, nothing special or horrible. If you're from the US then you automatically associate Mexico with a shithole because of all the propaganda US forced on its citizens since the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed.

Fat. Smelly. Poor hygeine. Short. Bad dressers. Alcoholics. Too many kids. "Catholics." Buy sweatshop brands instead of domestic brands. No car insurance in accidents. Criminals. Wife beaters.
Should never get any programs or healthcare. They openly admit to abusing every system.

Jajaja! Get rekt, Apache trash.


Filthy spic trip! Back to Sup Forums! (Music isn't that bad desu.)

>f you're from the US then you automatically associate Mexico with a shithole
Thats because mexican sides of town in the US are absolute shitholes detriot tier, and the mexicans here are shit themselves. I can only imagine a whole country that looks like those sides of town, filled with those people

This guy gets it 100% correct. No need to expound.

I can already guess they play that hideous accordion music right?
Banda was a mistake

and why do you think that is? the poorest immigrants flee mexico and that is the only type of mexicans that americans are accustomed to

No gracias, amigo. I will charm you gringos with our passionate music until we're all a big happy familia.


Dum dum dum dum dum dum dumdumdumdum dum dum dum dum dum dum dumdumdumdumdum dum dum dum

>live around them
>notice they treat you equally if you don't look affluent
>hates niggers more than us

honestly don't mind them, plus I like their music.