Hitler was a Soyboi

defend this natsocfags

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He consumed so much soy that one of his balls fell off.

>Hitler was a *insert new buzzword here*

Faggot detected

inb4. soy boy - yeah nah fuck off that stuff is probably shit

soy boy

No wonder the soyboys lost the war


>For 12 weeks 20 subjects were supplemented with 50 g per day of one of four different protein sources (Soy concentrate; Soy isolate; Soy isolate and whey blend, and Whey blend only) in combination with a resistance-training program. Body composition, testosterone, estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were measured at baseline and week 12.

>This investigation shows that 12 week supplementation with soy protein does not decrease serum testosterone or inhibit lean body mass changes in subjects engaged in a resistance exercise program.

The fact that he was a socialist wasn't enough of a giveaway?

soy boy

soy boy, take your Jewish (pseudo)((("""science"""))) elsewhere

>yfw this was planted bby (((them))) recently to turn us all into soyboys

also according to eupedia he belongs to the same "semetic" haplogroup as einstein.

soy is fine in moderation, you are ignoring the real causes of low sperm count and low-t in modern males by reducing it down to "soyboy" meme
you are falling for jewish tricks. literally

You won't trick me into eating soy.

I bet you have tits.

>thinking you aren't eating soy
what do you think they feed to all the animals you eat?
how fucking retarded can you be, it's all right in front of you, yet you refuse to believe, probably all that estrogen in your brain you can only react emotionally.
ever heard of dioxins? They've been proven to lower testosterone, and are thought to be responsible for the general male population's lower sperm count. Food that comes from animal sources contains high levels of this, even fish. Plant foods and water contain very little. It's pretty cut and dry

You braindead fucking retard, I don't go around eating every animal I see.

I eat McDonalds

you are either stupid as fuck or this is bait

Do you have a point or are you just going to use meme arrows?

He was one of us

I guess you really are that stupid
you are eating mcdonalds, the cows were fed soy, the bread has soy, probably the sauce as well.
Even worse, it's probably GMO because more than 90% of GMO soy is fed to livestock.
You are arguing against eating soy, but you eat some of the worst shit you can possibly put in your body

soy boy

It was NAZI soy , an entirely different kind of soy - Full of Nazi goodness .

ffs THIS is why 4chinners cant redpill anyone - Shitty pills that no one can but an autist can read . Type all the shit up - Make a PDF and redpill the normies

It's not a redpill for normies

Can one of you redditors tell me exactly what common foods are in a "soyboi" diet?

wtf I love liberalism and cuckoldry now

There is literally nothing wrong with soy in non-extreme amounts

Processed foods and fast food, shit with soy filler so you don't get actual nutrients. Soy is not inherently bad (it actually blocks estrogen receptors), but it's best eaten in less processed forms like tofu as a source of protein.


My fucking sides

eating soy products is now a Nazi thing