Trump has alzheimers?

Trump just tweeted this tweet about a shooting that happened almost two weeks ago.

Alzheimer confirmed?

Must be a bug in the Twitter bot.

it's almost like the Federal Government is a criminal enterprise that has to lie all the time and makes mistakes because they lie all the time.

Maybe a twitter employee gone rogue? Not that it's happened before.

occam's razor would be that he's mentally incompetent, though

Secret message that FBI and Justice Dept are fully MAGA

Something has screwed up with the timeline. There's two Trumps now in the world. This could be bad user.

Trump was traveling in the timeline where the Sutherland Springs shooting happened yesterday, and got a little mixed up when he came back here.

I am shook beyond repair.


He really had something important to announce upon coming back. However, TPTB got to him first, switched him a retarded body double, and are having logistics issues.

this, occam's razor guys

yup. guess we should just keep on voting and paying taxes. hahahah

so many mass shootings in burgerland their dotard in chief is getting mixed up!! lol you cant make this shit up

*distant helicopter crash can be heard*

>drumpftards are mentally ill

more news at 11

Former trump voter here. It's hilarious watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness it's hilarious watching him crash and burn.

> mentally incompetent
> turns a million dollar loan into billions
> becomes president of the United States

hes probably 4d'ng it back into the public eye since he read the final report that IT WAS A FUCKING LIBERAL FAGGOT WITH ILLEGAL WEAPONS MURDERING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS

Twitter originally censored the tweet because he mentioned God. They finally let it out when he got back.


arf arf arf

We got him now!

Blue tie is fake Trump. Red tie is the real Trump.



>turns a million dollar loan into billions
but thats wro-

Oh its a leaf.

How pissed would lefties be to find out their favorite show is a knock off of Trump's life?

>they all thought themselves were rick
>it was trump

impeach! more proof he is not mentally able to keep his presidency!
here she comes! kisses :*

Bad news libtards. This STILL doesn't mean Hillary gets to be president.

Wrong. That’s just what red tie wants you to believe.

shit could the death toll have been worse? was trump actually the man who shot at the neckbeard?

>All those Reddit bookmarks

Man this guy is becoming an embarrassment.

He just makes all the great ideas & promises he ran on (especially re: immigration) look stupid, purely by association.

Although he's cucking on most of them anyway.

At least use a meme flag before you embarrass our country

He's been in office for a year shill. He's got 3 years left to make a difference.

Ah yes, anyone who rightfully points out your little daddy Trump cucking on immigration is just a "shill". You blind, faggoty sheep.

yeah, your country's been embarrassed enough today

That’s the tweet he tweeted the day OF the shooting. I know because I even retweeted it that day. Stop lying date changer

You embarrass yourself falling for faik nuze

You embarrass yourself falling for faik nuze

Can some one do her please?

Activate your almond


>those bookmarks

Accidentally sent an old drafted tweet?

Red tie is part of the syndicate

Trump has said on multiple occasions that he doesn't even use twitter. His assistant handles his social media stuff. They're the ones that fucked up.


Rick Gates is thin Alex Jones and the sitting guy on the left is Sean Hannity

>"Ivanka! Come here!"
>"I turned myself into a pickle, Ivanka."
>"I'm Pickle Trump!!"