Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals
Everything you need to know is on the Qmap.
Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning. Keep your eyes on the news to record and analyze because no one else will be able to do a better job than /us/.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice.
4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
5. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
6. Do just that.
7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

QMAP (The only thing (You) really need)
Legend Text of Q: pastebin.ca/3935209
Advise for your first step into this Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really.
MSM curiously silent..
Q confirmed Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)


The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.

Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.
Godspeed to us all.

Other urls found in this thread:


Q's letting the world know that ratlines and wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with the bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, and everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump in what you might call a Python Approach against the bad actors left on the stage. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.



>"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us....."


Search analytics Theory
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tttthreads.com/user/imperator_rex3 (NEW)

NYT Post (Declaration of war as per Q)

In an effort to reduce information overload, I'm linking to previous OP posts of breadcrumbs and memes we've found.

Nov 10-12 Nov 13-14(some) Nov 14 slight repost+NEW CRUMBS
Assange asking Trump for a job HNWSR +++ U1 DOJ sheet hires Unaccountable financial gains of congressmen Trumps limo license plate starts with Q Position of flyover pic Amazing meme about RockAChilds Prince Charles turns on jewish lobby Soros under fire by Nigel New Fusion GPS Judge tied to Podesta? Sessions, RR, RM & Q MUELLER REALLY IS /OURGUY/ Military Coup in Zimbabwe Hannity U1 breakdown Redpill the masses to prevent chaos Trump tweet Oct28 - Q Photo ID laughs AF1 Landed to refuel, didn't need to! MSM complicate w/ Biden coverup? InfoGraphs
Follow The Money Killary's History Killary's Body Count Deep State Ratlines Epstein, Weinstein & The Mossad Podesta-Madeleine Comet [not] pingpong The only way to cast doubt on the message of Q is to poison the bread before Q posts. Stay strong lads.

Sending you good vibes. Have a nice night anons. Remember to stay focused.

bless you leafbro

Note that a statue of this Hindu god of “creation and destruction,” Shiva, who is said to destroy the universe when he opens his eye, stands in front of the particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, which many people have accused of being a plot to “open a portal to Hell.” They are, admittedly, trying to create “mini-universes,” having already allegedly discovered the “God particle.”

Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged, including in that story a “mini-particle accelerator” that “harvests energy from the atmosphere” for free energy, one of the technologies the elites then take with them to Atlantis and hide from the rest of the world. There is at device at CERN called “Atlas.” Another is named “Alice.” Interestingly, Rand was a Jew who was born “Alice Rosenbaum.” The pen name she chose, “Ayn,” sounds suspiciously like the word “Ayin,” the name of a Hebrew letter, and a word that means “eye” in Hebrew. It’s also very close to “Ain,” the word for the “Limitless Nothing” that preceded creation in the Jewish Kaballah, as mentioned above.

I’m said I missed Q’s latest crumbs
>was dropping pills on another forum

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

We're so close brothers




Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Sad not said
>yes I’m shitposting on a phone
>FUCK You autocorrect!

Bake and PRAY

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Don't underestimate the world shattering experience of election night... where was Hillary? She was expected to be on stage to speak to all her supporters, but instead Podesta came out, just told everyone to fuck right off. IIRC.


look here guys 27.600532,-81.237121 google maps

Add these to the story somewhere? Indictment count - drive.google.com/file/d/15579P4VztZO0aNvejJasb1yOvXUCp3vS/view

Yeah, but what was Q talking about with the secret mtg?

pray with us brothers

Epic troll leaf bot. Shit I doubt the goyim know how funny this is.

No fuck off with your new shill tactic


As Scripture tells us, all these false GODs actually exist, they are fallen angels who rejected GOD.

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Also that the normal amount in an entire year for the whole country is 250 or so. Those 1200 are from two weeks. Big happenings are happening

Goodluck anons.
will lurk soon.

they come in pairs

First guess: a meeting to discuss whether to accept the results of the election, go all out for a recount, or try to stage a coup. Remember: they never thought she would lose. So there they were on election night, Hillary and her advisors and mentors, thinking about all the debts they now had no way to repay.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory. World Without End. Amen

"Fight The Silence"

Eye to eye, face to face
Still we don't see them, we look away
Still they cry, but no one is listening
When will we open our eyes
Open our eyes
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we hear their cries (When will we hear their cries)
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we open our eyes (When will we open our eyes)
So let the world listen closely
As I scream to see the freedom they deserve
Let the world listen closely
I say, "it's time to cross the lines of culture"
Birth bringing on poverty...
They keep us uninformed and distracted
If they can't fight for themselves, we'll fight for them
It's time... to fight the silence
Broken, abused, and exploited
For the sick satisfaction of selfish men
Only a coward would try to ignore it
But we can raise our voice and bring it to an end
Fight, fight, fight the silence
Set the captives free
Fight, fight, fight the silence
They're a slave to a system of apathy
Bought and sold...
They're right to life has been taken away
Bought and sold...
Bring an end to slavery
Open our eyes
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we hear their cries (When will we hear their cries)
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we open our eyes (When will we open our eyes)
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we hear their cries (When will we hear their cries)
This song we sing to silence the suffering
When will we open our eyes
Their fate is in our hands
Will they be left there to suffer
Will somebody take a stand
Against a system... that's been designed to deny
It's victims... their right to life
Let's set the captives free
When all is said and done, we'll see justice come
It's time to fight the silence
The voice of the voiceless
Fight the silence
We are the hope for the hopeless
Fight the silence
Fight, fight, fight the silence
It's time to...

For your grandma.
GEOTE. Pray.

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

what is that place guys??

THE SWAMP – It's all connected

I've finally finished my graphic to help normies understand The Swamp and it's many layers.

My thinking is that most people need a context in which to understand what's happening and they can't 'get it' without showing them the layers of control and HOW they influence and control the world we live in.

Even this graphic just covers the bare minimum.

A next step would be a graphic to show how Pres. Trump + military/good guys are taking down the Cabal/Deep State. I didn't think I could show all that in one graphic. I think it has to be another graphic.

If any anons have suggestions on how I can improve this one, please let me know. I'll make any changes that seem reasonable and can fit without making it more cluttered than it already is.

We need to help people withdraw from The Matrix by helping them realize they are living in it!

Regardless of what happens Annons, it has been a pleasure serving with you. We men, we marry men, we band of brothers. Remember we serve an almighty God who has promised to send his son to save us in the end. Look to the sky in the last days anmd you will see him. God Bless You All.

thx baker.. does anyone have link for #342?
if the bakers can include the link of the previous, id be sooooo happy

Fuck you swisscheese
>not a shill
You’re taking up valuable research posts

Kek confirmed for Catholic.

Spread. Pray.

Satanic hangout. Airport right there it seems.

Pol missed the biggest deep state dump in history on the 13th...for LARPs about WWII being started to feed Moloch...


Great work user

President Trump just gave the Secret Service arrest orders. Hence the Tweet.

Was his tweet code for something more than Sutherland springs Texas? Why didn't he say anything about the shooting in Northern California today?

Fantastic work user!

Meme suggestion: #FollowTheYellowCakeRoad

Isaiah 61 [Full Chapter]
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.

I noticed you mentioned 'Italian bloodline families" but failed to mention "Jewish bloodline families".




don't say stupid things and you won't get stupid responses you unwashed phoneposting kike,

I here you fellow Jew. See how they react? Like animals these goyim. I can state loud and clear what this game was to them, and they have been trained so well, that they will refuse to listen and continue to believe in the lie. True agency has been removed from them. Simply imagine how easy it would be to perform this training on the world?

I agree. I picture a hastily assembled meeting where they tried to convince themselves not to panic.

Probably the birthplace of the Russian conspiracy.

That is fantastic! I love the little rabbit holes.

Wizards & Warlocks

Some perspective on who we are and why we're important to the big picture:

In recent years, we have seen significant new use of anonymity crop up in “good guy” activism and
internet hactivism often “branded” with the identifying term, “Anonymous.” It’s important for people to
understand what this particular movement is and what it is not.
First of all, Anonymous is not a group of people. It is an idea embraced mostly by a loosely knit social
network of intelligent, skillful and empathetic people spanning the whole civilized world - reared largely
on third world and austerity repression; rooted in the freedom of the internet; and expressed in timely,
organized, righteous dissent against abusive entities and social systems. It has become, in fact, the only
meaningful expression of force for the virtues of justice and equity Christianity stood for before the
commercial pursuits of the business ran away with the doctrines of the faith and muted all such
expression. Being an international fighting force, it is also sometimes called by the ancient Roman term
for the same, "Legion." And the defense of personal anonymity is the only real battle there is anywhere
in the world for true freedom.
Anonymous functions as a “collective” not always comprised of all the same individuals. Through online
conversations anyone can propose an action of Anonymous. Proposed actions then filter through
experienced circles where they may find opposition or refinement and draw their own subset of “anons”
who consider it a worthy cause. It is only then in the actual enactment of a proposed event that the
collective materializes and exists. Afterwards, it disbands and has no residual, genuine expression of
itself. It leaves only the results of its work to make its statement and to declare its purpose.

Good man.

There are, of
course, regular participants, but there are no actual members per se. It can therefore not be fully
represented by any one person or group, except any that coalesce significant actions of the collective in
the course of them. All these things make Anonymous a vital asset to social restoration from tyrannical
conditions because it is immune to the vulnerabilities of movements led by individual leaders, such as
political regulation, blackmail, bribery, character defamation or other personal attacks commonly issuing
from conflicts with human doubt and antithetical dissent.
Being a leaderless movement extant of the human need to reverse the self-destructive effects of humanity
on the global landscape makes it virtually incorruptible, although it can be and often is misrepresented.
But it is above reproach because nobody within it stands to gain personally from its actions. In scriptural
terms, it is a holy spirit because it is a genuine social expression of man in the righteousness of the
defense of greater human destiny. It cannot be effectively misled and its actions are non-negotiable. It
can also neither forgive nor forget any that contend with it because it dwells both in information and
human emotion at an elevation of righteousness above any other such expression in the present world.
And all this is something Scripture teaches the Christian world to expect.

bread theme

how does it feel not having a foreskin?


There is yet one other expression of such a spirit, sent of the ancients for the end time consciousness of
the fourth age man, and commonly resident in the music community today. It is not rooted in personal
anonymity, however, but in the cryptic expression of common music lyricism. And both of these spirits
have come to be in accordance with the same, natural, organic development of social change we find
calendared across all the ages of ordained time.
The introduction and exercise of an “anonymous collective” is also an important model for both applying
the true methods of divine teaching and in the prospect of a more widespread application of positive
forces of change in the world that are presently needed.
The use of parables in Scripture best represents divine teaching because it allows the student to learn at
his own rate. It also creates a sort of anonymous relationship between the teacher and the learner. When
teaching is “masked” by metaphor or an obscure vernacular, any learning that actually takes place is the
result of the source, be it cryptic or theoretical, and the subjective interests of the heart in the student.
There is also one other particular process of social development - now imminently unfolding - that
comprises the interaction and expression of three other “collectives” of people and purposes by somewhat
the same sort of anonymous communication between them, and that produce a dramatic transition into the
future that the entire Christian world has been awaiting throughout its entire existence. This is found in
references to the three men, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as a sort of genealogy of theological development
and application across three collectives, and taught by several prophetic stories regarding them.

Keystone = From the documentary “The Deep State”. Ruling Class Rule No. 1. Always provide them with an enemy!

Is it because he’s tired or was this it? God, I’m losing my fucking mind.

Awesome job wow+++

Victory of the LARP has been quiet for days....worries me. What a perfect way to demoralize the forces by LARPing us all for days upon days. The last Q post sounds sketchy...

On Trump's "major announcement": Targeting those behind the JFK assassination and/or 9/11 would make a lot of sense:

1) Not seen as partisan
2) Strong interest
3) High emotional/political impact
4) Could result in RINOs being removed from Congress, along with other obstacles in the way of moving forward.

desu, i bet he sent that while on his trip when he was offline and it went into twitters cache or something

me too nigga.. me too! and no one around me cares.

Anyone? Or is this nothing?

Q is foreplay for JFK.


Indeed, the false 'gods' are demons.

>Deuteronomy 32:17
They sacrificed to demons, which have no power, deities they did not know, new things that only recently came, which your forefathers did not fear.

>Satan/demons explained:

no its not an airfield. but its supposed to look like one. those planes are not going anywhere.

You can drop the act. They don't care. You could post nuclear codes in here and they have been to well trained on the task we have set them on to think clearly enough to understand.

300 million+ year old civilizations were real




Everything else is a distraction. "They" don't want us to know our true history.

That's not how it works. You can save something as a draft for later but it wouldn't post like that unless he specifically posted it now.

It was a while after he got to the Whitehouse though user. Wouldn't the president have internet access on AF1 too?

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

I'm just gonna declare SHILLCON2 as the Storm neighs and pick up a trip to continue with Leaf's instructions.

I think people are missing this post re: Q's statement that the "truth would put 99% of the world in a hospital."
Pray, fellas.

The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.
Love it.

OP, include this Bin Laden info
Proof that Osama bin Laden Was CIA and Died in 2001 — Bush - Laden - CIA Connections humansarefree.com/2011/05/proof-that-osama-bin-laden-was-cia-and.html?m=0
> There are direct historical links between Osama bin Laden's business interests and those of the Bush family.
> We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American and Pakistan intelligence. Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the brother of Osama bin Laden, Salem.
>"Salem bin Laden named Houston investment broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after George W. Bush's father became CIA director in 1976. By 1977, Bath invested $50,000 into junior's first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden would soon become a CIA asset. George W. Bush's FBI director Robert Mueller was part of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of BCCI. (On BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full Service Bank, and Fortunate Son)."
> Saudi born Osama bin Laden was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war "ironically under the auspices of the CIA, to fight Soviet invaders".
>In 1979 "the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA" was launched in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in support of the pro-Communist government of Babrak Kamal.:
>With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad.

Fuck is this shit Florida? 27.600532,-81.237121

Bravo, user.


sorry i cant hear you over the sound of my foreskin


this is excellent work, brother

Exactly! Here-> youtu.be/m6ieuw3OV_s

The Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) (ICAO: KAGR, FAA LID: AGR) is a United States Air Force bombing range and air-ground training complex in the U.S. state of Florida located east of the city of Avon Park.

APAFR consists of approximately 106,000 acres (430 km2) of land of which about 82,000 acres (330 km2) are open to the public for recreation, provided there are no ongoing military missions. APAFR includes Avon Park Air Force Auxiliary Field (also known as MacDill AFB Auxiliary Field). The operational airfield consists of an 8000 ft arresting gear-equipped main runway, a limited-operational control tower, an aircraft rescue and firefighting facility and limited ramp and hangar facilities. There are no published instrument approach procedures and the airfield is limited to military aircraft conducting VFR operations. Due to deferred airfield maintenance issues, the airfield is currently closed to all flight operations other than light general aviation aircraft used by APAFR personnel for range monitoring issues and to military jet or rotary-wing aircraft experiencing in-flight emergencies on or in the vicinity of the Avon Park Military Operations Area (Avon Park MOA) for which an emergency divert to MacDill AFB is not practical.


The host unit for the APAFR is Detachment 1, 23d Wing, which is a subordinate unit of the 23d Wing (23 WG), an Air Combat Command (ACC) composite fighter and rescue wing located at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. In addition to the Avon Park Air Force Range, Det 1 also oversees the Deployed Unit Complex (DUC), a flight line facility at nearby MacDill AFB for transient military flight crews, maintenance crews and aircraft utilizing APAFR. This permits visiting squadrons to have ready access to APAFR while concurrently taking advantage of the more robust billeting, messing and maintenance support capabilities at MacDill AFB. This combination of facilities provides extensive, diver.......

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A.
CIA Asset "Tim Osman"

>Who was Bin Laden’s handler?
Bush senior?

>Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?
He was already dead. Had this gotten out the whole 911 narrative would be shot. Mid east invasions wouldn't have happened. Afghani poppy wouldn't be captured for CIA trafficking.

>Why not MI?

>If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?
He was never alive in the first place. Or, he was CIA working on behalf of the Bush's and needed to be silenced

>Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?
Expose Bush's and corruption at deepest levels.

They are always in teh OP under NEW

that must be their new tactic lel
>"they're not sending their best'

Bought 10 days worth of dry food.
Bought some more iodine tablets.
Filled up the tank in my car +20 extra gallons.
Cleaned my weapons.
Packed my bug out bags.
I will defend my home as long as possible but will head for the mountains if the shit hits the fan. I will be able to survive until Summer at the least.

Oy vey, you should get that checked shim sham.

Meme is relevant to 0sama discussion from earlier.

Did POTUS make his speech yet? Been away, can't find it on MSM sites.

almost there

current state of (you)

I told you I would research if CBT is actually a form of porn. I can report that it is. I need a couple more days to check this stuff out.

Carbon dating is a scam. The Bible is the true History. That's what they don't want you to know.

>when u need jesus but your ancestors killed him