Prussian Revival

Hey, wanna get this trending?

Make literally everyone upset.


gonna have to give Poland back it's eastern territory then

how come those german borders look so good?

that's some aesthetic borders right there

why isnt east prussia connected to the mainland

Cause those boarders are fake news




fuck off, Poles and Hungarians are the only Europeans trying to save Europe


Is it okay to be racist against Russians?

Depends on the reason
If you don't like russians because of Drumpf, it's ok
If you don't like russians because of communism, you're a bigot

Treaty of Versailles.

Weren't there talks about Germany maybe buying Kaliningrad back after Soviet Union fell but nothing ever happened? I get that they are mostly Russians and completly Russian speaking, but still. Why wouldn't you take the land area?

Modern krauts don't deserve Prussia.

Yes, the krauts literally turned them down. What absolutely pathetic cuckolds.

millions of butthurt poles incoming

Name one fucking thing we would have gained. There is nothing Prussian left there. The people are here or dead and the architecture is destroyed.

>actually defending turning down more clay
You deserve to get ficki ficki'ed out of existence, Hans.

Go away hebe

>muh clay
It's full of FUCKING RUSKIES. What good is clay if all it does is cost money and ruin your statistic on alcohol related car crashes?

>tfw you can never see Königsberg Castle because the Reds destroyed it

It's too late Klaus, you shouldn't have went on your autistic rampage and attacked millions of whiteys and stayed in your fortress territory like goodbois but you had to go and mess it up

You first, heritagefag.
You could always get them to leave on their own with ol gentrification. Königsberg deserves better than to be Soviet era leftovers.

>There is nothing Prussian left there.
blood and soil, faggot.

>the architecture is destroyed.
We need to rebuild a lot of shit. And some things are still standing (the university).
Completely not an argument.

Russia's population is dwindling. They might even want to have them back.
Also, they repopulated it with some Germans from the Wolga. So Königsberg not completely ungerman.

Yeah, Kohl turned it down when Gorbatschoff offered it for 80bn DMark, iirc. We've got more money dumped into Greece ffs.

>blood and soil, faggot
Great thing to say when there are two groups claiming one territory, but by 1990 even Vertriebenenbünde were mostly dead.
>Russia's population is dwindling. They might even want to have them back.
I don't think the Kremlin is interested in moving around so many people and even if can you imaging the (((outrage)))?
>Also, they repopulated it with some Germans from the Wolga. So Königsberg not completely ungerman.
What do you think is left of that now? Their descendants are probably lucky if they even know they have German blood.
It's not that I like it but the Prussians have successfully been genocided and that's impossible to reverse.

What's the problem? We wanted to not get exterminated and indeed, we did not get exterminated. Sounds like a success to me, and considering the state died for its people I am actually just prouder I'm a Kraut.

>We wanted to not get exterminated and indeed, we did not get exterminated
>instead, we tried to exterminate others and when that failed, we used money from marshall plan to build shitty economy dependant on exporting overpriced bad quality shit east, and importing shitskin subhumans in attempt to throw them as demographic bomb all over europe
>but when that failed we dindu nuffin again
There are no words to describe my hatred towards german "people"

>Prussian revival
>neither Prussian national identity nor actual fucking Prussians exist anymore
Glad they are gone for good.

>modern germans
top lel. be as butthurt as you like about it, but the immigrants to the usa weren't german, they were prussia. prussia lives on in the usa. this is our legacy, you gave it up willingly while prussians is all we've ever been. watch some slavic rape babby sperg out at me

>Prussian revival
>includes Bavaria

>prussia lives on in the usa

right on queue, russian rape babby

kys immigrant scum, you don't own anything except debt to German people - which are in debt to Poland, for ruining their country.

Oh wow did you (26th highest GDP) made this meme? You do know you're making fun of nation of people with 4TH highest GDP and world leader in global brands?
Fucking ungrateful polish Nazi RAT. Every year we send 6 billion to feed your lazy ass, you dare to MOCK us?
Dont start shit you will regret polish neo nazi alt right subhuman motherfucker

Not even pretending to be Prussian, m8. South German master race here. But some burger LARPing as Prussian can't be not made fun of. It's just too big of a stereotype.

>we did not get exterminated.
yet brother, yet
I hope you're on your way to form a stable family already?
I would gladly take prussia back, but for now we have more urgent matters

Come home, Germano-Baltic man.

Start shit get hit. Next time don't lose world wars back to back.

If you keep this up youre next on the list fucking gypsy leech.

Why isnt Memeland square?

I think you just reached peak WE

>which are in debt to Poland, for ruining their country.
implying this hasn't been settled long ago

shut up failure
Poland fough 123 years for independence and won
you send some gay faggot for 8 seconds and nobody even knew if you were independent or not
I pray for Catalan Holocaust


>implying it was ever settled
how come no proofs of it ever being settled? not even in United Nations?

>Poland fough 123 years for independence and won
Your country is the same poor starving shithole it was 29 years ago. You arent free from shit fucking subhuman commie

>Great thing to say when there are two groups claiming one territory
Which are? I see only one group with a legitimate claim.

>by 1990 even Vertriebenenbünde were mostly dead.
not really. But by now they have really lost lots of members.

>I don't think the Kremlin is interested in moving around so many people
Let's ask them.

>and even if can you imaging the (((outrage)))?
Oy vey! The outrage.
It's about time to not give a shit.

>It's not that I like it but the Prussians have successfully been genocided and that's impossible to reverse.
That's not true. Many people still know where their parents came from and I think I've read lately that there are more museums about Prussian history being opened in the last years and that they get lots of visitors. I've certainly been to one.
Although the Prussian dialect is seldomly found in Germany now there are a few ten thousand Prussians living in Poland being Prussian and shit. I've seen a revival of Prussian cuisine here where I live. It's definitely not too late.
We should also try to fund research and development for the defense industry Königsberg for good old times sake. Maybe even move the defense ministry to Eastern Prussia.
There is so much we could do. You're just not very well informed.

Poland deserved worse, not be given German territory.

opinion discarded


Germans should have fought the Romans harder.

Sweubians, in particular, tribe of Chatti important. Now Hesse. Follow Hesse line for modern fun!

Mit Gott fur Koenig und Vaterland

Poland should have half of Belarus, Half of Ukraine and some Lithuania as well for it to be fair
and we will get it back

I'm pretty sure germans can get arrested for posting that and anyone other than germans posting it defeats the purpose, no?

Little Nazi Germany wannabe with their imperial ambitions.


Stay mad and poor, ungrateful shits.

I for one welcome intermarium and our new polish overlords

Says the meme-flag wearer. You are just like the WWII german googles, taking land and claiming it as your own.

as far as I know, after 84% of their industry and 60% of their infrastructure were left in ruins, East Germany has only paid a fraction of the repair costs. West Germany didn't pay anything.


Aw the little polish subhuman has a lebensraum ambition, so cute.

>prussia lives on in the usa. this is our legacy

no we're not

t. pole

Frederick the Great would probably go into an apoplectic fit if he saw the modern Germany. Imagine what guys like von Blucher and von Bulow who fought to liberate their country from Napoleon must think to look from the afterlife and see modern Germany.

His ancestors wuz German immigrants, though. He's the real German in this thread.

thanks, we shall not try to go full left retard, we need stronk military for religious wars that will happen soon
>memeflags mad that Poland exists

You gotta pay what you owe

Germans will not take land if the land is nice and properly maintained like Switzerland. But poles are racist alt right nazis and they leech off others and neglect the land given to them. Its better if the land is in the hands of more productive and responsible people like the Germans.
>romania GDP per capita lower than poland
Hmmm... can you tell your friends to make alt right march in Bucharest?

>we finna be most rightwing and anti globalist country in da EU
>fuck you Germany, we based and say no to the refugees
>Just ignore our politicians gladly taking money from the EU and bending over for Brussels, making Poland one of the most pro-EU countries

You were given the most developed part of Germany.

I believe in you Polack, your people suffer so that they might revive the west. They are the white man's christ, betrayed by Hitler but they 'died' for our sins, given over to endure the challenges of communism. Save us polski cuz I believe in your people more than my own.

Keep dreaming of Alsace-Lorraine Friedrich

not really, we were "given" ashes and ruins while losing ancestral, agrarian land and millions of Poles
fuck you and fuck your leader

>bending over for Brussels
Kek, polish politicians are retards but even they told you multiple times to go fuck yourself and you can't do nothing about it. Cry me a river krautcuck.

He shouldn't have been so soft on you crypto-fascist dipshits.

Why the hell would you want to reward modern Germany.

today another debate about Poland being bad tyranny in Brussels
let them push us, we will roll out and take V4 with us and EU will be undone

>Which are? I see only one group with a legitimate claim.
That's the problem there's only 1 the Russians, legitimate or not.
>Let's ask them.
After we have taken care of all the other problems maybe.
>It's about time to not give a shit.
Personally I don't, but should Russia force millions of it's citizens to move at Germanys request the kvetsching would probably lead to US military intervention.
Where do you live? Here the groups concerned with Prussian culture seem to have died with their last members.

Again, what's the problem? "Amalek" must be wiped out unless we adopt Juda's law. That's what we did and you still count as Gentiles. Now Israel had its long-awaited "genocide", you're getting that slave race Kallergi wanted and Poland finally turned communist for fifty years despite the win in '21, but you somehow see something wrong with it even now? Fucking antisemite. Why will you not learn?

Can't really, I shoot blanks. But there's a bunch of couples I have brought together, things are not all doomed.

>german psychobabble about goys and kikes
so you are still insane I see

Our country was the most exploited by commies. We are the only country with an aggressive anti-commie revolution in Europe.

Also, our politicians are commies larping as social democrats. If you look in their past, most of our politicians were "securisti" (basically commie dogs).

>But poles are racist alt right nazis and they leech off others and neglect the land given to them
That's just ((your opinion)) (which is not yours, you're repeating what the msm tells you to). Poles are conservatives and are against mass immigration (= economic suicide)

Prussia is of Poland. Gib clay back, germanic savage.

Where's Danzig?

can we have Królewiec, Wilno and Lwów back, Russia-Kun :3 ?


Are you blind? Germany is the richest country in the EU and 4th highest GDP in the world. If germany has more people it will be a better country, but there is no room. Germany should be rewarded handsomely for it's never ending sacrifice to the world.

Also germany is world cup winner 2014 unlike Poland that never won anything.

I see no problem with that. Grab everything you can!

Free, as it should be

>That's the problem there's only 1 the Russians, legitimate or not.
Well, as we said above. Gorbi wanted to sell that piece of land for 80b DM. Russia's economy is again not looking too good. Maybe they need money soon? We should make some political concessions as well. Russia needs to be more stable and we should help them doing that.

>After we have taken care of all the other problems maybe.
"Den Mantel der Geschichte fassen" you know? After and before isn't always possible in big politics.
We have to be more ambitious.

>Personally I don't, but should Russia force millions of it's citizens to move at Germanys request the kvetsching would probably lead to US military intervention.
The US will be busy looking for some fascist, transphobic, alt-right influence in their politics for the next 5 years. They can't even take away some nukes from that garden gnome.

>Where do you live? Here the groups concerned with Prussian culture seem to have died with their last members.
Munich funnily enough.

>Poland that never won anything
Poland won the most precious thing - soul. Germans are soulless monsters with weird fetishes who had brought destruction and grief to Europe.

Obviously. Even bothering to fight it for so long was after all quite hopeless. But you see, just as your precious Pope gave us Prussia so did we take your topgoy spot out from under you - and my people now actually live all around the world, without having to clean even just one toilet for it. In a way I'd almost have to thank you for taking old Churchill's bait.

>more german babble
Redpilled Russian is at it again!

It wasn't jews who ruined the world, small tribe of goatfuckers at the east, it was germans. Everything bad that happens can be traced back to you.

Forgot to mention, Germany paid more to Israel than to Poland for repairs (yes, to Israel, just as planned)

Wait till your "Russian" starts posting images. If it weren't for the constant posts under false flag one could respect you, but I won't torment your worldview further. Enjoy the new caliphate next to you, and good luck "re"claiming that Sorbic clay.

>Prussian revival
God no. Fuck those krauts.

Just imagine how pozzed my beautiful Gdańsk would be if it was in kraut hands. There would be filthy niggers and arabs walking the streets. Thank god we dodged that.