It's over guys. Fucking F.B.I. got me

So my lawyer just got the call. I have to turn myself in to the nearest circuit court tomorrow morning or fucking U.S. Marshals will kick in my fucking door. I sold all my guns for meth, so not only is resistance not an option, but there is fucking meth everywhere. If they fucking come in here, ..well, it doesn't fucking matter. Nobody gives shit about meth I guess when you are going down for fucking Treason.

Maybe you will rethink your degenerate ways now.

Why do I get the feeling you were doing more than just posting frogs

well you shouldn't have had all that meth laying around. clean your fucking room yah goober.

Are you gonna be in the news?
If so, what area?


Good luck and get clean, you goddamn idiot.

Put me in the screencap.


Luckily, the government isn't that interested in me, they want the guy at the top, so my lawyer says I can cut a deal and maybe only do a few years in prison. I don't want to sell out, but I don't want to die in jail either.

Meth will actually get you a lot ot time. At least 5 extra years.

Dont make your situation worse just because you are in a rough spot.

Fed prison is better than state and you will get time off for good behaviour and maybe even a work release program.

Be strong annon.

If you go down leave your info and i will write you. Throwaway email if u want

Hang on... What did you do that was treasonous user?

Eat all the meth and live stream it.

If you go to jail, use the time to meditate and find higher spiritual awareness. Every human soul makes it, even if we have to go through a lot of shit on our journey.

>Blue Pepe
>Jew slide thread

stop doing meth

Fuck that, live stream eating all the meth. On your neighbor's porch. Fed can eat shit, you eat meth

What you going down for, mate? Want me to extract you to Latin America?

Can do it for 25k.

Yes you do. You want to sell out, then join the gang your skin color matches or you'll die in prison.

Of course you should sell out a fucking drug dealer.

This intrigues me for all the wrong reasons.





lol larp

If you go to jail, use the time to think about what pussy you were for not eating all of the meth and live steaming it on Facebook for the Zuck to fap to

This is your one life annon, if its serious time and they arent family then snitch.

I dont condone snitching and ive taken a charge for someone but if youll be able to live with yourself then just do it and get the beat deal for yourself.

I been to prison...its not the end of the world and you can get books and get healthy and honestly it was some of the most productive time ive had.
Im also an addict and getting clean was awesome. Good luck

For treason or meth?

I don't even know the guy, so I'm just going to march in there and tell Mueller everything I know. All about Sup Forums and Russia and how I helped Trump steal the election. Mueller told my lawyer if I come completely clean that maybe I could clear my name, repair my reputation and go back to working in comic books again.

user, when this all goes down, please take a moment to consider your choices and tell us: what did you learn?

>work release program.
those were phased out in most states because of situations with convicts threatening and sexually harassing coworkers

Can't you get a sex change and get out of treason

You are a faggot.


It really was her turn, eh?


Omg! Creepy Uncle Joe is with us!

Include me in the sceeencap

Also we are all liable to be questioned for speaking with this guy


Nice larp you pathetic communist. Kill yourself.

boob, kek



You BooB

definitely a larp. "im wanted for treason" Right
Anyway they don't give you a chance to turn yourself in on felonies. They would bust his door down guns drawn as soon as they could

Good! Dont drop the soap faggot!!




If this is real, STOP POSTING.

Nothing you say here can help your case.

And on the other hand, it's quite likely that you may say something that HURTS your case.



t. lawfag


The van was parked outside for a few months now. At first they told me if i did them favors they wouldn't turn me in. It started with me bringing them food and giving them money. But it started escalating into sexual favors. At first it was a hand job, i was so disgusted with myself afterwards i started crying. This turned into blowjobs and finally anal sex. I was so jaded, i didnt have any power to fight back. Every night i cried as i washed semen out of my butthole ( literally have tears streaming down my face as i type this). Finally one day i said enough was enough and stayed in my room all day with the doors locked. They finally gave me the letter of summons and i just dont know how to explain all this. Im sure no one will believe me or they'll just ignore it anyways since im trans.

>Sold all his guns for meth.
Guess it's time to get higher than you ever though possible before the feds show up.






Spill the beans user what are you getting charged with