Jews have your DNA on file since birth.
What do you think they do with your foreskin?

23andMe is the least of your worries.

>There is absolutely no way the jews have any of your medical history at all especially nothing related to your birth and of course NO access to your DNA in any form UNLESS you use 23 and me!

it could just be a way for people to make money running dna analysis.

>oh well just better give them my dna anyways

ancestry companies are what the government uses to bypass warrents n shieet
when you use their services, you sign away their ability to sell your DNA
so if the government wants your DNA but you won't play ball, they'll just buy it from one of these companies

>being insecure enough to scan your dna

OP, you've just discovered that people who work at companies also have siblings who also sometimes work at other companies. This does not fucking mean there's some insane conspiracy to control your mind. Please get back on your meds as soon as possible and stop being so much in denial about the Jewish lineage in your family.


All shills

Muslims use it as a dating website

my great grandfather's mother was irish

Even without the evidence why in the fuck would anyone send random people a sample of their DNA to start with? It makes no sense





Do you think you're in charge?

good thing I came back as being 28% ashkenazi
RIP goys

That's only true if your parents were jewwed enough to get your dick shlomo'd.

They don't even analyse your DNA. Twins sent in their DNA and got back different results.

It's all a scam.

Alright jackass. V funny , now can we all agree the DNA Jew is bad

why do you conservashits always project the things you would do, unto others?
you are the nazi eugenicists.

heh I already know I'm untermesch slavshit. Family on mothers side was forced out poland by Nazis during ww2 after they were determined to be untermensch slavs. Feels relieving to realize this and don't need a DNA test.

using this is autistic. if your parent/gparent/ggparent are white youre white. you dont need a test to know that ask your fucking mother