The FDA has approved a medication to treat schizophrenia and bipolar containing a microchip to trace digestion and send information to your doctor/psychiatrist.

This absolutely needs to be boycotted, I do not give a flying fuck what the intention is, whether someone has schizophrenia or not, this is an invasion beyond the lines mental health departments already cross.

Other urls found in this thread:

>telling Sup Forums to boycott prescription drugs
Won't work, doctors will buy these and prescribe it without telling you it has a sensor in it. God save those who gets fucked over.
Mental health doctors were always one of the biggest jew, I was told I had autism when I was small but I always felt normal.

Wtf this shit is evil.

>someone has a mental disorder likely to make them paranoid and think they're being tracked at all times
>feeding them microchips sounds like a great idea to help them

Shouldn't you be doing your show Clyde?

It's literally medication that snitches on your doctor whether you're taking it as prescribed. This is going to open the door to mandatory medication of people.

>boycott something you don't use

Wow, great idea OP.

Anyone taking these is doing so voluntarily. You don't like it? Don't take the fucking pill.

This thing is telling doctors when you swallow a pill.

Your (((phone))) knows literally everything about you and that data is openly shared with alphabet soup agencies.

But this is the thing you complain about because it's more "spooky".

>boycott this medicine
This is never going to catch on anyways. Paranoid schizophrenics aren't going to willingly swallow tracking devices. Even they will think it sounds crazy.

It'll start as a schizo drug only then you'll be getting them prescribed for the flu

nobody would willingly take a pill like this let alone somebody with mental illness.

The thing is they won't tell you about the sensor, the label on the pill bottle will only show the chemical name.

>taking prescription drugs
beer and weed, anons.

beer on the weekend to unwind.
weed on vacations.

You should post this on /x/.
Lot more schizos there than here i bet.

schizos don't take their current medication anyways, so the target demographic can't be relied upon to take their normie pills

worry when they put it in the mollies and benadryl

How does this work? I don't understand the technology. It could be positive for the opioid epidemic maybe, but I'd be completely unwilling to take a drug with this technology.

The bottle on the photo says it has a sensor in it. Only a hack dr AND hack pharmacist wouldn't tell you about it. I have to talk to the pharmacist most times that I get scripts filled.

In my teenage years i was prescribed Abilify to be used as a "mood stabilizer" as part of a treatment plan involving several other medications. The pill cocktail threw me more out of equlibrium than the major depression it was prescribed to treat. Another drug in the cocktail, Serotonin caused my gag reflex to become so hyperactive that a cough would cause me to vomit. I havnt taken medication for over 6 years and my depression is well under control. Turns out i had to man up.

Abilify wont be prescribed only to schizophrenics, anyone with depression could wind up taking it with the right psychaitrist.

Sounds like a hack doctor. Regular depression doesn't require a mood stabilizer. Abilify is marketed toward bipolar.

>unpack product
>put pills in another bottle
>label it as aripiprazole
Please don't tell me about hack doctors, it going to be the "ISIS isn't muslim" argument again.

That seems really paranoid from my burger standpoint. As soon as it's discovered that pills were messed with like that heads would roll. Maybe it's totally normal over in hong kong.

You have to wear a big ass sensor and have a smart phone in your pocket for this to work.

Its nicknamed "Debilify" because it gives people such bad diabetes and metabolism issues that people gain over 200lbs in a few months....

These drugs were all of course found in the Jungles as plants by doctors looking for knockout cocktails and other MK ULTRA tools for sedating the masses, and setting up triggers through therapy that was used to create an MPD in the patient that could be triggered at the will of a doctor and anyone that practiced the same controller handler techniques....

They can suck a fucking dick after I am done stomping their drug some more and see if it gives them a rush for a new chip to test.

I will round up every doctor and let the monkeys out.....

Trading Places is a great movie isn't it?

Maybe when they are done using all the doctors for human experiments that we can sell them to other laboratories to study how these doctors think.....

....About being sold for experiments like their patients are.....

We can all share a hearty chuckle.....

Yeah, fuck this. This is guinea pig shit ready to be weaponized later.

Nope, it's pretty much standard practice now to hand out an anti-depressant + an antipsychotic. You don't have to be psychotic to be prescribed antipsychotics, their line of bullshit these days (and for the past 10 years of so) is either that it's a 'mood stabilizer' or that it helps the anti-depressant work better.

Who cares

Hackers will figure out how to beat it. The brand name of the drug itself sounds evil as fuck.

Reminds me of this video

>telling Sup Forums to boycott prescription drugs
it makes sense though for the future of this board...

So your also against pacemakers that do the exact same thing and have done so for more then a decade?

Because they give it out to teenagers who are depressed too, and a whole lot of other people who are not schizophrenic.

Google Sluggish Schizophrenia to see how this will be abused further down the line

buddy, if your here, you have autism

"Mental health" is a fucking meme kiddo. It's a sham designed to create docile medicated faggots.

listen here costa rica, how the fuck do you think an anti psychotic, with a literal microchip in it, that has literally just been approved by the FDA, is tinfoil-hat-tier drivel?

Truer words have never been said. That said autism is like a spice. A little bit does wonders but too much is only going to cause trouble.

Teenagers that can't handle life deserve what they get, just like the 14yo turbosluts that end up on antidepressants because Chad dumped them for being a bitchy cumdumpster.

believe me, if you go through the mental health system with even a short-lived drug psychosis, and they suspect (as they always are quick to) that you have a disorder such as schizophrenia, or bi-polar, you become an involuntary patient.
Meaning, if you don't want to take those meds, well then too fucking bad, you can either be forced to recieve a depot (Injection in the arsecheek) or be re-commited.
I had a drug induced psychosis from cannabis that lasted a month. I was kept on involuntary treatment, including involuntary Risperidone injections for a year and a half. put on 10 kilos in a month, cholesterol went through the roof, and have permanent nerve damage in my legs.
These sick fucks do more harm than good.
An absolutely evil organisation.

Microchips inside pills isn't gonna ease the tension in the psychwards.

I didn't do my research, fair enough. But still,
>“Being able to track ingestion of medications prescribed for mental illness may be useful for some patients,” said Mitchell Mathis, M.D., director of the Division of Psychiatry Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “The FDA supports the development and use of new technology in prescription drugs and is committed to working with companies to understand how technology might benefit patients and prescribers.”
The FDA is approving development of glow in the dark CIA nigger pills.

You sound like a teenager. People don't control their whole outcome, and many end up on pills because they are lied to. Hey I have an idea, how about removing the liars rather than demonizing their victims?

>>Paranoid that governement is watching me
>>Get schiz meds that literally track you

What if you just put it in a glass of salty water?

uh this is a board dedicated to truth. we like natural medicine. only 12 year old faggots take pills from a nazi

i like you

Drop it in pool acid faggot.



I thought Pool´s closed

It proves there {medication} is such shit they have to force people to take it and monitor they won't vomit it out. I have met wackos they can't get enough pills. But they would not touch that stuff like it was dog shit.

Are they fucking retarded?
Why would you fuck with the schizophrenics?
It's basically this skit becoming a reality
>hurr durr, let's implant microchips into schizophrenics