Guys being right wing has lost it's cool. It's pretty mainstream now, Trump is president...

Guys being right wing has lost it's cool. It's pretty mainstream now, Trump is president, the right wing icons are all lame moneygrabbers, leftism is hated by most of the internet. In spirit of our contrarianism and counter culture nature I say we become full on Stalinists, Nazbols, Juche, Titoist, Marxists, etc.

No Jared Taylor?


Jared Taylor is OK with me. He's actually intelligent.

but I always was a nazbol, being a nazbol will never be mainstream, safest bet.

How about now, kike.

>Chad Vandal and Texas Stormer not depicted

Based. Liftwaffe are part of the next generation Right, the C-Ville mafia are losing their influence rapidly, even Sup Forums seems to hate everyone in that picture now.

Imo next generation will be significantly less protesting and much more lifting, having kids and going to church. You know, doing the things that those larpers in the pic promote but never actually do

Do you know any lefties who could take him on? Tim Wise put up the best fight but it devolved into a semantics argument

how socialist are you? that's all that matters.

You leave Jared alone, he's one of the good ones

Plus Heimbach counter signals him for not being XXXXXTREME enough

Communism is a meme funded by Royal British Charter, IE: the same people that set up capitalism. You've been played dumbass.

New cool thing is taking away women's voting rights

>leftism is hated
>Sup Forums is literally the only site where you can post anything right wing and not get banned

it will happen naturally on Sup Forums, as well as western politics in general. "conservatism" will see a small resurgence going into the 2020s, but when Mike Pence loses in 2024 it's going to be some major commie/hardcore socialist on the left in America and they will win.

Heimbach is a dumbass larper, he even does the little Hitler handwave. It's just bizarre and foreign, and a cute way of being a National Socialist without having a swastika



Yeah. Trad is going to be edgy for a while because weakness is easy and judging people for their actions harshes the mellow.

>meme flag
>come on, you guys, just give up already
>no source, context or argument

No, /leftypol/, you'll never have our level of meme power.Just give up.

This is exactly why Taylor distanced himself from the alt-right, he's been at this game long enough to realise nazi larping, or anything approaching it, can make an initial splash but ultimately doesn't have the legs to make it long term. This is a large part of why the pool party crowd are quickly descending into infighting and irrelevance.

Kind of hope FTN cut themselves loose from TRS and do their own thing, they're the only part of it worth saving imo. But I'm guessing (((someone))) would leak their identities if they did

>I say we become full on Stalinists, Nazbols, Juche, Titoist, Marxists, etc.
We're not mentally ill or retarded though.

Gavin Mcinnes lifts, has kids and goes to church.

Being Right Wing has become somewhat popular recently ,but leftist are still very powerful so abandoning our culture would be a foolish move.

>no SPLC "hate" group lists on communists
>marxists (Not liberals, actual self-admitted marxists) outnumber conservatives in colleges
>commie groups like RefuseFascism openly funded by Soros wheras no one would touch the "Alt-Right" with a pole
>people walk around with commie shirts with Che Guevara on them while some guy wearing a Nazi uniform gets stalked, falsely accused of "harassment", and sucker punched then becomes a news story
>institutions like colleges, media, the bureaucratic establishment, Wall Street, billionaires, and Silicon Valley all support the left and hate anything to the right of Hillary Clinton much less the "Alt-Right"

Right wing is the counter culture. Where's the screeching about marxist extremists?

Communism is ridiculous. Nationalism, religion, and identity politics, economic failure, and brutal suppression of thought and speech make communism obsolete and irrelevant. Go back to your safespace that filters and bans people with opinions they don't like.

>implying we're right wing
Who said we were right wing? We do whatever the hell we want. It just so happens leftists are world champion foot shooters and we're just supplying the ammo.

diu ney gao lao mo say ba po

/pol is pretty retarded

If you can recognize more then eight of these people it's time to re-evaluate life.

The next frontier is far-right neoludditism. Join me lads and together we will be as edgy as possible

>Guys being right wing has lost it's cool
I'm glad you told us. I guess I'll go full libtard then

This. Right now lefties are simply the easiest to troll. Easy prey so to speak.

>next generation will be significantly less actually doing anything useful and much more acting like fucking Republicans

Blow me. Activism and dissident culture-war is what will win us this.

Heh, guess it's time to become anarcho-primitivist then

Why not both?
Even the kekistanis & the alt-righters (Hitler forgive me) actually ended up doing some good stuff IRL.
>more damage to the fake news
>torch marches
>green nazi war flags waving all over the country
>leftist impotent rage

It may be kinda cringe to us, but I guarantee that (pic related) coaxed out at least a few OY VEY's

> (You)
>>next generation will be significantly less actually doing anything useful and much more acting like fucking Republicans
>Blow me. Activism and dissident culture-war is what will win us this.

Best of luck, the tools at your disposal are currently a collection of chubby men in larp gear that will be discredited just by being photographed.

Until the Right builds itself into a movement of people that others want to emulate, it'll never gain any serious ground, and will be forever discredited as the sexual frustration of Internet virgins. We can't fix the world until we fix ourselves .

He also shoves things up his ass on camera for attention

>Guys being right wing has lost it's cool.
Nice try faggot, saged

"No" should be both "Yes" and "No though. Such an argument used by both communists and whoever not communist.