Literally Every Jew I know identifies as white

Stop LARPing: Ashkenazi Jews are white.

Maybe they deserve to be boiled alive in excrement but they're obviously white; a sub-race at most. Well over 90% of them identify as white:

Pic related (a PoC? Really?)

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Ashkenazi Jews aren't ethnic Jews from the Levant anyway. They're Jewish converts from the Ukraine. I think they converted in like 880 AD or some time around then. Still Jews gunna Jew.

>Thinking you're getting out of the rope.

>Ashkenazim can trace their ancestry back to a group of 350 levant jew/euro goy halfbreeds that lived some 600-800 years ago
>Since then have mostly been breeding amongst themselves. genetic similarities are so acute that “everyone is a 30th cousin.”
Let me guess, you bought into that khazar bullshit, right? That dumbass bitch and her fat tits have PSYOP'd the fuck out of you kids.

>when it is convenient
You forgot that part.
Some jews are white though, as Jared Taylor says.

They're European. That doesn't mean they're white.

Jews are not people, Cletus. At a certain stage in 19th century Jews in Germany, influenced by the volk character of German nationalism, took upon themselves the task of inventing a people retrospectively, out of a thirst to have claim for national identity. Before this invention Jews thought of themselves as Jews because they shared a common religion, not a common ethnic background.

Would you consider a 50/50 amerindian/spanish latino as european?
They are not European, culturally or ethnically.

You will never be white idiot.
Even if you look white because you have roots from Eastern and northern Europe, you will always be non whites.

Wrong pic.

What does that have to do with Jews in any way? Nothing, that's what.

ashkenazi jew is a kike deception
ashkenazi are a white tribe of gomer
the kikes have interbred with germanics to produce a white kike which they claim to be the true ashkenazi. study ancient history goys.

They say they're white to be subversive, but as soon as it suits them, they're Jewish.


>but they're obviously white
No, they aren't. Jews are distinct ethnic group, as
are whites. You cannot be both. Even the white looking Jews, Khazars, are Slavic and Turkish in origin. There is no such thing as a white Jew.

Depends on your definitions of "white". I'd consider them a subset that needs to be exterminated.

I wish I was an Ashkenazi Jew. They're superior to all other races as far as I can tell.

Israel is whiter than America.

What would you define as white then, and why?

Why hasnt anyone postet this yet?

edom loves to steal :)
you are incorrect

it doent matter even if they are 90% etnic european. they work against our interest and we must confront them.
Stop dreaming and be brave

Its not only the Europe divided.

Jews are white though

only when convenient

They are white when it suits them and they are oppressed jewish minority when it suits them. But they don't identify as white but jewish.

Someone who is of wholly European ancestry. I would even define a white convert to Judaism as non white since Judaism is so foreign and antithetical to European civilization. A white person is european and european only

Kikes confirmed having a HIVEMIND

So should we.

Out of this 9 people, only one said he wasn't white, so what's the point?


Okay, Jews are white. So what? Because I'd use the term "white" to describe my race and because I am sympathetic to political causes I'd describe as "pro-white", I have to be pro-Jew? Just because of a mere word? No, thank you, sir!
I can consider Jews a subset of the White race AND call myself pro-white AND be critical of institutional and structural judaism AT THE SAME TIME. No problem for me!