Sup Forums is not Sup Forums anymore

Sup Forums used to be all about Sup Forums now its just as good as Sup Forums

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Then where is all the porn?

Pol has sucked since the Trump election campaign. These normie faggots just won't leave


also, Sup Forums isn't as hardcore as it used to be. it's 90% porn. the days of "confirmed for brawl", nigger lattes and taking a seat are long gone.

Sup Forums is still one of the best boards on the website. what we have here is special and I suspect we will look back on it fondly in a couple of decades

also true. modern Sup Forums is just... a ghost or something. it's kind of sad

I kinda want to actually accomplish something politically. Not sure how to do that

I haven't seen Sup Forums in about a decade. I have desire to return too. What's it like now?
I left it as an endless mill of gore threads, porn threads, "I's be free at page 15", and "Sup Forums was never good" threads.

it's just nothing now. mostly low-grade porn. look for yourself

Softcore porn, liberal degeneracy, and shit like this.
So there was a mass shooting AGAIN in a school this time, seriously another school shooting...

> Sup Forums you guys are smart. When is the US going >to STEP UP AND BAN THESE FUCKING >GUNS.
>SERIOUSLY.... there are SO many fucking >SHOOTINGS done with fucking assault >weapons. We just need to ban ALL guns then >we will be free from this fucking mess.

It has lost its edge. There was always a gore thread going around back in my day. Fucking pussified board.

A lot of....naked dough faced milf threads....and low rent porn actresses pretending to be Sup Forums's girlfriends. Really ugly girls...everywhere.

It would be easy to fix Sup Forums. The staff would just have to implement a minimum text count for topics.

The vast majority of shills, shitposters, and rule breakers post a single fucking single when they make a topic.

If they actually had to write a paragraph before making a topic it would prevent the majority of bullshit topics on here.

But the staff is inept and do a shitty job.

*a single fucking sentence

Sup Forums 2017 is basically Sup Forums pre-2008

pol these days do remind me of the final years i was posting on b before I abandoned it for good in terms of quality. i dont think it'll die like b did because of trump keeping us relevant, but in terms of quality... ehhh. This Q larp BS is a prime example. eveything is a /general/ now. hopefully we can take this out into the real world soon enough as we get more power and radical, we can leave this all behind for good and bring our fuhrers dream to fruition.

Here's how you fix Sup Forums:
>One user = one thread (currently it's three)
>Minimum character count on thread topics
>Strict enforcement of the sticky and rules (except #3 and Sup Forums rule #2, of course), pic related shows how badly the mods have fallen
>All janitors who do not do their job well (not measured by quota, but by random catalog browsing to see if the the rules are being upheld at least at a general level) are pruned and a new round of hiring is initiated
>Janitors who abuse powers on a three strikes basis are permbanned
>Make the 4chink pass free (or at least discounted) for Chinese users

the 2016 US election was fun but it brought such an influx of newfags and shills that it seems this place is gone for good. Honestly even the /mlpol was improvement

Sadly so, but this was expected though - Trump was our Chanology/Gamergate after all.
You are purposefully miscomprehending here.

Basically the days of Sup Forums getting shit done are over.

>where is all the porn
>australian agrees

>Sup Forums is still one of the best boards on the website

>a ghost or something
Yeah, that describes it.
Sup Forums is the closest board to how Sup Forums used to be, maybe /bant/ too, but i dont frequent /bant/ enough to really know.
The kind of meme energy Sup Forums has though? Thats how classic Sup Forums was.
Ive been here since 04

ten pages of shaved man ass

The absolute state of Sup Forums is sad. It really needs to get a bolt to the head

>Sup Forums is not Sup Forums anymore

Duh because you retards brought in the reddit scum

Just make anime the norm again and have daily guro threads and the normalfags will fuck off.

>mommy, I don't like the threads people are making
>well, make your own

Be the change you want to see in the world. Make threads about Jews, niggers, women. See a shill thread that retards are falling for and bumping it? Post redpill material or derail it by spamming nigger/jew/women hate. Shills and lefties hate it. Of course best would be if people could just ignore and hide such threads, or at least sage.

To a degree, it's our duty to educate the actual right-wing newfriends who don't know any better. Trying to scare THEM away by attacking Trump is idiotic, can't tell how often I see this "ironic shitposting" nowadays ("HAHA BASED JEWS AMIRITE FELLOW PEDES!?"), it's shitting up the board just like shills do and is actually counterproductive to our goals.

There is a lot of divide and conquer going on recently, or maybe it's just actual infighting, but it needs to be stop and threads like this do not help. Make quality threads and quality replies instead of meta complaints, if you go meta, do it to educate people on shills and low quality threads, not this senseless whining "OMG I hate nu-Sup Forums, waaah". It's part of the problem,not the solution.


There’s a few undead boards now, whom have jumped the shark years back.
Zombie Sup Forums
Zombie Sup Forums
Zombie Sup Forums

#8ball (Shut up, slut!)


Literally paid in hotpockets. Stop stroking their egos