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I'm sorry we left blacks alive.

survival of the fittest

I'm sorry you're brain damaged and think wealth works that way.

I'm sorry blacks get to live in western society and not mud huts

Shouldn't most of it be in china

Here's the guy that made that comic

I'm sorry we memed you with pebbles and beads.

If America and Europe dug all that gold out of Africa, is China taking a fat shit in the hole that remains?

>nothing in China
These useful idiots need to get with the times.

>implying they aren't benefiting from that, themselves.
You sure don't see them moving their big black butts back to africa themselves

I'm sorry you were born a nigger.

And Madagascar ?

>wealth is a zero sum game
t. Marxist scum

The weak should fear the strong.

I'm sorry we took all the Corn Pops

nope make me.



Oceans should fill in the space. Won't have to worry about the caps melting.

Not even the oceans want to flood africa

Dr William L. Pierce - The Lesson of Haiti

If those are meant be gold coins then shouldn't they all be in China?

Blacks are so retarded the resources are still a mystery to them today. The only infrastructure being rebuilt(after being left neglected by subhuman niggers) today is from China, who will learn that Africa is a lost cause.

This, literally we didn't even get a chance to vote, and when we did vote over here and actually shut these degenerates up. Our votes were meddled with and turned around. So unironically this.

>implying that Africa is now utterly depleted of resources

About time it was posted

Why do we keep enabling Africans? Just let nature run its course. Such a waste of time and money.

See, now we know it's bullshit. The gold is in Canada and we don't have any, courtesy of Trudeau.

Can someone do this and sink all countries except israel's shekels. Toss in a happy merchant and Ben's signature too.

For h'what?

wouldn't the oceans pour into the african hole?

We ha like your not in a racist minority already.


Yes you dirty fucking niggers, apologise for being such blatant failures

How the fuck did we get conservatives to defend slavery. They volunteering for it.

They are still the most resource rich continent.

Your pic only makes sense if the blocks we stole are blocks of intelligence, because Africans are functionally retarded.

english, do you speak it, nigger?

>Somehow I have to apologise for the fact that my ancestors were more successful than you.

How about no?


>not even the ocean wants to be around niggers

when did this happen ?

umm most of those tokens belong on china and isreal.


That's not how water works.
