what the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
She was spoiled due to being the granddaughter of the literal absolute ruler of her entire world.
She got a lot better after she stopped being pampered and had to work to survive.
Are you referring to that episode where they nearly starved to death and almost went crazy?
The entire journey was one where she was forced to confront both herself and her dependence on others.
Iggy basically took care of everything for her, after he was gone and she was outside of the planned society of the dome she had to come to terms with reality and shed her old pampered ways.
She wants to be woken up inside
It's pretty obvious. That much makeup takes way too long to put on. Some probably got in her eye.
Raison d'etre
She wasn't Real
Old hag couldn’t compete with best girl.
Fucking Manglobe, why did you have to die.
; _ ;
I don't give a fuck, Gangsta first 5 episodes were masterful. Such a shame.
She was so tired of being there, suppressed by all her childish fears.
>it's a Pino does cute things episode
is this proof that anime can be real?
the opposite
poor writing
filler episodes
pretending to be deep
Some people let themselves go. But they were once real
She also kinda hated the society that she lived on, but I dunno if that was because she was too spoiled or she sensed somehow that was something fundamentally wrong with said society.
One of those series that deserve to be watched several times, as in each instance you'll notice new things that went overlooked in previous runs.
You never call her when she's sober.
I only noticed the ships at the end on a third watch.