What am I in for?
What am I in for?
Once you understand that the Jews were behind all of this you'll want to exterminate the evil bastards
it's no joke, man
essential reading you should follow it up with 200 years together im a high school history teacher and I make all my students read the Gulag Archipelago
>What am I in for?
if your thread picks up momentum? expect shills, shills everywhere. never saw another topic inflame commies so much.
Do you make them read 200 years together as well?
There is the mundane evils of rape murder and violent sexual torture, then there's life in the gulag archipelago.
>remember the 66 gorrilion, bolshevik
>literal fiction is an argument
Is butin our BASED jew?
kike puppet faggot
tell me how does circumcised dick feel in your mouth you massive fagot
no only the archipelago but those students who want to do something with history like studying law and policies later I highly recommend them the Mein Kampf And communist manifesto to so they have some context later on in university when it comes up so they won't be brainwashed by misinformation
You're in for the recollections of a man who had to suffer and see many people die under one of the many, many failed implementations of the (((communism))) that the average piece of indoctrinated university garbage preaches.
You are also in for a book that these same commies have never read, because they are too stupid to understand it. If you start talking about it they usually resort to "B B BUT WHAT ABOUT CAPITALISM," and just completely shut down afterwards.
It is worth reading. So worth reading.
more or less underrated
Good work man.
You are in for the truth
>denies mass murder by socialists
>but dey weren't REAL socialists
So the real true socialists would have really killed them right?
I bought the abridged version. Is this ok?
I couldn’t be bothered reading 3 volumes and 1000+ pages.
>country of 147 million
>kill 66 million
>in 33 years end up with 208 million
>Sup Forumsacks are gullible enough to think it's real
The documentation for the murders under communism is pretty consistent m8. Not to mention the policies which were implemented which caused a lot of death on top of this are also clearly documented in the histories of the countries themselves.
You might actually grow up a little and pull your balls out of your cunt if you had ever read anything which wasn't written by Marx. He was a lazy fraud, much like anyone who is retarded enough to believe that fairy tale gibs systems would ever work properly.
Of course not, you'd get fired for such vile antisemitism. Even one of the worlds most renowned authors has no right to go against gods chosen people.
>The documentation for the murders under communism is pretty consistent m8.
u wot m9?
Since you are too lazy to read it (I don't blame you) I'll sum it up for you; Communism is fucking retarded.
Iraq War, Syria, 1965 Immigration Act, Frankfurt School, Psychoanalytic pseudoscience, Marxism, gulags, attempted takeover of Germany
He was given a Nobel prize for saying Jews killed 66 million Russians.
> 81 million people couldn't possibly grow to 208 million in 3 and a bit decades
Are you actually this dumb? Like do you have special needs or something? You may need to jump off the special school computer soon, before your wrangler finds you.
the funny thing is that while in high school the students hate my gut for making them read stuff like that but later on when they get out to the real world and meet them, later on, thay always glad I give them those books
dude the columnist have population control programs they wanted more people and also people to replace the ones that they kill, look it up its still going strong in north kore also I'm old enough to remember these when they were still going in Romania under Ceausescu
.t székely
Not really, Americans are inbred retards. Some consistency in your claims would be nice, though.
While a homemade problem what happened to ceausecus children after he was disposed was pretty fucked up from what i read
So between jewish bolsheviks killing huge swaths of russians (66 mil), starving ukrainians(12 mil), and sending women and asians in human waves against glorious ubermensch(30 mil), they go people to breed like rabbits and quintuple their population?
as far as I know, the one still alive is working as physics somewhere and hates its old man's guts he was saying stuff like they should have died sooner other than that I don't know much I wasn't in Transylvania at the time we moved to Hungary
What I mostly took from it is that the notion of "human rights" or any abstract humanist values are totally useless. The only thing that matters in the administration of justice is power.
Even his wife said he made shit up. Its not true, at the least very exaggerated
For some definition of "very".
What about america? U.S.A. and capitalism has killed way more people than Soviet Union could ever had. Grow up child.
oh so you say he is like every communist in existence and also believing what a woman says about anything more serious then cooking
its possible just look at other nations with population booms how fast they happen and in what size nov think about that but make it government organized and mandatory for a long period of time
Read Two Hundred Years Together. Much more Sup Forumsworthy.
>egy kibaszott székely cigány
>99% hogy a rokonai 2. vhban szimplán hazamentek mikor jöttek a ruszkik mint kb mind
>hazafiként szerepjátszik
>és butítja a gyerekeket
vissza kell menned
Alexet amúgy a gonosz komcsik ki is gyógyították a rákjából, ingyen és bérmentve, le van írva a Rákosztályban, el lehet olvasni.
Says 56% amerimutt
>nem vagyok cigány
>annak ellenére hogy szivem mélyén örülnék hogy ha némi földet visz kapnánk nem veszek részt semilyen politikai aktivitásban
>dédnagyapám hunyadi ss ben volt és Budapesten a kitörés közben halt meg két másik dédnagyapám gulágot lyárta meg hadi fogoly ként utolsórol nem tudok sokat egyik nagyapám diák ként részt vet az 56 os foradalomban szoval ne fikázkodj te lusta pöcs
>nem játszok hazafiként szerepet és nem gondolom magam tulzot nacionalistának sem
>nem hülyítem a gyereket hanem könyvet adok a kezébe hogy ne hollyvoodiak döntsék el előre a világnézetét ha nem ő maga
meh, eurabia is on its way
meh, eurabia is on its way.
I can smell the fried chicken on you
I thought you guys were going with the white supremacist narrative for anyone criticizing Communism.
let's be honest calling someone a white supremacist on pol is as effective as trying to sink a ship by placing up the holes on it
This guy teaches your children.
Kek, well said and nice pic. Why are Hungarians so based?
thinking I act like in class as I shitpost on pol trust me if I would do I wouldn't have a job for long
I wanted to write patching up not placing up sorry
>What am I in for?
a tidy room ?
There's a large section of the book that gets boring as fuck. Its the section when hes talking about the "court" proceedings
I hope not, carry on then mate.
Anyone listen to the audio book? The narrators dry scarsam is great
thanks, JBP
Could do with this. Thanks.
Because they had to live under communist control. In 56 they revolted, fighting against communist control (for some reason, supposedly it was a paradise) so the Soviets deployed 30,000 troops and 1k tanks to Budapest and started shooting people till they surrendered
not even targeting armed people, if they ((suspected)) if a building contains armed people they blew the whole thing up with tanks they run over children just for sneaking out for bread and shooting the elderly stuck outside their destroyed homes but its all justified because the powers said they are Hitlerists and fascists gee I don't know what it reminds me of
Link to book?
You can actually look at the fertility and mortality rates year by year and conclude that those high death figures are far beyond mathematically possible. Stalin certainly killed lots of people, well into the millions, but don't be a Jew about it.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is a good read. Fuck russia and fuck communists
In Budapest or elsewhere?
I live in Hungary (but I'm British) and I'm looking into suitable education for my children.
>Pulls absolute shit out of own ass and fondles
Don't make us watch that you lurch.
Solshenitsyn never said any such thing.
A lack of factual and intellectual honesty is what will put you up against the wall this time as well.
Keep it up.
Citation needed.
According to your own Jewy Flagsake Capitalism has over the last ten years lifted more than a billion people out of absolute poverty.
Good. You cunts were the worst collaborators out of all eurocucks. Should have deported ya all to Asia you crawled out from millenia ago, hun. But commies were too humane, weak pussies.
Super based Jew.
I wouldn't say it because I'm like the only history teacher in my school
but you should look in to like rural town schools I'm not recommending city for high and elementary schools because you gonna get enriched by leftist especially on pest if but if I would send my kids anywhere I would pick a Protestant Calvinist school in the east thay are prety good if you realy want to go to a city you should go to debrecen or sopron but im recomendig the protestant east becouse thay will take care of your kids well thay arent creatonist or evoulutionist like catolicucks thay tech both in diferent clases without any conflict and let the kid sort it out and thay also have more mony than state schools and the teachers are freer
>pic very unrelated its just the only shiti pick I got with some sort of conection to learning
someone post those illustrations in which gulag prisoners eat each other
Oy Vey Commie Jew infested Russia is really our Goys.
If you didn't hate commies already, this book will make sure you do.
Thanks for the advice.
I actually live in Vác and I am told there is a pretty decent Catholic school here, that's all I've heard.
I'm not actually religious anymore, but I was brought up a Catholic, so I could use that to get them in there when the time comes (my eldest is 3 years old right now), but I guess I'll need to do more research.
I'm very happy here though and my Hungarian wife no longer wants to move back to London as we can see the state of that place.
I actually prefer Vác to Budapest, I couldn't stand it there any longer (lived there for several years).
A lot of overhyped bullshit. I ain't any kind of revisionist, that's really what it is. If you want something more truthful about GULAG, read some Varlam Shalamov.
Zip it Igor, or I tell Putin, and you go to Gulag!
>Varlam Shalamov
This, but for starters Solzenitsin is better though, all the emotional side kinda shows you the bullshit.
>TFW the only book I had issue reading was Archipelago Gulag because 1/2 family spent time there
yeah its pretty cool isn't it like i head a bit of an appreciative moment when on my oldest sons(18) university opening the principal head 30 mini speech how thanks to the V4 how good the education and work opportunity is and basically gon on about how based we are for protecting our border from foreigners and how all the students need to learn to make Hungary stronk it was surprisingly nationalistic
>arguing with jews and communists (jews)
it's like you're shooting yourself in the foot and blaming the dog
Depression, Anger, Awe, Determination.
I'm 10 hours into the 70 hour audio book series on YouTube. The first half is detailing the process of finding yourself going through the process from many different angles. A bit like WWZ in the story telling. Then it gets into his story.
That's good, and lucky for you.
I also have a 19 year old daughter from a previous relationship going to college in London, you can imagine how that is going.
that's rough just try to stop her getting blacked
>just try to stop her getting blacked
too late.
infowars/jordan peterson teir redpill. same as when everybody on Sup Forums preneted to have read evola a few years back. pseudo intellectuals on Sup Forums need something to rave about, when is the last time you queers read a book?
wow that's rough
My deepest condolences
I can take her.
>Inb4 baltshit
Was her mom that shit?
Pic related is the other major work from the gulags
Thnx for reminding me visiting my great-grandparents in cemetery
It won't happen to my new mini-Magyarok :)
Cold war propaganda.
> Was her mom that shit?
yes, very crazy and very liberal, no rules, whatsoever, wouldn't let me influence her upbringing at all.
This is absolutely essential for any politically-minded revolutionary, left or right; as much so as Propaganda. It's a manual. Solzhenitsyn's snarky writing style is quite entertaining, as well.
>Be russian
>Born 1917
>Be against regime but stay silent
>Hruschev hates you privately but praises your work in public due to new anti-stalin politics
>Run to US because Hruscii starts hating you more
>Write a book
>return to Russia in 1994
>Praise tzar and undertsand that both capitalism and communism can't work for Russia
>Love your country
after 23 years
>Ivan on 4chinz
>Fucking cold war propaganda
>Gulags didn't exist, doesn't matter my family almost died during WW2
>names one of the most patriotic men a shill
>Drinks vodks.jpeg
>Lays asleep his churka fucking wife.