I've been indoctrinated into the gospel of spider. Never have i thought i'd actually love a spider this much
I've been indoctrinated into the gospel of spider. Never have i thought i'd actually love a spider this much
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Welcome to the club, OP
What's the deal with the manga anyway, it's so sideways compared to the source material
It's following the LN instead of the WN and skipping the S chapters for now.
The S chapters were where all the story was!
>you will never see loli katia
The Shun chapters had me confused as fuck on the timeline until Vampire girl showed up in the main chapters.
i kinda had it figured out.
Did decent translator going from the start catched up to the decent translator going from ~200 chapter on?
I couldn't read it further ~100.
My eyes bled profusely.
I feel out of the loop since I'm only reading the manga, would it be more fun to read the LN? is it done? Does she meet other students or explain anything?
I came a little over "Remnants of Nightmare" chapter when Shun and party met "Children".
everything is explained in the wn, it just takes awhile. the side stories are amazing, as they fill the gaps
it really really takes off after the labyrinth parts
i want to see the exelent brat again
Your English is worse than TurboTLs to be honest.
And no, last I heard Blast shelved Kumo around 100 and focused on other stuff.
>Your English is worse than TurboTLs
Which also contribute to my suffering.
Only Shieldbro WN rivals this translation with infinite [TL Note: not sure about this part]
>Blast shelved Kumo around 100
Will have to wait then.
blast released an update recently but hes still way behind
Too bad the excellent brats are irrelevant now that Shiro can make clones of herself instead.
>translates demon yankee otouto's name to "Broh"
I mean Blow wasn't much better but at least it wasn't literally just "let me introduce you to my lil' bro Bro".
i find it interesting that they not only run the labyrinth now, but also gained intelligence
So the LN skips the S chapters? What the hell? It's basically ruining the mystery and foreshadowing just so more plebs can follow it.
the first 80 chapters were really quite dull too, the S chapters were what set up the plot
No it isn't, why would you think that?
It's just the manga that doesn't have them and that will most likely end long before it ever gets to a point where the content from them would be relevant.
That being said, is the LN being translated or does jewpress have their claws in it?
Why every LN protagonist, introduced as a girl, as a salaryman, as a kid, as anything, turn into a standard otaku?
I'm currently reading demon slime, and although he is a successfull 38yr salary man before death, after like 20 chapters, he devolves into a standard otaku with some hints of salaryman. Much like Overlord.
What the fuck, can't they stay true to MC background?
I know the answer, this is just a question-complaint
I'm pretty sure the Salaryman still prevails as a background for Ainz.
Yes, Momonga stays true to his background
My mistake
Admittedly Kumoko always was an introvert autist, and still suffers from that style of life years after she was reborn as a spider
How the fuck does the slime turn into an otaku? What?
He misses Japanese food and wants his old living standard back, but that's natural, you'd want that too if you were randomly thrown into a medieval world that doesn't have running water or toilets and predominantly eats simple dishes that consists of heating up random ingredients and meat. He talks about really mainstream series with that storm dragon, but that's about the equivalent of an American talking about Super or Spiderman and isn't exactly indicative of any obsessive otaku behavior.
If I remember correctly, Tubo was both a baka-gaijin who spoke no japanese and an ESL. But goddamn did he work fast.
He did, which I am grateful for.
But man did my eyes bleed.
>totally nailed loli maou.
God, please don't fucking remind me.
The only thing I like about her design is the cloak (cape?).
so sayith the spider
i'm iffy on the slutty outfit, but i do really like the designs other than just that.
Nigga, she's a fucking midget, look at her legs and don't get me started on her hair
>not being diamonds over midgets
Jesus user, it's 2016
>but that's natural, you'd want that too if you were randomly thrown into a medieval world that doesn't have running water or toilets and predominantly eats simple dishes that consists of heating up random ingredients and meat
What really rustles my jimmies about a lot of "gamey" medieval fantasy settings is how shoehorned the magic aspect is, isekai or otherwise.
In general, the setting is a civilization which seems to be the very picture of backwards dark ages Yurop. But there's magic. And it's some seriously amazing shit that can do all sorts of wondrous things.
But nobody uses said magic to make their lives better, only to blow people's heads up. Somehow a civilization that has had access to supernatural reality-bending powers since the dawn of time still evolved into a society just like ours a few centuries past that uses horse-drawn carriages and shits in the streets.
At least some settings try to explain this away by making magic a "rare" talent that every important character inexplicably has, to try to justify why they can't enact any magic-based changes to society on a wide scale, but then there's the settings with "adventurer's guilds" that can't really do that since every party needs its obligatory mage.
i really like the hair.....
What about this.
Damn that's really good... actually i think i like that one... but the other ones hair is so good... but that ones hair is... and the... oh god i'm indecisive
New fucking chapter when
hopefully it'll be a side-story
>most recent chapter
What was Kumoko eating?
I want to fuck that spider
I bet it's something Elvish.
did the WN still progressing at this point? i don't care about the adaptations.
Elven baby heads?
Or you can go some risque routes like alot torn off breasts of Sophia-chan.
Do the old wizard that learned from MC survived the encounter with elves and robots or not?
I dropped TurboTL at this point in hopes of better translation catching up.
Somebody else picked up the TL and we still don't know. But jijii is looking pretty ded desu
Shit, he looked like an interesting character.
He's around in the Oni side stories, and we're still not sure if he's dead yet though. Shun's side stories are done so we have no clue what happens after that, Shiro's stories are catching up to that point atm
Shouldn't be long until we are at the invasion from Shiro's PoV. They are about to head into the planning stage for that attack.
So? She IS a bloody midget.
>But nobody uses said magic to make their lives better, only to blow people's heads up.
That tends to be the case in real life too, lots of technology is made for war and quality of life improvemenys come afterwards incidentally