PV soon.
Hibike! Euphonium 2
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PV better have yuri scenes.
It will
>psht, wanna buy a used pukey autist?
>another date
Thank you Based Kyoani.
Anyone have a higher quality image of this?
i need more
>Asuka uses a Macbook Pro
>Bootcamp into Windows to use Chrome
How does this make you feel
PV is out
I do that, minus the chrome
/u/shitters BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
What is she supposed to be?
K-On's sixth member
A puff doll
She's just spooked, user. Reina will comfort her with gay lesbian sex.
Reina is dressed like a ghost right? If I remember right Reina is being Shoes wingman here.
"user,kun~ say 'aahh'"
That neck thing is absolutely unnecessary for anything other than sexual arousal.
Midori on bass guitar is cute.
Anyone /Mizore/ here?
She looks so fucking stupid and derpy.
>Reina trying to hook up Kumiko and Shu despite Kumiko saying she doesn't give a fucking about him 100x already.
It just doesn't feel right.
there was only so much Kyoani could do to fix the original design
I see literally nothing wrong
Kumiko cares. You will realize Shu and Kumiko have a certain wavelength since theyve been together for so long. Kumiko treats people who are close to her similarly.
It's the bobble head and loopy hair and tiny poofy bow and half-lidded eyes. All of her traits just come together to make her look like a total ditz, which she kinda is. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So an entirely subjective opinion. Nice to get such an admittance here
Kumiko might care about Shoe1 but we haven't seen her act like she does. If they end up getting together when they have had 0 development for more than 18 episodes, the romance would feel cheap.
That's probably because of her size I think.
>summer festival/yukata episode, swimming pool episode, beach epuside, summer camp episode, school festival/maid cafe episode in a row
What's next, onsen and sports festival?
Sasuga most creative and talented studio.
When people saw swimsuits they immediately dismissed the episode as being filler yet the swimsuit fan service was like 5% of the episode.
Even with a second season, there will still be hardly any porn.
It will be interesting what Kumiko's reaction will be when Reina tried to hook them up, probably annoyed or indifferent.
Top kek
>those butt-devastated yurifags just because shu appeared
My sides.
Is this season any good? I enjoyed S1 but this just doesn't look interesting enough to continue.
She looks kind of flustered in that PV
Mentally challenged
My nigger
Will she ever change her hairstyle?
They are inside a horror room.
What would you do to this mouth?
kiss it till we become a sloppy mess
>ep about taki nigger
>youtube comments full of /u/ autist already mad
Yuri fags BTFO
>Hazuki Alice
Do you think all of Midori's lines were in the pv?
Still looks like a boy.
And what is the problem with that?
Kumiko treats like Shuu like he's an annoying sibling. It'd make more sense for her to say she sees him a brother at this point.
Isn't Asuka in a cute Halloween costume too? I swear I seen it somewhere.
How did they not show that.
>maid bestsuki
oh god OH GOD
Serving Yuuko no doubt.
Then she secretly wants her brother's tromboner.
Reminder that for /our guy/ Kumiko is a second choice because he can't date her sister.
>Reina is being Shoes wingman here
What, is he suddenly not spineless to her now?
>shoe finally steps up his game
>reina busy lusting over taki and shipping kumiko-shoe
I want to see those yurifags bitch and whine for weeks.
is this true? shuu is the worst LI ever
Shuuichi and Taki made me drop Hibekek
Thanks Hibeke we had a good run.
But how?
They're totally irrelevant tho
What if I'm into anime incest?
>Taki irrelevant
Yeah and last episode there should have been a tender scene between Kumi and Shoe which never happened. Anything with that romance has basically been retconed. Fuck off and duy hetfag
You think this only because he poorly portrayed in anime.
Wheres your proof? Novelanons spoilers say Shu doesnt really show up in novel 2
Dumb nigger
>What, is he suddenly not spineless to her now?
anyone have the screenshot of the translation? The archives don't go past the last year. Reina pretty much forces Shuuichi to go with Kumiko. Which is kind of odd because she could've just not included Shuuichi in it at all and only invited Kumiko.
No hair-pin that Shoe was supposed to give Kumiko which will result in her admitting their relationship.
Everyone excited to see Kaori in a bunny suit?
Are you an idiot? That happens in Nationals Kumikos birthday
Well, how can shoeitchy even stand if he's spineless?
Asuka already has a still so I guess they didn't want to waste the PV time
Burn the witch!
Who is this smegma sorceress?
For Reina everyone is spineless compared to Taki. Also Reina did that to rustlr Kumiko's jimmies not that he though Shoe was really spineless.
Kaori in a bunny outfit.
She's still convinced Kumiko secretly likes him for some reason.
it's gonna be one of those episodes aint it
Im surprised Reina isnt in love with Shu. The guy switched from French horn to trombone and became good enough in 6 months to be National level.
>tender and romantic
>Shuuichi patting Kumiko on the back and telling her to calm down
>when Reina and Kumiko nuzzle faces two seconds later
I mean people would just complain that Shuuichi is still getting shafted regardless of what gets animated or not.
But now you have Reina literally shoving Kumiko into Shuuichi's arms, I wonder how the damage control is going to be for that.
She literally steps on his foot just to force him to go to her haunted room and invite Kumiko out.
Her face so ugly that she has to hide it
>no Nozomi and Mizore in the PV
Good episode coming up.
What, the other way around
that applies to most things women do to their appearance
>our guy in the pv
At least he'll get a line this episode, and I'm ok with this
post yfw the BANTZ is back
Tsundere Kumiko a best Kumiko
>I wonder how the damage control is going to be for that.
She just doesnt realize she's gay yet.
Taki dressess up like a fucking faggot holyshit.
why does /u/ hate Taki though? He did nothing wrong
>can play the contrabass
>can play bass guitar
>is a cute
is there anything Midori cant do?
being relevant
Don't bother to understand. Shu literally did nothing wrong either.
Why do you love hibike nigganium