
Do you self insert?
As what?

The little girl getting fucked by 5 old men at the same time.

What a great thread, bravo OP.

Only in video games.

For anime I just ship.

I self insert into your mother.

I self-insert as a guy who asserts that he is above self-inserting on a Mongolian Blacksmithing hobby forum and that is the entire basis for his self-confidence.

>self-inserting as a boy

As a sexual active loli

I self insert as user's waifu and then reject and bully him

That's my fetish.

In hentai, as the sub.


I think too low of myself to self insert as a Kirito character so I can only self insert into a NEET.

I once self-inserted as Hachiman during a mental break. Was fun, could hear voices of all the girls while curled up on the floor crying over the loss of my sense of self.

Sounds fun, I got really high that one time and thought i was Yuno. Good times, Felt great to finally be the cute anime girl.

Of course not.

Literally everything I read/watch/play, yes.

I was reading a greentext about D&D and imagining looking at the gold coins in my hand and counting pigeons (not intentionally), when I remembered that it was about d&d. Then I realized that there is almost no situation where that would happen in modern life anyway.

On the bright side, almost everything is interesting this way.

I insert myself as dubs.

Not as good as me

>"When the time comes, I'll know."

Yes, as cute girls. Especially tsunderes.

I self insert as characters fingers, so when they touch their hair, I can feel and imagine what their hair feels like when i touch mine.

It's a strange existence.