Hopefully I'm not too late. TS user, you there?
Wanna ask what we do about the volumes.
Hopefully I'm not too late. TS user, you there?
Wanna ask what we do about the volumes.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice, thought you were going to delay it to tommorow or something.
New transfer student is Tiddy ninja's cousin isn't it?
"Yesterday was a disaster..."
"That eyepatched beauty from yesterday... Oboro, right? I heard she went on a rampage around school"
"Oboro-san is a really selfish person..."
"Yuuna-chan is great, Ameno's great... Fuyuzora. That Yuragi-sou you're staying at... what the hell kinda place is it?" [TN: Yuragi-sou, or Yuragi manor, whichever one works]
"Well, it's a rather unusual one...!"
"H hey Fuyuzora!"
"There's another really hot girl looking for you, okay!?"
"Could it be another Yuragi-sou,,,!?"
"Wh who can it be?"
"Yaya? No, Nonko-sensei...!?"
"Hey take your seats. I'm gonna introduce a transfer student"
"Transfer student!?"
I hope so.
"I'm Ameno Hibari! My cousin is Sagiri-chan from Class 3!"
[Board] Ameno Hibari
"Very nice to meet you all!"
"Hello there, Kogarashi-kun!"
Not wrong there.
[Top left] 38: Yuragi-sou no Hibari-chan
[Side] Unhealthy eroticism is unacceptable!!
"...and so"
"This is my cousin Hibari"
"Hello there!"
"Welcome to Yuragi-sou!"
"We got surprised that you're Sagiri-san's cousin!"
"I didn't expect that you'd move in!"
"Today is also the first time I heard about you moving into Yuragi-sou! Oh man... everything's moving way too fast!"
"Fufufu. Sagiri-chan, I wanted to surprise you!"
"But I actually came much earlier than I thought! All thanks to Obaba-sama's support!"
"So this is all Obaba-sama then..."
Best girl. I'm so happy.
"Hibari! All that stuff about making Fuyuzora Kogarashi a groom of the Ameno house is just...!"
Whisper whisper
"I know"
"Wow! This tempura is great!"
"Nakai-san's specialty is coking!"
"Yuragi-sou is famous for Nakai-san's cooking, and the outdoor spring!"
"Outdoor spring!"
"The spring is really big! We should all go in afterwards, Hibari-chan!"
"That's great! Everyone seems so nice!"
"I was worried about Kogarashi-kun being surrounded by women, but..."
"Oh my. Cold udon? I'm so grateful"
"The lingering heat is still so tough for me"
"W...wait, what's with this lady here!?"
"Why is she dressed like... and there's a guy here!!"
"Wow, her boobs are big!!"
"Nonko-sensei! Good work today"
"I'll make some for you right away"
"Please do!"
"Huh!? They ignored her!?"
"Nonko-san! This is my cousin Hibari..."
"Oh my!?"
"Uhh, even Sagiri-chan didn't notice... is this normal!?"
"Nice to meet you...!"
"Hmm... a newcomer?"
TS user here. It's on the late side but I think it'll work.
I didn't have any particular plans for the volumes.
>Transfers in after 3 chapters
That's very convenient.
"I'm Ameno Hibari"
"Ameno? So that means..."
"She's my cousin"
"I see. Now that you tell me, your faces are similar"
"So you're a Chuuma ninja as well?"
"Ah... yeah"
"I am Oboro. Nice to meet you"
Rub rub
"Oboro! We're eating now...!"
What is this person doing!?
"Welcome back, Oboro-saaan"
"We're having udon today, Oboro-chan!"
They're ignoring this too!?
I...is Hibari the weird one here...? Actually, what is this girl's relationship with Kogarashi-kun!?
"Hey hey, Hibari-chan!"
Sorry about that. Just get started while I'm working. We can get through it faster that way. Then I can look and see if anything can be edited afterwards
"What's your room number, Hibari-chan?"
"Room 206!"
"I believe Room 6 is the one below mine"
[Side] A rough sketch of the guest rooms in Yuragi-sou.
"The room below Sagiri-chan's!? Ugh... this is kinda irritating...!"
"That's right! What's your room number, Kogarashi-kun?"
"Yuuna and I are in room 4"
" 'And' !?"
"I'm a ghost that's bound to room 4, so..."
"So the rent's cheap!"
"Huh? Wha?"
"Then does that mean they're loving together!? Even though she's a spirit, that's just...!"
"Ah... but, but, Sagiri-chan is also under the impression that they're living together, right? Then Hibari might be just overthinking it and it doesn't mean much....!?"
Oh, you wanna call the inn Yuragi-sou or Yuragi manor? For future reference.
2 more rooms, 2 more harem members
Shouldn't that be 'living' instead of "loving"?
>"So the rent's cheap!"
This fucker.
"O okay so then there's a partition in the middle of the room...?"
"No, not really..."
"I tried that out too, but it doesn't work at all"
"Doesn't work?"
"Uhh.... well, I move around in my sleep a lot. And when I wake up, I'm always...."
"Hugging Kogarashi-san completely naked...!"
"She's winning this contest by a longer shot than I imagined!!"
"Then Yuuna-chan always gets embarrassed, and she beats Kogarashi-kun up since she's a poltergeist!"
"Well Kogarashi-chan's been waking up recently due to the sound of water from falling into the river"
Yeah, it should be 'living'. Thanks for the catch.
Unless someone moves out, of course.
"Everyone's way too erootiiiic!"
"I...it's so confusing...!"
"It's way too confusing...!"
"How did things turn this way while you were here, Sagiri-chan!?"
"Its seems that I of all people have gotten completely used to this... The shame."
It would interesting if Kogarashi moved out to his own room, Yuuna just has to far of a lead.
Also I' m curious on where the manager stays, is there a separate room for her?
"And what's up with this!?"
"Everyone's super cute, okay...!?"
"Sagiri-chan was the most beautiful one in Chuuma village"
"It's like everyone isn't gonna lose to Sagiri-chan...!"
"Besides... she may be a spirit, but Kogarashi-kun's rooming together with a girl..."
"Hibari... has no shred of confidence... here"
"Ah...ahhh I got it. We're on our way now! You have a minute, Hibari?"
"Woooow... it's so pretty...!"
"As a symbol of your welcome, Hibari-chan, we decorated the place with aroma candles!"
"I helped out too!"
"Yaya too"
"You guys...!"
The trap and the childhood friend
Probably best to go with Yuragi manor. People aren't going to know what the "-sou" is, and it translates cleanly into english.
"Hibari's probably getting along with everyone by now"
"Ding dong"
"Delivery! Are you Fuyuzora Kogarashi-san?"
"Yes I am... It's for me!?"
"Thank you"
"And the sender is... Ameno Shigure?"
"Sagiri and Hibari's relative?"
"Why is it for...?"
Okay, be free to replace 'Yuragi-sou' with 'Yuragi Manor' then. I'll check the TS product in case something is missing
"It smells so nice and it's so pretty... this is wonderful!"
"Sorry Hibari-chan, It really was rude of me to dress that way even though Kogarashi-chan was there"
"N no! Hibari was raised in an all girl's school, so she might have been just way too worried too much about it"
"I'm so happy you're enjoying it!"
"Wh... what's happening!?"
"Oh dear me"
[Letter] I wish you good luck in moving in, Hibari. -Obaba
"So that was... Obaba-sama's redirection jutsu just now!"
"Sorry Hibari!"
"Morning, Ameno's cousin. What're you up to?"
"Oh! G good morning! U...uhhh, I wanted to apologize to Kogarashi-kun about yesterday... but it's a boy's room, and..."
"Uh, wha...!?"
"Then let's go in together"
Based grandma.
Is Shigure the grandma?
"Huh...!? H Hibari-san, why're you..."
"Hyan!? K Kogarashi-sa...!?"
Grope grope
"Aaahn!? I....I... Yaaahhh!!!"
"Nnah...? Ohhh, morning Yuuna"
"I'm so sorry! Good morniiing!!"
"F...fufu... s...so that's it... this is... Kogarashi-kun's everyday life...!!"
"...yeah. This is really weird...!"
[Side] That's a huge burden...!!
"Hibari...! Hibari will show Kogarashi-kun"
"Back down the path to decencyyyyy!"
[Note] Next issue, Trick or treat in full color!
Oh right
[Left note] This may feel like the same beginning as last issue, but this is a different story.
Oh, Oboro's bubble
"So they're getting up late this morning..."
>Next issue, Trick or treat in full color!
Halloween chapter next week. Kinda fitting since every is already a spiritual being of some sort.
Thanks for the chapter user, hopefully we get a chapter about Nakai she has the least presence and chapters so far.
Never see this coming.
Thanks anons
Oboro is such a welcoming flatmate.
I'm not finished yet, but I'm going to start posting what I've done so far.
You gonna finish tonight or tomorrow?
I intend to finish tonight, but dumping will take too long if I don't do it as I go.
If you see any issues while I post, let me know.
And done. I'll post a zip with any corrections tomorrow, assuming the thread lasts long enough.
>Yuragi Yuuna
I have been out of the loop. How many spinoffs does YuYuYu already have?
Jesus Christ.
This hits the spot.
>Path to Decency
Yeah, with your ninja body right?
Is granny the Momo of Yuragi Yuuna.
She's a Taiminin, user and Sagari should join the Path to Decency as well.
I'm thinking of just making Hibari use 3rd person the whole way through for consistency, Otherwise, good job
For some reason this obscure character has grown on me. I look forward to seeing her in chapters. I always notice her reactions even when she's in the background.
When will we she get an arc?
She's got a nice body too. She isn't really interested in Futuzora despite having been with him a lot in class and events, so I doubt she'll be interested in him any time soon but you never know, she could get herself into an unfavourable situation and get saved by Fuyuzora or something later on.
Nah, fuck Fuyuzora. I understand what you mean in a harem manga the only way another character gets an arc is if they fall for the main guy.
Sometimes if the manga lasts long enough the author lets side characters have a chapter to themselves eg Nisekoi Ruri and Shu get arcs.
That's what I want.
>Nah, fuck Fuyuzora.
I'm working on it.
Who isn't working on it at this point?
Oh, it's supposed to be 'turn out this way' in the last panel there
Oh, I just noticed I missed something in the last panel there.
So the last bubble goes:
"Back down the path to decency! She swears iiiiit!!"
Sorry TS user, hopefully you see this
That'd actually be pretty nice to see a character not in the harem get together with someone else. It can usually be a good push for the harem members to be more proactive in their love, but i'm not sure if this should end a harem manga or with one winner.
Koisome Momoji has had side couples.
Thanks for tl anons
Theres no love yet
Not yet, but we might see one soon
I kind of doubt she'd get an arc. She seems more like she's being set up as a counterpart to that one guy Kogarashi's friends with. Making one guy and one girl who are just normal school friends of Kogarashi and company, and relatively uninvolved in the supernatural stuff.
Which also means she's a minor enough character that she's unlikely to get her own arc.
She might, but that depends on how the manga shapes out
I hope we get an arc for that other ninja.
She's in the house now, so we'll see her more often
I just thought of a better one.
"Hibari... Hibari will definitely"
"Bring Kogarashi-kun back to the path to decencyy!!"
Sorry about revising a lot
I ment Urakata.
Ahhh. I'm sure she'll show up eventually. Too genki to be part of harem and Yuragisou already has two ninjas though
I just like genki girls, guess I can only hope.
>[Note] Next issue, Trick or treat in full color!
yes yes perfect
I see it. It'll be a few hours before I can do anything though.
Fuzuyora's best bro will be banging that right?
Thanks user. Hopefully you get back soon.
They'll probably get some limelight if the series goes on long enough, but I'm skeptical it'd be all that much, and would most likely be relegated to subplots.
I kind of doubt we'd be getting an arc for her either. She seems to be Sagiri's equivalent to those two schoolmates. A friend that's outside the swirl of the forming harem.
The odds are decent if the series goes on long enough.
Nobody will bang
Maybe. The hero bangs the girl he picks is an option for a harem series ending, as is a timeskip epilogue to people having kids.
Trap or reverse trap? Oboro sort of covers reverse trap.
I don't think I'll worry about that for this week, but it's probably a good idea to try and stick to in the future.
And fixed.
Here's the zip for those who want it:
Thanks user. I'll note that in mind when I see Hibari next time then.
She doesn't hide she's a girl though. Kogarashi and Sagiri was dense enough to realize she's a girl when they first met her.
Yuna realized she's a girl in the first meeting.
Thanks anons