Medaka box

>introduced an overpowered female protagonist whose main appeal is fanservice
>followed with male lead whose main appeal is achieving things through hard work even though he never achieve it the way he imagine
>author decided in the middle of the series to add an even more overpowered female character who is 10 times hotter that the female lead.
>he also introduced another male character who is a bigger loser than the male lead, but still manages to be the most charismatic character in the series.
>Now the Male and the female lead looks shit in comparison

What was Nisio Isin thinking?

He realized that Medaka was boring and decided to throw shit on pages. Faggots still ate it all up.

>hurr durr medaka is mary sue shit character and every other character is much more interesting/reletable than her
But user.
that's the point

I don't understand the love for Kumagawa. I couldn't stand him at all.

>not loving Kumagawa

He's just the most entertaining character in the series.

Also I love his motivation

>Zen shit

Zen was pure sex. He deserved to end up with the best girl, Ajimu.

>not ending up with Mukae
Ajimu being best girl is questionable but acceptable.

I would flip that right back at you. Emukae is certainly a respectable choice.

You dont like jump?

I only like Square.

>Best girl will never be animated

Life sucks

You're probably some riajuu who deals with failure and losses in a healthy fashion. Alot of people reading mayan pictograms get really hung up on their inadequacies and connect personally with screw loser.

This manga fills me with a strong butthurt for some reason.

We never got an epic showdown between these two comic loving wierdos.
Nisioisin breaking the meta yet again!

>riajuu who deals with failure and losses in a healthy fashion
Most casuals that end up here are just cucks and normalfags wannabes who are too preoccupied with how they project rather than with how they want to connect, in other words arrogant losers tryhards who want in the cool kids club.

「Harsh words. I know im a loser for life but i make the futile effort to talk "in brackets". Does this make me double lame? Or only half lame? 」

You didn't post Nienami though,i'm confused.

>if you don't like my favorite character it's because you want to look cooler than the others



No. If you dont like my favorite character its because you probably ARE coooler than all the rest of us.

Now I'm confused. I'm 100% fit this description
>arrogant losers tryhards who want in the cool kids club
and I love Kumagawa.
I'm, like, target audience.


You have such good taste, it makes me want to feed you

let me guess you hate bakugou?

>you probably ARE coooler than all the rest of us
Not really, even though when I read Medaka Box I wasn't familiar with the weeaboo subculture, so I probably couldn't relate to him as well as you guys.
That being said, I think that if I was to read MB again today, my opinion on him wouldn't change much.
I get he's a loser who wants to prove he can beat the main character so that he can shine for the first time in his life, but the point is, to me he just seemed like a self-entitled asshole who had no reason to pick up a fight with people he had no reason to be hostile with, and he only did that to vent his frustration. He's just childish, I can't relate to him.

I've only read the first 35 chapters of BnHA, but yes, I hate that guy.