Childhood is when you idolize Hamtaro, Adulthood is when you realize that Laura makes more sense.
Childhood is when you idolize Hamtaro, Adulthood is when you realize that Laura makes more sense
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Adulthood is when you realize Hamtaro is old and busted.
That joke was lame.
That was not a joke and even if it was how is it lame?
My childhood was full of Bulma's titties.
You shoved a hamster up your ass as a child, didn't you?
Mine was just laughs from Bugs & Daffy.
No, even back then I only watch the show for Laura.
Games were better.
As a young boy I was unironically obsessed with Hamtaro for a while. I even bought the shitty GBC game.
Ham Hams Unite was not shit, it was a very good game.
Are you serious, that game is unironically awesome.
Bullshit, you fell in love with the pet hamster at school after seeing Hamtaro, brought it home, shoved it up your ass, then had to come up with a story on how it ran out of its cage instead of admitting to putting deep into your analysis cavity. You thought it would remain a secret until a drunken night during a college truth or dare session when a former classmate asked it when you went for truth.
Fuck you, when I was a kid I waked up at 6am just to see her and pretend she was my girlfriend.
It's shitty in that it's not Ham-Ham Heartbreak.
Hamtaro was my fave childhood series. Boss is the best.
I never had a hamster, puberty also hit me when it was first airing on Cartoon Network as well.
I was so gifted with Laura.
Kek, I did the same with Sailor Moon
At least you know how girls really are, they are not flesh lights or dolls, they're people.
me on the right
>btw im a girl
Are you the Kana guy? Or just someone who really likes Kana?
would you?
could you?
a hamster?
I see; So you mean friend thats a girl like how other girls say do now of days or are you a lesbian?
I won't judge.
>Some girl:Hey girl friend.
We are not in this for hamsters.
I remember being really into Hamtaro but I don't remember that much about the actual show.
Wasn't laura just shown at the beginning of each episode leaving to school or something like that and then the show would focus only on the hamsters? Or did she also have an active role in it?
Also, when I was a kid I remember not seeing much appeal in anime girls, or any real girls, but I wanted to fuck the girl hamhams, especially that cute french one.
Boss, is that you?
i was into the french ham and the pink scarf ham
human glasses friend was pretty ace too
Laura had her own plots, she had a very active roll in the show, sometimes she will even be a plot point.
Laura & Kana are excellent.
Kana was known as Anna in French markets.
Childhood is when you idolize Hamtaro,
Adulthood is when you realize that Umaru makes more sense.
Ham-Hams Unite is the GOAT Hamtaro game, you faggot. Both Ham-Ham Heartbreak and Rainbow Rescue paled in comparison.
Umaru is shit.
Laura rocks socks.
Adulthood is when you realize that hamsters only live up to 2 years
They were all good games however, starting from Rainbow Rescue the games were done by the same team as the Mario & Luigi games.
I realized it during my childhood, thanks for reminding me.
5 really, hence why we only talk about the humans.
Childhood is when you idolize Hamtaro, Adulthood is when you realize that Ebichu makes more sense.
I love this meme.
Came into the thread precisely to see if anyone posted Ebichu
No, it was the class pet, you didn't own it and is what made your degenerate act that much more deplorable.
Ebichu is even worse then Umaru.
Laura or bust.
This is not a meme, this is a serious thread.
Not even that, I was in middle school when the show aired on Cartoon Network, they were no pets.
Laura a shit
No she is not, she is the greatest girl to ever be created.
Uh, huh, we had a pet constrictor snake and wallaby when I was in middle school science class. High school, we had a gecko. You probably were kept away from pets because of your assy habits.
No, my middle school had no pets.
Laura a slut
Because of you and your need to shove animals up your ass. I even bet this picture dilates your ass hole, doesn't it.
That is true however.
I never did that.
Is this a Mr-Famicom thread?
No it's not.