JoJo thread

So what was his deal, anyway? How did he know what was going on in the prison with Pucci, and what was all that about his mother and him having her bone?

Other urls found in this thread:



Spiral staircase

All he know was that White Snake (he didn't knew it was Pucci) was planning something and that Jolyne was walking right into a trap, he also wanted to get back at White Snake since it killed his mother

Rhinoceros beetle

Ruins street

Fig tart

Fig tart

>Probably the most hands-on villain in the series
>The best villain/hero dynamic with Jolyne since Dio and Jonathan
>Deeply influenced by DIO but has his own motives as well which go further than his loyalty to the guy
>Would have been happy to sacrifice his life for Heaven
>Arguably the most sympathetic as well as the most monstrous and the most successful of the villains
Why is Gay Priest so based?

Rhinoceros beetle

Via dolorosa

Rhinoceros beetle
God Wills It

Singularity point


You said fig tart twice asshole


He's just simply amazing
the only reason I want a part 6 anime is just to see this wonderful bastard animated

This is now a Pucci-free zone.


Rhinoceros beetle

delete dis

Singularity point

delet this

Come on, there's loads of things that are great about part 6.
>Excellent JoJo
>Interesting setting
>Some of the most out-there stands in the series, as well as some of the best fights (Underworld, C-Moon)
>Makes Jotaro into a more interesting and flawed character by showing how his emotional issues could fuck up his life as well as his daughters
>Gut-wrenchingly tough and bittersweet ending


wrong pic...time to reset ;^)

Guys, I had a dream - all the upcoming DiU episodes got leaked, and were available to download. So I couldn't decide whether I should watch them all or wait to experience the episodes naturally, week by week. I still can't decide what I would do in that situation. Like, yeah, of course I want to watch them all, but I suppose that rush would ruin them somewhat. What do you think?

I'd wait. Just so I have something to watch said day of the premiere.

Shut the fuck up you faggot baby

>That eyeball
Assuming they ever animate part 6, how the hell will they show stuff like this? The censorship even in part 3 and 4 was really bad, and the gore in question was nowhere near as graphic as it gets in 5 and 6.

This scene will probably be awkward,because Pucci is talking a whole lot while his head is being crushed
expect 5 and 6 to be black screen the animation

I'd rather wait and watch them when they come out. It means that more observant people than me (like the people who noticed the glove going missing after Josuke took it to counter Angelo) can take note of stuff that'd make me enjoy it more, and I'd get to talk about the episode in general with you guys.

Not to mention that binge-watching would make the long wait at the end of a series seem even longer.

I did enjoy Jolyne a lot, the seting was kinda alright for the most part
some stands were way to out there for me honestly, same goes for a couple of fights, like Underworld for example, I also wasnt a big fan of the minor villans, they weren't as cool as the ones in 5 or as colorful as the ones in 3 and 4.
I really like how it brakes Jotaros facade of the "cool badass one-liner dropping character" as shows him as very flawed person, support cast was very 50/50 for me, I liked and enjoy half of them, but was very little interested or invested in the other half

Maybe if they take liberties with it, it won't seem as bad? In the first panel, Pucci's head isn't being crushed that badly, it only gets truly gruesome in the fourth panel where it's almost on the verge of popping. If they kept him looking more like the first panel for most of the speech then they probably wouldn't need to censor it at all, since blunt-force-trauma wounds don't seem to be fucked with at all, as shown by the various times characters get punched and bleed a lot without censorship.

hot pants is cute!

>34 posts
>8 ids
thread has just started and samefagging is off the charts.

good thing I joined just in time to post cute hot pants!

Blame the fourteen words of Heaven for inflating the post-count.

They only censor where you can see what's beneath the skin like cuts and stuff. They are just going to color everything under the eyeball black.Same with Planet Waves, they are just going to have a black line on the guy.

i want to propose that this general should also be used for discussion of Kingdom, Vinland Saga, Berserk and Vagabond. this will help in increase of quality of discussion.

i have no problem. jojo is a meme sseries anyway. we might as well discuss some good series.

no thank you

oh come on. jojo and this general are shit anyway.






yes this is a good idea. better utilization of resources and time.

as long as certain characterfags dont come, the generals are fine

Even then, there's always okay fans of characters. Even a certain Italian trap has had good discussion about him in the past, it's just a shame how spammers make decent discussions about their chosen characters so much rarer.

speaking of these types
how was the teru reveal friday? i missed it

Seemed okay to me. I'm pretty sure the original Terufag is long gone.

Who /cowboy/ here?

>50 posts
>13 IPs

>About 4 posts per IP
The horror

I am the only one that was watching the Kira and Jotaro right that was thinking on the Dbz abrigded fight between Frieza and Goku?

>Nice watch, too bad you won't be able to tell time after I break it
>Your Face that is
> What?!?!

>Proceeds to get oraed



>Huh, not dead yet, thats weir...oh there we go.

>/Jojo/ finally died


now wanna discuss something good other than jojo?

Fuck, I thought they retconned that shit. Cowboy is just too powerful!

Flip Flappers?

Albert Camus?

Last thread was deleted without warning as were a few posts from this thread. It didn't die, it was murdered.

Murdered for a good cause, though. People posting the same posts over and over got really old after a while, even if that cultist guy was pretty funny.

Giorno, I've come to bargain

Just make your own thread.

Containment board is coming, screencap this

Just like the containment-board for Homestuck, Undertale, Dangan Ronpa and Katawa Shoujo, right?

It's only going to get worse tho, because of the nature of Jojo, the adaptation and now Toonami

People were screeching about how Toonami would ruin the threads, and they haven't notably gone down in quality at all. The only bad thing Toonami did was inspire some people make dumb comments on twitter, which an idiot insisted on reposting here a bunch of times.

Are the threads normally this slow around this time?

You guys ever try to give Chew a read?

It's got a bunch of bizarre superpowers, vampiric villains, eloquent traitors, raunchy comrades, insane action sequences, and petulant problem kids.

Yeah, they pick up again around 17:00 GMT.

wtf is this vore shit

Give it a taste and see for yourself:

Why is Bloodborne Stream the best Intro

Is Anasui a psychopath or socially retarded?

socially retarded
>implying a guy who shows the capacity to do good and change is a psychopath
anakiss shows what he'd be like if he wasn't a prisoner
see kira for a real psychopath

Gappy makes me Happy

But Josuke Make everybody happy

stray cat


Poor lad just wanted to

So what's better?

>Stand fights while user poses next to it


>User fights while stand poses or looks spooky next to him

Working on the MAD and thought that if I'd took the time to cut out all of the manga someone might use it. Any requests as to what to post from my folder?

Please don't post anymore.

Go away pixel fag

Both are good but I prefer the latter.




I cut these out and I'm actually glad someone enjoyed them enough to save. Here I'm posting some more if you ever need them:

I'm sorry but do you see how ded this thred is?

After what happened yesterday, I'm happy the thread's dead. Fucking underage.

Which jojo do you resemble the most,anons?

I'd have to say Jotaro for me.

>edgy as fuck all the time
>mostly antisocial
>hardly express any emotions
>slightly autistic
>extremely annoyed by girls. Some even know my name even though I've never met them before
>fit as fuck

The fuck happened yesterday?

It was the work of d


The Johnny.

Intelligent, Nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour.

Thank you. I appreciate the work.
Most of the time I'm saving all the JoJo renders that got posted in threads. Keep 'em coming.