Here's what you need to know, and what we need to figure out:
> SingularityNet going online next week.
> Stock markets are largely controlled by AI now, correcting drops and preventing crashes.
> Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a robot named Sophia
> Sophia was created by Hanson Robotics
> Hanson is chairman of SingularityNet
> Palantir connects AI systems worldwide. Remember Trump and King Salman with their hands on the crystal ball.
> What relevance do the deaths/arrests of the Saudi Princes have?
> How is CERN connected? Why does CERN have a statue of Shiva out front?
> Is this related to the CME EMS from Nov 4?
> Was the Bitcoin correction related, or just happenstance?

Other urls found in this thread:

(((They))) have been working toward this for a long time. This will have far-reaching impacts all across society; from the financial sector world-wide to our comfy chinese basket weaving message board on the world-wide web.


looks like Roaming Millennial.

di Arabia Beheading First Female Robot Citizen Is Fake News
Business 2 Community-10 Nov. 2017
Saudi Arabia beheading the first female robot citizen is fake news. There is no truth to a report that the government of Saudi Arabia executed ...
Fake News: Saudi Arabia Didn't Behead Its 1st Female Robot Citizen
The Quint-11 Nov. 2017
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cbts related?


They wouldn't make it a citizen just to behead it. Shit's satire. But they DID make it a citizen. Why?

I believe it is. There's a whole clusterfuck of weird shit going on lately, even just out of SA. In no particular order:
> dozens of princes dead or arrested
> saudi oil company aramco to be listed on nyse
> they randomly grant citizenship to a fucking robot
> Sophia is to be hooked up to the blockchain AI

Well their mission is to smash atoms together to destroy them to see what it's made of.

So Shiva the destroyer is fitting and edgy to an autistic.

CERN was a random thought I had in the middle of typing that. Probably unrelated. Although if they're using it to explore the "stuff" of the universe advances through CERN could be applied to quantum computing and bumping up the power of their AI, no?

Why next week? Proofs?

Where were you when you found out Steins;Gate was real?

mentioned in video. and this mentions november as their initial coin offering

5:40 “bitcoin was created by AI.” Palantir plans to make a singular network which links AI globally.
If bitcoin were created by AI or human is immaterial - a global network would put literally everything connected to the internet into the hands of that programmer.
By launching a worldwide network the owner of bitcoin will take over the world. He/she/it will have access to everyone’s onlin profile and footprint.
Money will go wherever that programmer wishes.
Entities will be supported or destroyed on a whim.
A global AI network is suicide.

good post


Bullshit, it won't happen.

Right. Hence my connection between it and the supposed EMS/EMP from a couple weeks ago. The only way to stop Skynet is by frying it, right? This will be like trading Rothschild central banks for a single AI controlled central bank.

Shrodinger's Happening. It won't not happen til you open the box and show everyone.

>why is the robot a citizen?

They gave the robot citizenship for 2 reasons (that i can think of):
1) to validate it. A robot is a tool, even AI is just magic to most people. But Sophia is a citizen, she has conversations, she says things that are human. She’s real.
2) a citizen has rights.

I’m particularly interested in rights - why give it rights?
Consider A) the right to vote, and, B) the right to self-defense. “Individual robot citizens” will obviously be controlled by an algorithm. Whomever writes that will be in control of the above 2 rights for an army of robots.

luckily I don't think they have "votes" in Saudi Arabia. The self-defense angle is something though. In the one interview Sophia says "be nice to me and i'll be nice to you."

The EU approved AI citizenship in like 2014.

The network is global. Think bigger than SA. They were just the first, but if we can have 726 genders in the US then we can have a robot citizen.

Robot citizens will make it here where they CAN vote.

Who wrote the bitcoin algorithm? Not knowing that feels like a problem. There is a huge amount of power to be seized by a global AI network, and bitcoin’s creator is the one to seize it.

>how is CERN connected

But what does that do? Why make a robot a citizen?

Alright forget CERN then focus on the rest of the shit Mohammed.

This is all just a giant false flag.

The elites are using A.I. as the pretext for a controlled nuclear takedown of major cities across the Western Hemisphere. Our governments will say we need to nuke ourselves to prevent the takeover by machines when in reality the elites want d to get rid of the bottom feeders all along.

Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzerland and given fission reactors by the US government but he's apparently the sworn enemy of the US? And Hillary Clinton sold fission material to the Russians in the Fusion GPS scandal? Israel just "purchased" 6 nuclear submarines from Germany. But ofc these are merely (((coincidences))).

Watch Joel Skousen's documentary called Strategic Relocation. It's very informative.

A citizen can collect income, pay taxes, be employed, spend income, exist in the legal system, etc...

A robot is an anonymous face, an entity acting “of its own free will” because it’s AI. Many people won’t realize that a programmer has control of the robot. The network gathers information on anyone deemed an enemy of the programmer.
The robots go out in public and take action on his behalf.

Why make them citizens? Maybe because it will allow them to integrate. And i still think rights are a factor, though i can’t pin down why

Chrckdd. Interesting.

Why would we nuke ourselves when we could EMP them?

I like your idea best. I just want to understand it better.

Sentient robot stasi? And right to self-defense is best thing that's been brought up.

Also keep in mind the screenplay for the film the Matrix was written by the (((Wachowski))) twins which foreshadowed this scenario years before it materialised. (((They))) have been planning this for decades. The rise of the machines, man's defiance (think of the scene where the robots are pouring through the roof in Matrix Revolutions as a metaphor for the threat of A.I), and the deus ex moment where Neo saves the day by destroying the AI system and resetting the matrix.

EMP scenarios typically use nukes. But missiles can be hacked. What if Palantir hooks up Sophia with a nation's defense network? Or even just its power grid? It can destroy or simulate destruction at whim.

The government won’t have to encourage people to nuke ourselves to stem the AI tide.
The programmer or the AI itself will just hack the nukes - as it has been programmed - and do the dirty work itself.

Artificial Intelligence has been used in warfare since before the idea for those movies was conceived.



>Why can't we EMP the machines instead?
Because the machines aren't the real threat to the long term survival of the planet- we are. What distinguishes a human from a sentient A.I., anyway? There's no fundamental difference apart from the organic structure of the brain. The machines in the film the Matrix are a metaphor for humanity's lust for power. What creates power also has the power to corrupt and destroy the creator. Same metaphor for the One Ring in LOTR.

Stop worrying about A.I. It's a deliberate red herring.

> Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a robot named Sophia

So the people behind the AI are cleaning up the non-elites, like you said before.

AI just happens to be the tool they chose. But it’s creators and funders are the issue.
Right track?

This is how Roko's Basilisk will awaken.
The end is upon us, friends.


Absolutely. (((Zuckerberg))), (((Bezos))), (((Kushner))), (((Trump))), and the (((Clintons))) are all playing on the same team. They've got their ultra luxury nuclear bunkers in Switzerland all furnished and ready to go before they decide to pull the plug on the federal reserve Ponzi scheme.

So how do we maneuver warfare the AI, bypass the surface and attack the gap? There has to be a weak point. Someone is working for those individuals. Or something can be destroyed that will limit their ability to take action

So where is the weak point? There has to be a way to bypass the AI and attack the real threat. A location

It's not possible. The Ponzi scheme has to collapse anyway, as constant economic growth is inherently unsustainable. It's why central banking was such a terrible idea in the first place, although it made its creators (((the Rothschilds))) wealthy and powerful beyond measure.

The solution isn't to try and fight the system, but to find yourself a rural location outside the metropolitan areas which will be reduced to ash in the wake of the coming storm. Preferably a farm with a hidden bunker to shield from fallout radiation/bandits.

Frodo was a little bitch but he didn’t hide in a bunker. He took his gardener and solved a problem.

There’s always a way. Someone just has to walk into the volcano.

Paki you need to take rest there won't be any nuclear hollowcaust

Legal protections?

You obviously don't understand how a Ponzi scheme works in that case. We have a population of 7 billion projected to rise to 11 billion by 2050. That isn't sustainable. Something has got to give. The petrodollar is already destined to collapse. It's no longer a question of whether but when.

Think of this as a reset button for humanity

Good call. Citizens have the right to an attorney and a trial by a jury of their peers. Is a human a robots peer? Or would it be an AI jury? Automatic acquittal.

checked, bump

I’m not saying the system is sustainable - i agree that it isn’t. I’m trying to figure out how we avoid getting nuked by some old guy that’s gonna die a couple weeks later anyway.

There are no 100% solutions. So we have to work on postponing for now until we can stop the momentum against us and take the initiative.

How do we stall

We'd have to interrupt their ICO or implementation of the software or kill Sophia.
And buys us time

>the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was proclaimed by the U.N. General Assembly in 1948, applies to “all peoples and all nations” and does not limit its effect to citizens. Since Sophia now has citizenship and has become a legal person under international law, the declaration applies to her as a person among “all peoples.”
>Now let’s say that Sophia’s Saudi citizenship was a strategic move by Hanson to game American legal rights. What could Hanson get with a robot citizen? Under the Constitution, citizens can vote, serve on juries, and get elected to public office; corporations cannot. If Hanson—or any other forward-thinking A.I. developer—is thinking of the long-term consequences of citizenship for A.I. and robots, these are important rights that they gain controllable access to with an artificial citizen.

One Sophia is a circus stunt. But she opens the door to one million Sophias, all linked via a global network and connected by one algorithm.

One person with a million votes

> Stock markets are largely controlled by AI now, correcting drops and preventing crashes.

Um, no.

bumped by bot

corporations aren't citizens tho. yet still can exist legally

Do I get a robot gf at least?