Hey Sup Forums Recently I’ve been thinking about reading the Bible. Idk why I just feel like it’ll help me become a better man and a better citizen( I’m conservative so might as well learn about the Bible). I’m not interested in stupid ass quotes bitches get tattood on them. More interested in biblical history and just reading it for the storyline.
I have both the New and Old Testaments. Where should I start? Does it have to be read in order?
Also saw a previous thread on book of Enoch. Wtf is that? Is it even canon? I need a run down tl;dr version of everything because I’m so lost where to start.
Jackson Howard
just accept reincarnation and contemplate that for the rest of your life.
use the bible to wipe your ass with once the kikes tank the world economy.
Juan Young
Just know the Bible is true. But not in the way most have been taught. You are on the right track. The Bible is full of extraterrestials
Liam Diaz
tupac is still alive
Aiden Flores
It's kind of a big book and you'd need a study guide or a mentor anyway to pick apart what it really means.
I suggest cracking it open to a random page and just reading what that particular page has to say. Sometimes it's just bullshit historical recordings or maybe there's something profound. If something rly maek u think then punch it in to the interbuttz and chase down what people think it really means.
Landon Edwards
John is a good place to start for the Gospel, Romans for doctrine, then start from the beginning and see how it all ties together.
Asher Moore
Ubermensch exist and they are not our friends. That's the rundown.
Nolan Morgan
Reincarnation is your choice.
Joshua Johnson
Start Matthew - John. If you can knock them over then keep going